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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: composites - hledá všechna klíčová slova [AND]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: compositesNenalezeno # compositesHledáno ve školících firmách: compositesHledáno v popisu kurzu/školení: compositesZobrazit jako:
Počet nalezených kurzů : 106 Application Setup in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 (MOC80049)This one-and-a-half-day course, Application Setup in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, provides students with the tools to implement and maintain cross-application setup data after the system components are installed. The focus is on the application-oriented work involved in setting up and maintaining company-wide rules, data, and users. * Module 1: Set Up a Company with the RIM Toolkit This module provides individuals in charge of application setup, such as implementation consultants or customer staff, with the tools to set up a new company using the RIM toolkit, in addition to creating new records based on RIM data templates. Lessons Manual Setup vs. RIM, RIM Toolkit Overview, Using the RIM Toolkit, Demonstration: Create a Setup Questionnaire, Demonstration: Initialize a New Company Based on the Setup Questionnaire, Use Data Templates, Migrate Data Module 2: Set Up Number Series This module explains the purpose of number series and how to manually set them up, including how to define number series relationships to use multiple number series on a single number series. Lessons Number Series Module 3: Set Up Journal Templates and Batches This module provides an overview of journal templates and journal batches to explain their purpose and composition. This module also explains how to set up a journal template and demonstrates how to create two journal batches based on one journal template. Lessons Journal Templates, Batches, and Lines, Create Journal Templates and Batches Module 4: Set Up Posting Groups In this module, the three types of posting groups are described and set up, and then the functions of a posting group structure are demonstrated using a posted sales invoice. Lessons Specific Posting Groups, General Posting Groups, General Posting Setup, VAT Posting Groups, VAT Posting Setup, Additional VAT Posting Setup, Procedure: Determine Posting Groups, Demonstration: Post and Review a Sales Transaction Module 5: Set Up Dimensions In this module, all aspects of dimensions are defined and set up, including Dimension Values, Dimension Combinations, Default Dimensions, and Default Dimension Priority. Lessons Dimensions and Dimensions Values, Dimension Types, Dimension Combinations, Default Dimensions, Default Dimension Priority, Demonstration: Work with Default Dimension Priorities Module 6: Manage User Rights and Profiles This module explains the concepts of logins, roles, and permissions, which are critical to managing user rights in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The module demonstrates central administrator tasks and offers recommendations about how to most effectively secure data in the system with logins for both the RoleTailored client and Classic client. This module also explains how to set up and assign users to profiles for use in the RoleTailored client. Lessons Authentication, Security Setup Overview, Security Sectup for RoleTailored Client, User Profile Setup for the RoleTaloired Client, Demonstration: Create a New Role, Demonstration: Apply SQL Server Security Filters, Security Setup for Classic Client, User-Specific Setup, Active Directory Security Module 7: Set Up and Manage Document Approvals This module is an introduction to process of setting up and managing the document approval system. It covers the general ...
SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2018 SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2018 15th International Conference organised in cooperation with The Experimental Centre, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. The conference focused on Special Concrete and Composites will be held in Hotel Skalsky Dvur, Czech Republic during 11-12 October 2018. Selected papers will be published in ACTA POLYTECHNICA CTU PROCEEDINGS, (electronic version), indexed in DOAJ database, see below. Special Concrete and Composites 2017, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 760, indexed in SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2016, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 722 is indexed in SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2015, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 677 is indexed in SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2014, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1054 is indexed in the Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Science and SCOPUS. Conference Topics Concrete in severe conditions Additives and admixtures Advanced binder systems Sustainable concrete and composites Experimental methods and measurement High performance concrete Other special concrete and composites Scientific Committee Prof. Petr Konvalinka Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic – Conference Chairs Lenka Bodnárová, Ph.D. Brno University od Technology, Czech Republic Petr Huňka, Ph.D. STACHEMA CZ s.r.o., Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Klečka Klokner Institute, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Karel Kolář Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jiří Litoš Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Pavel Reiterman, Ph.D. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jan Vodička Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic CALL FOR PAPERS Topics of interest for submission: Concrete in severe conditions Additives and admixtures Advanced binder systems Sustainable concrete and composites Experimental methods and measurement High performance concrete Other special concrete and composites PUBLISHING in ACTA POLYTECHNICA CTU PROCEEDINGS, electronic version. For Registration click HERE IMPORTANT DATES September 7, 2018 Full Paper Submission Deadline pavel.reiterman fsv.cvut.cz subrtova September 15, 2018 Peer Review Report Notification September 20, 2018 Final Reviewed Paper Submission October 11-12, 2018 Conference Dates INSTRUCTION FOR AUTHORS Only full and registered paper will be accepted to review. Pap ...
SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2016 SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2016 13th International Conference held under the auspices of prof. Ing. Petr Konvalinka, CSc., Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic and organised by SEKURKON s.r.o. Selected scientific papers will be published in the scientific international journal Key Engineering Materials indexed in the major academic databases. Special Concrete and Composites 2015, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 677 is indexed in SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2014, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1054 is indexed in the Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Science and SCOPUS. The conference focused on Special Concrete and Composites will be held in Hotel Skalsky Dvur, Czech Republic during 13-14 October 2016. Conference Topics * Concrete in severe conditions * Additives and admixtures * Advanced binder systems * Sustainable concrete and composites * Experimental methods and measurement * High performance concrete * Other special concrete and composites Scientific Committee Prof. Petr Konvalinka Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic – Conference Chairs Lenka Bodnárová, Ph.D. Brno University od Technology, Czech Republic Petr Huňka, Ph.D. STACHEMA CZ s.r.o. Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Klečka Klokner Institute, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Karel Kolář Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jiří Litoš Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Pavel Reiterman, Ph.D. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jan Vodička Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Call For Papers Topics of interest for submission: * Concrete in severe conditions * Additives and admixtures * Advanced binder systems * Sustainable concrete and composites * Experimental methods and measurement * High performance concrete * Other special concrete and composites Important dates June 15, 2016 Abstract Submission Deadline subrtova pavel.reiterman fsv.cvut.cz Registration of scientific paper publication (see below) June 20, 2016 Abstract Acceptance Notification June 30, 2016 Full Paper Submission Deadline July 31, 2016 Peer Review Report Notification August 31, 2016 Final Reviewed Paper Submission October 13-14, 2016 Conference Dates Paper Page Limit and Requirement: 1, Regular Papers: minimum lenght is 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. 2, Papers should be written in English. The format should be in accordance with the criteria of template. Ins ...
MOC20762 - Developing SQL Databases This four-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server 2016 product features and tools related to developing a database. Audience The primary audience for this course is IT Professionals who want to become skilled on SQL Server 2016 product features and technologies for implementing a database. The secondary audiences for this course are individua ...
Kurz Oracle: Pokročilá analýza dat pomocí Oracle SQLKurz Oracle: Pokročilá analýza dat pomocí Oracle SQL je zaměřen na posluchače, kteří již mají zkušenosti s dotazováním v jazyce SQL v prostředí databází Oracle a ukáže jim maximální využití jeho analytických schopností. Na kurzu si účastníci vysvětlí a na praktických příkladech ukáží seskupován a agregaci dat, vysvětlí si použití hierarchických dotazů, naučí se používat regulární výrazy pro vyhledávání dat a následně dopodrobna proberou analytické a statistické možnosti jazyka SQL v prostředí Oracle. ...
^ SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2017 SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2017 14th International Conference held under the auspices of prof. Ing. Petr Konvalinka, CSc., Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic and organised by SEKURKON s.r.o. The conference focused on Special Concrete and Composites will be held in Hotel Skalsky Dvur, Czech Republic during 10-11 October 2017. The organizers will make effort to include selected papers to the special volume of a journal indexed in the major scientific databases. Special Concrete and Composites 2016, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 722 is indexed in SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2015, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 677 is indexed in SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2014, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1054 is indexed in the Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Science and SCOPUS. Conference Topics* Concrete in severe conditions* Additives and admixtures* Advanced binder systems* Sustainable concrete and composites* Experimental methods and measurement* High performance concrete* Other special concrete and composites Scientific Committee Prof. Petr Konvalinka Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic – Conference Chairs Lenka Bodnárová, Ph.D. Brno University od Technology, Czech Republic Petr Huňka, Ph.D. STACHEMA CZ s.r.o., Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Klečka Klokner Institute, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Karel Kolář Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jiří Litoš Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Pavel Reiterman, Ph.D. Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jan Vodička Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Call For Papers Topics of interest for submission:* Concrete in severe conditions* Additives and admixtures* Advanced binder systems* Sustainable concrete and composites* Experimental methods and measurement* High performance concrete* Other special concrete and composites Important dates June 30, 2017 Abstract Submission Deadline subrtova pavel.reiterman fsv.cvut.cz For Registration for Scientific paper publication please see below July 10, 2017 Abstract Acceptance Notification July 20, 2017 Full Paper Submission Deadline August 10, 2017 Peer Review Report Notification August 31, 2017 Final Reviewed Paper Submission October 10-11, 2017 Conference Dates Paper Page Limit and Requirement: 1, Regular Papers: minimum lenght is 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and re ...
SPECIÁLNÍ BETONY 2017 SPECIÁLNÍ BETONY 2017 XIV. konference se zahraniční účastí spojená s fakultativní odbornou exkurzí do Úpravny vody Švařec úterý – středa 10. - 11. října 2017 Hotel Skalský Dvůr, Lísek 52, Bystřice nad Pernštejnem Konference je pořádána pod záštitou rektora ČVUT v Praze, prof. Ing. Petra Konvalinky, CSc., FEng. ve spolupráci s Fakultou stavební ČVUT v Praze a stavebními fakultami českých vysokých škol. Přípravný výbor konference: prof. Ing. Petr Konvalinka, CSc., FEng., rektor ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze – předseda přípravného výboru, garant konference doc. Ing. Lenka Bodnárová, Ph.D., VUT v Brně Ing. Petr Huňka, Ph.D., STACHEMA CZ s.r.o. doc. Ing. Tomáš Klečka, CSc., Kloknerův ústav ČVUT v Praze doc. Ing. Karel Kolář, CSc., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze doc. Ing. Jiří Litoš, Ph.D., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze Ing. Pavel Reiterman, Ph.D., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze doc. Ing. Jan Vodička, CSc., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze Organizátoři usilují o publikování vybraných vědeckých publikací ve speciálním vydání vědecké publikace Key Engineering Materials indexované v hlavních vědeckých databázích. Special Concrete and Composites 2016, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 722, indexováno ve SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2015, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 677, indexováno ve SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2014, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1054, indexováno v Thomson Reuters (ISI), Web of Science a SCOPUS. Jménem přípravného výboru a organizátorů Vás zveme na 14. ročník konference, která se věnuje problematice speciálních betonů a jejich uplatnění v praxi investiční výstavby, rekonstrukcí a oprav betonových staveb. Konference umožní vzájemnou výměnu názorů odborníků z výzkumu i z praxe především s ohledem na nové poznatky a zkušenosti v oblasti uplatnění nových druhů speciálních betonů a jejich využití v betonových konstrukcích. TEMATICKÉ OKRUHY 1. Betony v extrémních podmínkách – odborná garance prof. Ing. Petr Konvalinka, CSc., FEng., doc. Ing. Karel Kolář, CSc., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze 2. Vysokohodnotné betony – odborná garance doc. Ing. Tomáš Klečka, CSc., Kloknerův ústav ČVUT v Praze, doc. Ing. Lenka Bodnárová, Ph.D., VUT v Brně 3. Ostatní speciální betony – odborná garance doc. Ing. Jan Vodička, CSc., Ing. Pavel Reiterman, Ph.D., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze, Ing. Petr Huňka, Ph.D., STACHEMA CZ s.r.o. Garant konference: prof. Ing. Petr Konvalinka, CSc., FEng., rektor ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze PROGRAM KONFERENCE (ke stažení v záložce Soubory ke stažení) Pondělí 9. října 2017 18.00-20.30 Večeře (pokud byla objednána), příprava posterové sekce Úterý 10. října 2017 07.00 - 09.00 Snídaně pro ubytované 08.00 - 09.00 Registrace účastníků, příprava posterové sekce 09.00 Zahájení konference 09.00 - 10.30 Odborný program - 1. část Blok 1 BETONY V EXTRÉMNÍ ...
SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2018 SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2018 15th International Conference held under the auspices of prof. Ing. Petr Konvalinka, CSc., Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic and organised by SEKURKON s.r.o. The conference focused on Special Concrete and Composites will be held in Hotel Skalsky Dvur, Czech Republic during 11-12 October 2018. The organizers will make effort to include selected papers to the special volume of a journal indexed in the major scientific databases. Special Concrete and Composites 2016, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 722 is indexed in SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2015, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 677 is indexed in SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2014, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1054 is indexed in the Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Science and SCOPUS. Conference Topics Concrete in severe conditions Additives and admixtures Advanced binder systems Sustainable concrete and composites Experimental methods and measurement High performance concrete Other special concrete and composites Scientific Committee Prof. Petr Konvalinka Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic – Conference Chairs Lenka Bodnárová, Ph.D. Brno University od Technology, Czech Republic Petr Huňka, Ph.D. STACHEMA CZ s.r.o., Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Klečka Klokner Institute, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Karel Kolář Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jiří Litoš Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Pavel Reiterman, Ph.D. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jan Vodička Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Call For Papers Topics of interest for submission: Concrete in severe conditions Additives and admixtures Advanced binder systems Sustainable concrete and composites Experimental methods and measurement High performance concrete Other special concrete and composites Important dates May 5, 2018 Abstract Submission Deadline pavel.reiterman fsv.cvut.cz subrtova June 1, 2018 Abstract Acceptance Notification July 9, 2018 Full Paper Submission Deadline ...
SPECIÁLNÍ BETONY 2019SPECIÁLNÍ BETONY 2019 XVI. konference se zahraniční účastí spojená s fakultativní odbornou exkurzí středa – čtvrtek 16. - 17. října 2019 Hotel Skalský Dvůr, Lísek 52, Bystřice nad Pernštejnem Pořádáno pod záštitou prof. Ing. Jiřího Máci, CSc., děkana Fakulty stavební ČVUT v Praze a Technologické agentury ČR ve spolupráci s Experimentálním centrem ...
SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2019SPECIAL CONCRETE AND COMPOSITES 2019 16th International Conference held under the auspices of prof. Ing. Jiří Máca, CSc., Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic and of the Technology Agency of the CR, organised by SEKURKON s.r.o. in cooperation with The Experimental Centre, Faculty of Civil En ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 106
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 106
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