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General English Evening Holmes Institute Austrálie | do 10 dnů | do 30 dnů


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Excel a umělá inteligence - AbecedaPC
Kurz Excel a umělá inteligence probíhá v malé skupině účastníků. Kurzu Excel a umělá inteligence se účastní maximálně 8 osob.




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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: General English Evening Holmes Institute Austrálie - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]

Hledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: General English Evening Holmes Institute Austrálie

Počet nalezených kurzů : 76

Kurzy : << | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8| >>

Procurement basics [in english] # pro Základy nákupu

We will cover 8 topics 90 minutes each, illustrated on a real life examples. Day ONE: I. Procurement process and roles, II. Category matrices and generic strategies, III. Designing a category strategy, IV. Total cost of ownership, Day TWO: V. Contracting and relationship management, VI. Developing procurement skills and capabilities, VII. Performance management, VIII. Tricks and manipulation buyers face ...

Using english correctly in Business correspondence

Pro všechny úrovně. Určeno pro Vedoucí pracovníci útvaru interního auditu, metodici útvaru interního auditu, ale také další zaměstnanci útvaru interního auditu. Cíl semináře Získání jistoty v anglické korespondenci a komunikaci. Obsah semináře eznámení s typizovanými příklady oficiální korespondence. Obeznámení se nejen s jazykovými, ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - Český institut interních auditorů, z.s.


Media Training in english Programme pro minimálně 4 přihlášené účastníky v otevřeném kurzu nebo individuálně dle dohody, na zakázku (cena dle zakázky) DOTAZ NA Lektor kurzu : )(window,document, - - static.hotjar.com - c - hotjar- , .js?sv= ODBĚR NOVINEK ODBĚR NOVINEK Přihlaste se k newsletteru. Odesláním souhlasíte se zpracováním osobních údajů . $( #antispam_newsletter ).val( 456da46ad ZAVOLÁME VÁM ZAVOLÁME VÁM Váš TELEFON pro RYCHLÝ KONTAKT Odesláním souhlasíte se ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - AHA PR Agency, s.r.o.

US GAAP in english

While primarily aimed at subsidiaries of American companies, the seminar is also helpful for European companies that have established, or plan to establish, a US subsidiary. Because the US does not have an accounting directive similar to the EU, businesses do not generally need to deal with GAAP until their turnover exceeds set limits or they list securities on a US exchange (assuming they do not apply the SEC’s foreign private issuer exemption). This seminar is also useful for owners of European companies contemplating a trade sale. Obviously, an EU based company is not required apply GAAP. Nevertheless, as the final price in such a sale is often derived from reported financial results, it is reasonable to present those results not only in a form that a US investor will immediately understand, but also in the best light possible as allowed by GAAP. In addition to key topics such as revenue, leasing or fair value, the seminar also addresses issues such as goodwill, contingent * ? introduction to US GAAP, ? recognition, measurement, disclosure, ? fair value, ? cash and short-term investments (basics), ? receivables: contract assets, revenue recognition (amount), examples, ? Inventory: recognition, measurement, examples, revenue recognition (timing), ? accruals, ? PP&E: recognition, measurement, useful life and depreciation, ? intangible assets: recognition, measurement, goodwill, ? leasing, ? liabilities, ? equity, ? income statement, revenue recognition (services and POC), ? impairment. ...

Podobný kurz    = podobný kurz, školení a/nebo seminář

IFRS in english

Most companies apply IFRS because they are subsidiaries in a group whose securities trade on a regulated, EU market. In addition, many EU member states require legal entities to apply national standards, a.k.a. national GAAP, for statutory accounting and - or taxation purposes. Combining the two can be a challenge. For example, while national GAAPs often define chart of accounts, IFRS does not. More importantly, while national GAAPs are often driven by the legal form of transactions, contracts and agreements, IFRS only considers their economic substance. For example, while operating leases have disappeared from IFRS, they are still recognized by many national GAAPs. IFRS can also be changing to interpret. For example, rather than goods and services, IFRS 15 recognizes revenue associated with performance obligations. Also, instead of recognizing revenue when earned and realized, it requires companies to follow its five steps. To help practitioners navigate the guidance, besides a * ? introduction to IFRS, ? recognition, measurement, disclosure, ? fair value, ? cash and short-term investments (basics), ? receivables: contract assets, revenue recognition (amount), examples, ? Inventory: recognition, measurement, examples, revenue recognition (timing), ? accruals, ? PP&E: recognition, measurement, useful life and depreciation, ? intangible assets: recognition, measurement, goodwill, ? leasing, ? liabilities, ? equity, ? income statement, revenue recognition (services and POC), ? impairment. ...

Podobný kurz    = podobný kurz, školení a/nebo seminář

IFRS in english

Most companies apply IFRS because they are subsidiaries in a group whose securities trade on a regulated, EU market. In addition, many EU member states require legal entities to apply national standards, a.k.a. national GAAP, for statutory accounting and - or taxation purposes. Combining the two can be a challenge. For example, while national GAAPs often define chart of accounts, IFRS does not. More importantly, while national GAAPs are often driven by the legal form of transactions, contracts and agreements, IFRS only considers their economic substance. For example, while operating leases have disappeared from IFRS, they are still recognized by many national GAAPs. IFRS can also be changing to interpret. For example, rather than goods and services, IFRS 15 recognizes revenue associated with performance obligations. Also, instead of recognizing revenue when earned and realized, it requires companies to follow its five steps. To help practitioners navigate the guidance, besides a * ? introduction to IFRS, ? recognition, measurement, disclosure, ? fair value, ? cash and short-term investments (basics), ? receivables: contract assets, revenue recognition (amount), examples, ? Inventory: recognition, measurement, examples, revenue recognition (timing), ? accruals, ? PP&E: recognition, measurement, useful life and depreciation, ? intangible assets: recognition, measurement, goodwill, ? leasing, ? liabilities, ? equity, ? income statement, revenue recognition (services and POC), ? impairment. ...

US GAAP in english

While primarily aimed at subsidiaries of American companies, the seminar is also helpful for European companies that have established, or plan to establish, a US subsidiary. Because the US does not have an accounting directive similar to the EU, businesses do not generally need to deal with GAAP until their turnover exceeds set limits or they list securities on a US exchange (assuming they do not apply the SEC’s foreign private issuer exemption). This seminar is also useful for owners of European companies contemplating a trade sale. Obviously, an EU based company is not required apply GAAP. Nevertheless, as the final price in such a sale is often derived from reported financial results, it is reasonable to present those results not only in a form that a US investor will immediately understand, but also in the best light possible as allowed by GAAP. In addition to key topics such as revenue, leasing or fair value, the seminar also addresses issues such as goodwill, contingent * ? introduction to US GAAP, ? recognition, measurement, disclosure, ? fair value, ? cash and short-term investments (basics), ? receivables: contract assets, revenue recognition (amount), examples, ? Inventory: recognition, measurement, examples, revenue recognition (timing), ? accruals, ? PP&E: recognition, measurement, useful life and depreciation, ? intangible assets: recognition, measurement, goodwill, ? leasing, ? liabilities, ? equity, ? income statement, revenue recognition (services and POC), ? impairment. ...


Počet nalezených kurzů : 76

Kurzy : << | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8| >>
Zobrazit jako: Table Tabulka termínů kurzů (General English Evening Holmes Institute Austrálie)

Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 76

Nenašli jste kurz? Zkuste zadat jednoduché klíčové slovo, nezadávejte frázi nebo skloňování a zkontrolujte diakritiku
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| genera| englis| evenin| holme| institu| austral
  • Hledáno: General English Evening Holmes Institute Austrálie - kurz musí obsahovat všechna hledaná slova
  • Vyzkoušejte také: nové hledání kurzu: General English Evening Holmes Institute Austrálie - můžete vybrat kurz General English Evening Holmes Institute Austrálie - podle regionu, akreditace a nebo termínu školení: General English Evening Holmes Institute Austrálie [NEW]


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    Nalezeno celkem : 34 zpráv | aktualizace každou hodinu



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