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Microsoft 365 Outlook a řízení času - AbecedaPC
Kurz Microsoft 365 - Outlook a řízení času probíhá v malé skupině účastníků. Kurzu Microsoft 365 - Outlook a řízení času se účastní maximálně 8 osob.




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SLEVA 10 % na kurz Microsoft PowerPoint – základní kurz - LastMinute' - Praha - - využít slevu lze pouze do 21.2.2025

Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: company - hledá všechna klíčová slova [AND]

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   Bogart&Company Czech Republic, s.r.o.Bogart&Company Czech Republic, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů)

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Počet nalezených kurzů : 19

Kurzy : << | 1 | 2| >>

Marketing technologických produktů a služeb

Chcete úspěšně prodávat a dělat marketing složitých technologií a zařízení směrem k zákazníkům, kteří se o technologické záležitosti nezajímají? Nechte se vést manažerem, který uspěl v korporaci a poté pomohl středně velké české firmě k získání zlaté evropské plakety za marketing inovativních technologií! ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - Bogart&Company Czech Republic, s.r.o.

Application Setup in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 (MOC80049)

This one-and-a-half-day course, Application Setup in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, provides students with the tools to implement and maintain cross-application setup data after the system components are installed. The focus is on the application-oriented work involved in setting up and maintaining company-wide rules, data, and users. * Module 1: Set Up a Company with the RIM Toolkit This module provides individuals in charge of application setup, such as implementation consultants or customer staff, with the tools to set up a new company using the RIM toolkit, in addition to creating new records based on RIM data templates. Lessons Manual Setup vs. RIM, RIM Toolkit Overview, Using the RIM Toolkit, Demonstration: Create a Setup Questionnaire, Demonstration: Initialize a New Company Based on the Setup Questionnaire, Use Data Templates, Migrate Data Module 2: Set Up Number Series This module explains the purpose of number series and how to manually set them up, including how to define number series relationships to use multiple number series on a single number series. Lessons Number Series Module 3: Set Up Journal Templates and Batches This module provides an overview of journal templates and journal batches to explain their purpose and composition. This module also explains how to set up a journal template and demonstrates how to create two journal batches based on one journal template. Lessons Journal Templates, Batches, and Lines, Create Journal Templates and Batches Module 4: Set Up Posting Groups In this module, the three types of posting groups are described and set up, and then the functions of a posting group structure are demonstrated using a posted sales invoice. Lessons Specific Posting Groups, General Posting Groups, General Posting Setup, VAT Posting Groups, VAT Posting Setup, Additional VAT Posting Setup, Procedure: Determine Posting Groups, Demonstration: Post and Review a Sales Transaction Module 5: Set Up Dimensions In this module, all aspects of dimensions are defined and set up, including Dimension Values, Dimension Combinations, Default Dimensions, and Default Dimension Priority. Lessons Dimensions and Dimensions Values, Dimension Types, Dimension Combinations, Default Dimensions, Default Dimension Priority, Demonstration: Work with Default Dimension Priorities Module 6: Manage User Rights and Profiles This module explains the concepts of logins, roles, and permissions, which are critical to managing user rights in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The module demonstrates central administrator tasks and offers recommendations about how to most effectively secure data in the system with logins for both the RoleTailored client and Classic client. This module also explains how to set up and assign users to profiles for use in the RoleTailored client. Lessons Authentication, Security Setup Overview, Security Sectup for RoleTailored Client, User Profile Setup for the RoleTaloired Client, Demonstration: Create a New Role, Demonstration: Apply SQL Server Security Filters, Security Setup for Classic Client, User-Specific Setup, Active Directory Security Module 7: Set Up and Manage Document Approvals This module is an introduction to process of setting up and managing the document approval system. It covers the general ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - PC-DIR Real, s.r.o.

CL220 - Red Hat CloudForms Hybrid Cloud Management

Manage and deploy systems in hybrid cloud environments Red Hat CloudForms Hybrid Cloud Management (CL220) is for cloud administrators and operators who need to use Red Hat® CloudForms to manage cloud instances running on multiple cloud providers or virtualization infrastructures. This course is based on Red Hat CloudForms 4. In this course, students use a hybrid environment, configure Red Hat CloudForms to work with Red Hat Virtualization and Red Hat OpenStack® Platform, ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

SharePoint 2013 – Installing, Configuring and Administering

Tento intenzivní a na českém trhu jedinečný kurz poskytne IT profesionálům znalosti a zkušenosti potřebné pro instalaci a údržbu SharePoint Server 2013 farem. Během pěti informacemi a cvičeními nabitých dnů společně projdeme všemi kroky potřebnými pro vytvoření více serverové SharePoint Server 2013 farmy a založením SharePoint služeb, seznámíme se s možnostmi pro zálohování a obnovu SharePoint farem a dat, s monitorováním běhu služeb a postupy pro řešení problémů. Od ins ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

SharePoint 2013 Site Administration

Tento kurz poskytne hlubší, úzce zaměřené školení v důležitých oblastech, potřebných pro administrátory SharePoint Site kolekcí, nasazení SharePoint Serveru a obecných dovedností administrátora SharePoint Farmy - Farem, které jsou potřebné pro dokonalou správu. Budou probírána témata, jako plánování, vytvoření, zabezpečení i správa portálového řešení, zrovna tak jako jeho základní možnosti kastomizace. Dále se naučíte jak navrhnout základní vyhledávací moduly a části věn ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.


22nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM BRIDGES 2017 held in the accompanying programme of the 22nd International Building Fair IBF SYMPOSIUM MOTTO Bridges– Constructions– Connecting Nations and Generations MAIN TOPICS 1. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Construction, Administration and Maintenance, Standards Planning and Financing of Bridges Significant Realization of Bridges Current Legislation, Regulations and their Relation to European Standards Condition of Road and Railway Bridges in the CR, their Administration and Maintenance 2. A Bridges Abroad Information on Specialised Events Abroad Examples of Realised Significant New and Reconstructed Bridge Structures Innovation of Technologies, Materials, Products for Bridge Objects Bridge Failures - Examples 3. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Research and Development New Scientific Knowledge in the Field of Bridge Structures, Research Tasks Service Life of Bridges – Influence of Selected Materials and Construction Systems Innovation of Technologies, Materials, Products for Bridge Objects 4. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Projects and Realisations Projects of New Constructions, Re-Constructions and Repairs of Bridges Realisation of New Constructions, Re-Constructions and Repairs of Bridges Bridge Accessories Causes of Faults and Failures of Bridge Objects and their Consequences In the course of the symposium there will be granted the diplomas Bridge Work 2015 in the category I. New Construction and in category II. Repair or Re-Construction and honorary mentions for all-life-long work in the field of bridges. Professional guarantor Chairman of the Preparatory Committee doc. Ing. Tomáš Rotter, CSc. Ing. Jiří Chládek, CSc. email: rotter fsv.cvut.cz email: inprekin volny.cz Tel.: +420 602 811 401 Tel.: +420 602 237 180 Mandatory application form is available here. For Company presentation click here. If you want to participate with your paper, contact the coordinator of symposium. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME 26. 4. 2017 - Wednesday 14.00 - Accompanying programme for international guests, members of Preparatory Committee, Honorary representatives, General and Main partners 27. 4. 2017 - Thursday 08.00 Registration of Participants 09.00 Opening Ceremony, Greeting guests * Bridge Works of 2015 * Honorable Mentions 10.00 - 13.00 Presentations and discussion - Session I. and II. 13.00 - 14.00 Lunch break 14.00 - 17.30 Presentations and discussion - Session I. and II. 15.30 - 17.30 Presentations and discussion - Session III. 18.00 Conclusion of the first day of the Symposium 19.30 Social evening at Brewery Restaurant Starobrno 28. 4. 2017 - Friday 08.00 Opening of the 2. symposium day 08.05 - 14.00 Presentations and discussion – Session IV. 14.00 Conclusions of Symposium – Resolutions Lunch Accommodati ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - SEKURKON s.r.o.

Horizon [V7]: Install, Configure, Manage [V7.0]

This five-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. This course builds your skills in installing, configuring, and managing VMware Horizon® 7 through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You will lea> how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines, how to manage access and security of the machines, and how to provide a customized desktop environment to en ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

VMware Horizon 7 Install, Configure, Manage [V7.3]

This five-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. This course builds your skills in installing, configuring, and managing VMware Horizon® 7 through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You will lea> how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines, how to manage access and security of the machines, and how to provide a customized desktop environment to en ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.


22nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM BRIDGES 2019 SYMPOSIUM MOTTO Bridges– Constructions– Connecting Nations and Generations MAIN TOPICS 1. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Construction, Administration and Maintenance, Standards Planning and Financing of Bridges Significant Realization of Bridges Current Legislation, Regulations and their Relati ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - SEKURKON s.r.o.

AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders

In this course, you will lea> the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help companies meet business objectives. It explores the advantages and possibilities of cloud computing. It also introduces addresses concepts such as security and compliance to help facilitate better discussions with line of business (LOB) professionals, information technology (IT) LoB, IT leaders, and executives. ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Počet nalezených kurzů : 19

Kurzy : << | 1 | 2| >>
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Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 19

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    Školení: Sousedská práva v občanském zákoníku a judikatuře Nejvyššího soudu ČR v únoru 2025 - Praha