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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: OR ex210 OR red OR hat OR certifi OR speciali OR cloud - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: OR ex210 OR red OR hat OR certifi OR speciali OR cloudDalší kurzy a školení : Red Hat Certified Engineer Exam
| Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RH
| Red Hat Deployment, Virtualization and Systems Man
| Red Hat Enterprise Deployment, Virtualization and
| Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Solaris Administrator
| Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
| Red Hat Linux System Administration + RHCT
| Zkouška Red Hat Certified System Administrator
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Solaris Administrators Red Hat Enterprise Deployment, Virtualization and Systems Management Zkouška Red Hat Certified System Administrator Hledáno ve školících firmách: OR ex210 OR red OR hat OR certifi OR speciali OR cloudAbecedaPC (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Oblastní spolek Českého červeného kříže Brno (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Outward Bound - Česká cesta, spol. s r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Modrá linka -Centrum pro vzdělávání a supervizi (odkaz na termíny kurzů) AM Solvo (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Floristické kurzy s.r.o. - Mgr. Renáta Steinová (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Ludmila Novotná, vzdělávací agentura PROFESIM (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Jan Jílek (odkaz na termíny kurzů) technology-support s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) AMOS Software, spol. s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) XANADU a.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Trask solutions (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Informační centrum ARK, spol. s r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Computer Agency o.p.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Centrum služeb pro podnikání s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) DataScript s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Callida, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Moravec Consulting (odkaz na termíny kurzů) ISO-Chmelík (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Court of Moravia (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Tao Centrum (odkaz na termíny kurzů) JISAM s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Bogart&Company Czech Republic, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Vzdělávací centrum Jana Knittlová (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Top Vision (odkaz na termíny kurzů) DOMESTICA - kurzy s. r. o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Institut Franka Dysona s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) ParCon Partner, v. o. s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) PC-DIR Real, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Skype Learning (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Yacht Charter Marten - MARTIN JUREČKA (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Blueadventure (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Ateliér krásy Kateřiny Schlosserové (odkaz na termíny kurzů) David Solnař (odkaz na termíny kurzů) AHA PR Agency, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) ALTUS Training Center, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) New Impuls, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Barový institut (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Mgr. Pavla Korbelová - AGENTURKA (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Threshold Training Associates - jazyková škola (odkaz na termíny kurzů) JUBELA, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) EduGate s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Compekon s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) VIVIA s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Vzdělávací centrum a Dluhová poradna (odkaz na termíny kurzů) 1. VOX s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Euforie (odkaz na termíny kurzů) STUDIO HEDIS (odkaz na termíny kurzů) 1.ČESKÁ BARMANSKÁ AKADEMIE-MILOŠ TRETTER, Praha (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Kadeřnictví Antil - školící a vzdělávací centrum Turnov (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Giftisimo -ARNB s.r.o (odkaz na termíny kurzů) PM Consulting s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Kočka s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Security System (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Kreativní kurzy - Radka Křivánková (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Pracujte na počítači EFEKTIVNĚ! (odkaz na termíny kurzů) BETONCONSULT, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) INSTITUT INPRO, a.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Škola manažerského rozvoje s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) BALIC,s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) H1.cz s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) CGS Praha (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Agentura BOVA - RNDr. Ivana Hexnerová (odkaz na termíny kurzů) TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Skoleni, coaching, krizovy management (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Stephen P. Smyrk/Gaudium Casino Training Schools and Services (odkaz na termíny kurzů) PLATIL.CZ (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Středisko vzdělávání s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Hubbardova akademie administrativy (odkaz na termíny kurzů) COVERMEDIA (odkaz na termíny kurzů) GOOD IDEAS (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Vzdělávací studio Argos - Kurzy stříhání a kosmetická úprava psů (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Applaus Média, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) TRIESTE,a.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) InAkademia s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Asociace inkasních agentur (odkaz na termíny kurzů) ROSMARINO květinový ateliér (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Kvintech solution, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) QuickCode s. r. o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) 3E Praha Engineering, a.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Hvězda - vzdělávací studio (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Vzdělávací centrum CREATIS (odkaz na termíny kurzů) SCOMP (odkaz na termíny kurzů) INTERQUALITY, spol. s r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Everesta, s.r.o (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Kurzy Krupiérů (odkaz na termíny kurzů) APAS Akademie osobního rozvoje, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Ájurvéda centrum Praha (odkaz na termíny kurzů) The nail shop - Mgr. Zdenka Hubinková (odkaz na termíny kurzů) 3D Salon (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Ateliéry Trynity - Vzdělávací a poradenské centrum (odkaz na termíny kurzů) NICOM, a.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) DATRON, a.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Educat s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Český institut interních auditorů, z.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Mgr. Martina Přichystalová (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Psychoterapeutické centrum Gaudia (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Centrum pro kulturní a sociální studie z.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) JAN KALODA - MOTOROVÉ MANIPULAČNÍ VOZÍKY (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Complet logistic s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) DIGI Akademie, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Akora, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) NašeÚkoly.CZ (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Ing. Luboš Kavec (odkaz na termíny kurzů) REENGINE (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Mgr. Marie Dvořáková (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Aqua Ventus Academy (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Fučík&partneři, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) IPI s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Magnetic Nail Academy (odkaz na termíny kurzů) KURZY SPRINT (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Coneo, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Kosmetická škola Evolution Beauty Institute (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Samouk (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Welko Team s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) HelpMark - školení SEO, internetový marketing, webdesign (odkaz na termíny kurzů) TYRKYS, škola kultury podnikání v cestovním ruchu, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) EDUX (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Verification 4 Systems Ltd. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) FreeStyle (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Kurzy aranžování květin Centaurea (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Anzen s.r.o. - školící centrum (odkaz na termíny kurzů) ICT Pro s.r.o. – Kurzy, školení, konzultace ICT a Soft Skills (odkaz na termíny kurzů) TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) QC Group, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) SCC Partner, spol. s r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) MANOV s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) GIScom (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Aliaves Co., a.s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Emergence (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Aldea, vzdělávací agentura (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Controller Institut (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Aktivní život od A do Z (odkaz na termíny kurzů) PIROS Czech s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Školicí středisko ADMIS s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) PYROKONTROL trading consulting (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Legendor (odkaz na termíny kurzů) OKstep s r.o.- design studio (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Ing. Zdeněk Novák (odkaz na termíny kurzů) SEMIS spol. s r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Svěřenské fondy a trusty s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Trenérská škola Ikaros (odkaz na termíny kurzů) EMPLA spol. s r. o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Sluneční zátoka (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Školička Happi kyds Brno (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Mgr. Lucie Brožková (odkaz na termíny kurzů) MOTRAN Research, s. r. o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Hacking kurzy hackerlab (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Počítačová služba s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Informa-středisko vzdělávání, České Budějovice (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Akademie Literárních novin (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Centrum vzdělávání CML plus s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) SOVA STUDIO (odkaz na termíny kurzů) LŠF Liberec, s. r. o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Petr Otáhal, a. s. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Mgr. Jakub Vlach (odkaz na termíny kurzů) TCC, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) DNV GL Business Assurance Czech Republic s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Systemický institut, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Institut zdravého životního stylu s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) CJ DESIGN (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Karla Wallerová - REDOS (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Centrum systemiky a NLP s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) KUPROG CZ s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) JáNěkdo.CZ (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Herecká škola Neklid (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Intellego - vzdělávací agentura (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Prostor pro rodinu (odkaz na termíny kurzů) BM Servis s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Instand,z.ú. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) KUSTOD (odkaz na termíny kurzů) M.E.D.I.C.A. permanent care s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Rekval, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Oxford House (odkaz na termíny kurzů) INSTITUT TRANSFORMAČNÍ PSYCHOLOGIE®s.r.o., Mgr. Bc. Barbora Studená (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Vzdělávací centrum Pochopim (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Tattoo Club (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Ing. Hana Havlátová (odkaz na termíny kurzů) MV studio (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Akademie Light (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Celesta Praha, z. ú. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) MILCON (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Jak si sestavit Rodokmen (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Agentura Salvia, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Kurzy 3D vizualizace - CG.academy (odkaz na termíny kurzů) IVEX [Praha] (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Moderní škola češtiny a komunikace (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Ateliér Hamaka (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Zubní středisko u Karoliny (odkaz na termíny kurzů) EGALITÉ, spol. s r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Hledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: OR ex210 OR red OR hat OR certifi OR speciali OR cloudPočet nalezených kurzů : 2830 EX210 - red hat certified specialist in cloud Infrastructure ExamStudy points for the exam red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. Candidates for the RHCSA in red hat OpenStack should be able to perform the following tasks: Install and configure red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Manage users Manage projects Manage flavors Manage roles Set quotas Manage images Configure images at instantiation Add additional compute nodes Manage Swift storage Manage networking Manage Cinder storage * System administrators who want to demonstrate their use of red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform skills. red hat certified Engineers (RHcE) who wish to pursue red hat certified Architect (RHCA). Study points for the exam red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. Candidates for the RHCSA in red hat OpenStack should be able to perform the following tasks: Install and configure red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Manage users Manage projects Manage flavors Manage roles Set quotas Manage images Configure images at instantiation Add additional compute nodes Manage Swift storage Manage networking Manage Cinder storage Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from red hat certification Central. red hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. red hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Be RHCSA or have comparable work experience and skills (RHcE would be even better). Have taken the red hat OpenStack Administration (CL210) course or have comparable work experience using red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform. Review the RHCSA in red hat OpenStack exam (ex210) objectives. Recommended courses CL210 - red hat OpenStack Administration II: Infrastructure Configuration for cloud Administrators ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX210K - red hat certified specialist in cloud Infrastructure ExamStudy points for the exam red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. Candidates for the RHCSA in red hat OpenStack should be able to perform the following tasks: Install and configure red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Manage users Manage projects Manage flavors Manage roles Set quotas Manage images Configure images at instantiation Add additional compute nodes Manage Swift storage Manage networking Manage Cinder storage * System administrators who want to demonstrate their use of red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform skills. red hat certified Engineers (RHcE) who wish to pursue red hat certified Architect (RHCA). Study points for the exam red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. Candidates for the RHCSA in red hat OpenStack should be able to perform the following tasks: Install and configure red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Manage users Manage projects Manage flavors Manage roles Set quotas Manage images Configure images at instantiation Add additional compute nodes Manage Swift storage Manage networking Manage Cinder storage Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from red hat certification Central. red hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. red hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Be RHCSA or have comparable work experience and skills (RHcE would be even better). Have taken the red hat OpenStack Administration (CL210) course or have comparable work experience using red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform. Review the RHCSA in red hat OpenStack exam (ex210) objectives. Recommended courses CL210 - red hat OpenStack Administration II: Infrastructure Configuration for cloud Administrators ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX210 - red hat certified System Administrator in red hat OpenStack ExamStudy points for the exam red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. Candidates for the RHCSA in red hat OpenStack should be able to perform the following tasks: Install and configure red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Manage users Manage projects Manage flavors Manage roles Set quotas Manage images Configure images at instantiation Add additional compute nodes Manage Swift storage Manage networking Manage Cinder storage * System administrators who want to demonstrate their use of red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform skills. red hat certified Engineers (RHcE) who wish to pursue red hat certified Architect (RHCA). Study points for the exam red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. Candidates for the RHCSA in red hat OpenStack should be able to perform the following tasks: Install and configure red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Manage users Manage projects Manage flavors Manage roles Set quotas Manage images Configure images at instantiation Add additional compute nodes Manage Swift storage Manage networking Manage Cinder storage Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from red hat certification Central. red hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. red hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Be RHCSA or have comparable work experience and skills (RHcE would be even better). Have taken the red hat OpenStack Administration (CL210) course or have comparable work experience using red hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform. Review the RHCSA in red hat OpenStack exam (ex210) objectives. Recommended courses CL210 - red hat OpenStack Administration II: Infrastructure Configuration for cloud Administrators ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX236 - red hat certified specialist in cloud StorageStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Install red hat Storage Server on both physical and virtual systems and work with existing red hat Storage Server appliances Configure a red hat Storage Server storage pool Create individual storage bricks on either physical devices or logical volumes Create various red hat Storage Server volumes such as: Distributed Replicated Distributed-replicated Stripe-replicated Distributed-striped Distributed-striped-replicated • Format the volumes with an appropriate file system Create red hat Storage Server volume snapshots Extend existing storage volumes by adding additional bricks and performing appropriate rebalancing operations * The following audiences may be interested in earning the red hat certificate of Expertise in Hybrid cloud Storage: System administrators, architects, and others who need to demonstrate their skills, knowledge, and ability in using red hat Storage Server RHCEs interested in pursuing red hat certified Architect (RHCA) Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Install red hat Storage Server on both physical and virtual systems and work with existing red hat Storage Server appliances Configure a red hat Storage Server storage pool Create individual storage bricks on either physical devices or logical volumes Create various red hat Storage Server volumes such as: Distributed Replicated Distributed-replicated Stripe-replicated Distributed-striped Distributed-striped-replicated • Format the volumes with an appropriate file system Create red hat Storage Server volume snapshots Extend existing storage volumes by adding additional bricks and performing appropriate rebalancing operations Configure clients to use red hat Storage Server appliance volumes using native and network file systems (NFS) Configure clients to use red hat Storage Server appliance volumes using SMB Configure red hat Storage Server features including disk quotas and POSIX access control lists (ACLs) Configure IP failover for NFS-and SMB-based cluster services Configure geo-replication services Configure unified object storage Configure red hat Storage Server to support Hadoop Troubleshoot red hat Storage Server problems Monitor red hat Storage Server workloads Perform red hat Storage Server management tasks such as tuning volume options, volume migration, stopping and deleting volumes, and configuring server-side quorum As with all red hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from red hat certification Central. red hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. red hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Exam candidates should: Be a red hat certified System Administrator (RHCSA) or have comparable work experience and skills. Have taken the red hat Gluster Storage Administration (RH236) course or have work experience using red hat Gluster Storage. Recommended course RH236 - R ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX236 - red hat certified specialist in cloud StorageStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Install red hat Storage Server on both physical and virtual systems and work with existing red hat Storage Server appliances Configure a red hat Storage Server storage pool Create individual storage bricks on either physical devices or logical volumes Create various red hat Storage Server volumes such as: Distributed Replicated Distributed-replicated Stripe-replicated Distributed-striped Distributed-striped-replicated • Format the volumes with an appropriate file system Create red hat Storage Server volume snapshots Extend existing storage volumes by adding additional bricks and performing appropriate rebalancing operations * The following audiences may be interested in earning the red hat certificate of Expertise in Hybrid cloud Storage: System administrators, architects, and others who need to demonstrate their skills, knowledge, and ability in using red hat Storage Server RHCEs interested in pursuing red hat certified Architect (RHCA) Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Install red hat Storage Server on both physical and virtual systems and work with existing red hat Storage Server appliances Configure a red hat Storage Server storage pool Create individual storage bricks on either physical devices or logical volumes Create various red hat Storage Server volumes such as: Distributed Replicated Distributed-replicated Stripe-replicated Distributed-striped Distributed-striped-replicated • Format the volumes with an appropriate file system Create red hat Storage Server volume snapshots Extend existing storage volumes by adding additional bricks and performing appropriate rebalancing operations Configure clients to use red hat Storage Server appliance volumes using native and network file systems (NFS) Configure clients to use red hat Storage Server appliance volumes using SMB Configure red hat Storage Server features including disk quotas and POSIX access control lists (ACLs) Configure IP failover for NFS-and SMB-based cluster services Configure geo-replication services Configure unified object storage Configure red hat Storage Server to support Hadoop Troubleshoot red hat Storage Server problems Monitor red hat Storage Server workloads Perform red hat Storage Server management tasks such as tuning volume options, volume migration, stopping and deleting volumes, and configuring server-side quorum As with all red hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from red hat certification Central. red hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. red hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Exam candidates should: Be a red hat certified System Administrator (RHCSA) or have comparable work experience and skills. Have taken the red hat Gluster Storage Administration (RH236) course or have work experience using red hat Gluster Storage. Recommended course RH236 - R ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX260 - red hat certified specialist in Ceph cloud Storage examThese audiences may be interested in becoming a red hat certified specialist in Ceph Storage Administration: red hat certified Engineers who wish to pursue red hat certified Architect (RHCA) System administrators who want to demonstrate the ability to configure red hat Ceph Storage clusters cloud administrators who need to configure red hat ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX260K - red hat certified specialist in Ceph cloud Storage examThese audiences may be interested in becoming a red hat certified specialist in Ceph Storage Administration: red hat certified Engineers who wish to pursue red hat certified Architect (RHCA) System administrators who want to demonstrate the ability to configure red hat Ceph Storage clusters cloud administrators who need to configure red hat ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX342 - red hat certificate of Expertise in red hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and TroubleshootingStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the red hat certificate of Expertise in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting should be able to: Understand and employ general methods for troubleshooting Collect system information to aid in troubleshooting Consult documentation resources to aid in troubleshooting Monitor systems for vital characteristics Configure systems to send log messages to a centralized host Diagnose and troubleshoot system start up issues Identify and resolve service failures affecting boot Regain root control of a system Troubleshoot boot issues Identify hardware and hardware problems Manage kernel modules and their parameters [l * The following audiences may be interested in earning the red hat certificate of Expertise in red hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting: System administrators who manage red hat Enterprise Linux systems System administrators who wish to demonstrate problem solving and analysis skills A red hat certified Engineer (RHCE) interested in earning a red hat certificate of Expertise or RHCA credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. red hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the red hat certificate of Expertise in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting should be able to: Understand and employ general methods for troubleshooting Collect system information to aid in troubleshooting Consult documentation resources to aid in troubleshooting Monitor systems for vital characteristics Configure systems to send log messages to a centralized host Diagnose and troubleshoot system start up issues Identify and resolve service failures affecting boot Regain root control of a system Troubleshoot boot issues Identify hardware and hardware problems Manage kernel modules and their parameters Diagnose and troubleshoot file system issues Recover corrupted file systems Recover mis-configured or broken LVM configurations Recover data from encrypted file systems Identify and fix iSCSI issues Resolve package management issues Resolve package management dependency issues Recover a corrupted RPM database Identify and restore changed files Troubleshoot and fix network connectivity issues Use standard tools to verify network connectivity Identify and fix network connectivity issues Inspect network traffic to aid troubleshooting Diagnose application issues Identify library dependencies for third-party software Identify if an application suffers from memory leaks Use standard tools to debug an application Identify and fix issues related to SELinux Identify and fix authentication issues Identify and fix pluggable authentication module (PAM) issues Identify and fix LDAP and Kerberos identity management issues Gather information to aid third party investigation of issues Create kernel crashdumps Compile and execute SystemTap modules Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from red hat certification Central. red hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX310 - red hat certified Engineer in red hat OpenStack Platform Examfor this exam The following audiences may be interested in earning the red hat certified Engineer in red hat OpenStack: Experienced OpenStack system administrators responsible for the planning or deployment of red hat Ceph Storage as a back end for OpenStack An RHCSA in red hat OpenStack interested in earning a red hat certified Engineer (R ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX310 - red hat certified Engineer in red hat OpenStack Platform Examfor this exam The following audiences may be interested in earning the red hat certified Engineer in red hat OpenStack: Experienced OpenStack system administrators responsible for the planning or deployment of red hat Ceph Storage as a back end for OpenStack An RHCSA in red hat OpenStack interested in earning a red hat certified Engineer ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Počet nalezených kurzů : 2830
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 2830
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