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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: business architekt - hledá všechna klíčová slova [AND]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: business architektDalší kurzy a školení : Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing
| Business Intelligence a Data Warehousing
| Business Process Modeling
| Business networking
| Bydlení, architektura, design
| Lepení folií v architektuře na okna a rovné sklo
| Občanské právo Obchodní právo Stavebnictví, architektura
| Osobní a business styl, barevná typologie
| Stavebnictví, architektura
| Stavebnictví, architektura Controlling
| Stavebnictví, architektura Konference a veletrhy
| Stavebnictví, architektura Občanské právo
| Série přednášek o tradiční a moderní architektuře
| Výtvarné umění a architektura od klasicismu po mod
| Výtvarné umění a architektura od pravěku po baroko
| Školení Revit Architecture základní je určeno pro architekty a stavební inženýry, kteří začínají pra
osobní a business styl, barevná typologie Stavebnictví, architektura Stavebnictví, architektura Konference a veletrhy Konference a veletrhy Stavebnictví, architektura Výtvarné umění, Architektura Občanské právo Obchodní právo Stavebnictví, architektura Stavebnictví, architektura Controlling Stavebnictví, architektura Občanské právo Školení Revit Architecture základní je určeno pro architekty a stavební inženýry, kteří začínají pracovat s programem Revit Architecture. Posluchači školení Revit Architecture základní porozumí principu práce s informačním modelem budovy, seznámí se lepení folií v architektuře na okna a rovné sklo Bytová architektura výtvarné umění a architektura od pravěku po baroko výtvarné umění a architektura od klasicismu po mod Hledáno ve školících firmách: business architektKurzy 3D vizualizace - CG.academy (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Ateliér krásy Kateřiny Schlosserové (odkaz na termíny kurzů) DNV GL Business Assurance Czech Republic s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) OBCHODNÍ INSTITUT (odkaz na termíny kurzů) 2M Business systems (odkaz na termíny kurzů) AHA PR Agency, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) AbecedaPC (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Trask solutions (odkaz na termíny kurzů) BETONCONSULT, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů) REENGINE (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Hledáno v popisu kurzu/školení: business architektZobrazit jako:
Tabulka termínů kurzů (business architekt) Počet nalezených kurzů : 100 JEE Business ComponentsTvorba komponent obchodní logiky na platformě JEE. Komponenty EJB (Session, Entity, Message Driven). ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
AspectWorks, s.r.o.
Úvod do BPMNÚčastníci kursu se naučí využívat Business Process Modeling Notation - globální standard v modelování obchodních procesů. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
AspectWorks, s.r.o.
EX318 - Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RHCVA) ExamStudy points for the exam Although the objective of this exam is to test the ability to use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to implement Linux virtual systems, it is not a test of system administration skills. Red Hat does recommend prior Linux systems administration experience. You should be able to perform the following tasks: Install Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager and any dependencies Use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to: Create datacenters and clusters Manage hypervisor hosts Configure storage Create Red Hat Enterprise Linux Develop pools and templates Set up Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager users Install and configure a Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor to support guests and attach to a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Import installation media for creating new virtual machines Perform management tasks, such as collecting logs, creating bookmar * System administrators using or planning to use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization RHCEs interested in pursuing Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) Study points for the exam Although the objective of this exam is to test the ability to use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to implement Linux virtual systems, it is not a test of system administration skills. Red Hat does recommend prior Linux systems administration experience. You should be able to perform the following tasks: Install Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager and any dependencies Use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to: Create datacenters and clusters Manage hypervisor hosts Configure storage Create Red Hat Enterprise Linux Develop pools and templates Set up Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager users Install and configure a Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor to support guests and attach to a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Import installation media for creating new virtual machines Perform management tasks, such as collecting logs, creating bookmarks for specific events, and more As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must be persistent across reboots. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Experience using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Experience using and installing software on Windows Experience using VNC to view remote desktops Read the RHCVA exam objectives for more information on skills requirements. Recommended course RH318 - Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EXPANDUJTE POMOCÍ FRANCHISINGU! 22.3.2012Máte dobrý podnikatelský koncept a přemýšlíte o jeho rozšíření? • Chcete ušetřit čas a vyhnout se zbytečným rizikům se sháněním prostor, financí a zaměstnanců? • Pak je pro Vás franchising tou správnou odpovědí! • Udělejte první krok a zúčastnűte se franchisingového workshopu. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
Moravec Consulting
Principy grafického návrhu reportů a dashboardů ... Aplikace poznatků kognitivní psychologie při návrhu designu a ergonomie informacíPopis Školení je zaměřeno na principy návrhu grafického vzhledu reportů a dashboardů tak, aby byly požadované informace komunikovány co nejefektivněji. Základem školení jsou poznatky z kognitivní psychologie a dlouholeté zkušenosti s implementací řešení Business Intelligence a reportingu pro klienty z oblasti bankovnictví, telekomunikací, retailu a dalších odvětví. Účastníci budou seznámeni jak s teoretickými principy grafické komunikace informací, tak s jejich praktickým využitím – například optimálním rozložením informací v reportech a dashboardech, vhodnosti jednotlivých grafických prvků pro různé typy informací, správným designem tabulek a grafů a podobně. Jednoduše řečeno dozvíte se, jak zařídit, aby si uživatel reportu, odnesl přesně tu informaci, kterou jste mu chtěli sdělit, případně kterou on očekává. Důvody proč se zabývat designem informací, jeho historie a vývoj. Základy kognitivní psychologie ve vztahu k reportingu a analýze dat. Aplikace základů kognitivní psychologie při návrhu reportů a dashboardů. Zásady výběru správných komponent pro zobrazování dat (tabulky - grafy). Design tabulek. Výběr a design grafů. Design dashboardů. Na tento seminář navazuje semináře Design reportů a dashboardů v praktických příkladech, který se koná 21.6.2018. Navazující kurz je koncipován jako pokračování, ale s daleko menším rozsahem teorie, která je hlavní náplní kurzu Principy grafického návrhu reportů a dashboardů. Navazující workshop probíhá tak, že lektor vysvětlí určitou techniku a její používání, pak účastníky rozdělí do skupin a zadá úkol, který je třeba vizualizovat. Následně bude každá skupina prezentovat své řešení a zhodnotí se jeho klady a zápory a lektor ukáže své návrhy. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
Controller Institut
EX236 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Cloud StorageStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Install Red Hat Storage Server on both physical and virtual systems and work with existing Red Hat Storage Server appliances Configure a Red Hat Storage Server storage pool Create individual storage bricks on either physical devices or logical volumes Create various Red Hat Storage Server volumes such as: Distributed Replicated Distributed-replicated Stripe-replicated Distributed-striped Distributed-striped-replicated • Format the volumes with an appropriate file system Create Red Hat Storage Server volume snapshots Extend existing storage volumes by adding additional bricks and performing appropriate rebalancing operations * The following audiences may be interested in earning the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Hybrid Cloud Storage: System administrators, architects, and others who need to demonstrate their skills, knowledge, and ability in using Red Hat Storage Server RHCEs interested in pursuing Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Install Red Hat Storage Server on both physical and virtual systems and work with existing Red Hat Storage Server appliances Configure a Red Hat Storage Server storage pool Create individual storage bricks on either physical devices or logical volumes Create various Red Hat Storage Server volumes such as: Distributed Replicated Distributed-replicated Stripe-replicated Distributed-striped Distributed-striped-replicated • Format the volumes with an appropriate file system Create Red Hat Storage Server volume snapshots Extend existing storage volumes by adding additional bricks and performing appropriate rebalancing operations Configure clients to use Red Hat Storage Server appliance volumes using native and network file systems (NFS) Configure clients to use Red Hat Storage Server appliance volumes using SMB Configure Red Hat Storage Server features including disk quotas and POSIX access control lists (ACLs) Configure IP failover for NFS-and SMB-based cluster services Configure geo-replication services Configure unified object storage Configure Red Hat Storage Server to support Hadoop Troubleshoot Red Hat Storage Server problems Monitor Red Hat Storage Server workloads Perform Red Hat Storage Server management tasks such as tuning volume options, volume migration, stopping and deleting volumes, and configuring server-side quorum As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Exam candidates should: Be a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) or have comparable work experience and skills. Have taken the Red Hat Gluster Storage Administration (RH236) course or have work experience using Red Hat Gluster Storage. Recommended course RH236 - R ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX413 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Server Security and Hardening ExamStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Server Hardening should be able to perform the following tasks: Identify Red Hat Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and Red Hat Security Advisories (RHSAs) and selectively update systems based on this information Verify package security and validity Identify and employ standards-based practices for configuring file system security, create and use encrypted file systems, tune file system features, and use specific mount options to restrict access to file system volumes Configure default permissions for users and use special file permissions, attributes, and access control lists (ACLs) to control access to files Install a * The following audiences may be interested in earning the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Server Hardening: System administrators responsible for standards-compliant security on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems System administrators responsible for security on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems or who wish to harden systems beyond default configurations RHCEs who wish to ea> Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA). Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Server Hardening should be able to perform the following tasks: Identify Red Hat Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and Red Hat Security Advisories (RHSAs) and selectively update systems based on this information Verify package security and validity Identify and employ standards-based practices for configuring file system security, create and use encrypted file systems, tune file system features, and use specific mount options to restrict access to file system volumes Configure default permissions for users and use special file permissions, attributes, and access control lists (ACLs) to control access to files Install and use intrusion detection capabilities in Red Hat Enterprise Linux to monitor critical system files Manage user account security and user password security Manage system login security using pluggable authentication modules (PAM) Configure console security by disabling features that allow systems to be rebooted or powered off using bootloader passwords Configure system-wide acceptable use notifications Install, configure, and manage identity management services and configure identity management clients Configure remote system logging services, configure system logging, and manage system log files using mechanisms such as log rotation and compression Configure system auditing services and review audit reports Use network scanning tools to identify open network service ports and configure and troubleshoot system firewalling As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Be a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) or have comparable wor ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
JB461 - Authoring Rules with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Authoring Rules with Red Hat® JBoss® BRMS (JB461) introduces the student to the Red Hat JBoss BRMS rules engine and repository. In this course, students lea> how to author and test rules using the graphical user interface of Business Central. Audience Business analysts and enterprise SOA architects who are responsible for creating and adapting business policies Rule authors responsible for authoring and testing rules Java™ EE application dev ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
JB463 - Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB463) teaches rule developers and Java™ enterprise application developers how to create, test, debug, and control business rules, how to generate rules packages, and how the Red Hat JBoss BRMS [business rules management system] runtime environment executes rules. Students will use Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 7 and Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6 to perform detailed, hands-on exercises that enable them to create and manage bu ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
JB465 - Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Implementing with Red Hat® JBoss® BRMS combines content from both Authoring Rules with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB461) and Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB463). It teaches business analysts, rule developers, and Java™ enterprise application developers how to create, test, debug, and control business rules. Students are given detailed, hands-on exercises using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat JBoss BRMS that are designed to let students create ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Počet nalezených kurzů : 100
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 100
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