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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: ad466 - hledá všechna klíčová slova [AND]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: ad466Nenalezeno # ad466Hledáno ve školících firmách: ad466Hledáno v popisu kurzu/školení: ad466Zobrazit jako:
EX465 - Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Business Rules examStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. This course is a combination of Authoring Rules with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (AD461) and Developing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (AD463) Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Designing Business Rules Creating and using an intermediate drools model with associated facts Organizing rules and managing facts Understanding and using effective rule design patterns Authoring Basic rulesCalendars Decision tables Rule templates DSL Conflict Resolution Prioritizing and ordering rule execution Grouping rules Using rule flow groups Session Management Building common object Stateless kie session St * Experienced enterprise Java developers who are familiar with service-oriented architecture (SOA) principles and JBoss ESB Enterprise SOA architects with some Java development experience and knowledge of JBoss ESB Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. This course is a combination of Authoring Rules with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (AD461) and Developing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (AD463) Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Designing Business Rules Creating and using an intermediate drools model with associated facts Organizing rules and managing facts Understanding and using effective rule design patterns Authoring Basic rulesCalendars Decision tables Rule templates DSL Conflict Resolution Prioritizing and ordering rule execution Grouping rules Using rule flow groups Session Management Building common object Stateless kie session Stateful kie session Adding, removing and updating facts Testing and Maintenance Creating effective test scenarios Identifying potential issues including poorly designed rules Performance Understanding the impacts of different rule designs and implementations Identifying and avoiding common, inefficient results such as cartesian products Administration Deploying and managing rules Creating and using snapshots Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites There are no prerequisites to take this exam but it is recommended that an individual take Implementing Red Hat JBoss BRMS (AD465) . Recommended courses AD465 - Implementing Red Hat JBoss BRMS ...
AD465 - Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Implementing with Red Hat ® JBoss ® BRMS combines content from both Authoring Rules with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (AD461) and Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (AD463). It teaches business analysts, rule developers, and Java ™ enterprise application developers how to create, test, debug, and control business rules. Students are given detailed, hands-on exercises using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat JBoss BRMS that are designed to let students create and manage busi ...
AD466 - Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS with examThe Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS with exam (JB466) bundle is a combination of the following: Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB465) course Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Business Rules exam (EX465) ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 3
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 3
Nenašli jste kurz? Zkuste zadat jednoduché klíčové slovo, nezadávejte frázi nebo skloňování a zkontrolujte diakritiku
| ad46 Nenašli jste kurz, školení, studium a/nebo seminář?Pošlete nám nezávaznou poptávku po školení a nebo kurzu a my ji zveřejníme na stránkách serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu. Možnost odpovědět na danou poptávku mají pouze
registrované školící firmy na serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu .
[Rekvalifikační kurzy, školení] Novinky z oblasti vzdělávacích kurzů a školení
Novinky z oblasti vzdělávacích kurzů a školení [NEWS]
Nové rekvalifikační vzdělávací kurzy a školení [FIRST MINUTE] Poslední hledané kurzy a/nebo školenípaspartování , specifi kontakt komunika , instalater , instalater , instalater , Kuchař/kuchařka studené , sanitářský-kurz-teplice , sanitářský kurz teplice , školení kotle atmos , rekvalifikační kurz vychovatelka družinářka , účetnictví příspěvkové organizace , zemědělské minimum , specifi kontakt komunika , specifi kontakt komunika , pedagogické minimum , strojničák na bagr , 9 5 2025 , 9.5.2025 , OR vodo topo plyn OR instalater , vodo topo plyn OR instalater , rekvalifikace bez maturity , paličský průkaz , paličský průkaz , asistent pedagoga Olomouc , Kombinovaný kurz Asistent , specifi kontakt komunika , specifi kontakt komunika , elkonin , průvodčí ve vlaku , průvodčí ve vlaku , pedagogické minimum pro mateřské školy , Kombinovaný kurz Asistent , OR asistent pedagoga břeclav OR jihomoravský , OR asistent pedagoga břeclav OR jihomoravský , rekvalifikace-geodet , dále viz: statistika | Náhodně hledané školení ^ |