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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: construct administrat - hledá všechna klíčová slova [AND]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: construct administratDalší kurzy a školení : Administrativa
| Administrátor počítače - certifikovaný rekvalifika
| JBoss Application Administrator
| Podpora managementu - asistenti, sekretá?ky, administrativa
| Podpora managementu - asistenti, sekretářky, administrativa
| Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RH
| Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Solaris Administrator
| Red Hat Linux System Administration + RHCT
| Zkouška Red Hat Certified System Administrator
Hledáno ve školících firmách: construct administratHledáno v popisu kurzu/školení: construct administratZobrazit jako:
Počet nalezených kurzů : 10 Oracle Database: Program with PL/SQL This Oracle Database: Program with PL - SQL training starts with an introduction to PL - SQL and then explores the benefits of this powerful programming language. Through hands-on instruction from expert Oracle instructors, you ll lea> to develop stored procedures, functions, packages and more. Audience Application Developers Database Administrators Developer Forms Developer PL - SQL Developer Portal Developer System Analyst ...
BRIDGES 201722nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM BRIDGES 2017 held in the accompanying programme of the 22nd International Building Fair IBF SYMPOSIUM MOTTO Bridges– Constructions– Connecting Nations and Generations MAIN TOPICS 1. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Construction, Administration and Maintenance, Standards Planning and Financing of Bridges Significant Realization of Bridges Current Legislation, Regulations and their Relation to European Standards Condition of Road and Railway Bridges in the CR, their Administration and Maintenance 2. A Bridges Abroad Information on Specialised Events Abroad Examples of Realised Significant New and Reconstructed Bridge Structures Innovation of Technologies, Materials, Products for Bridge Objects Bridge Failures - Examples 3. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Research and Development New Scientific Knowledge in the Field of Bridge Structures, Research Tasks Service Life of Bridges – Influence of Selected Materials and Construction Systems Innovation of Technologies, Materials, Products for Bridge Objects 4. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Projects and Realisations Projects of New Constructions, Re-Constructions and Repairs of Bridges Realisation of New Constructions, Re-Constructions and Repairs of Bridges Bridge Accessories Causes of Faults and Failures of Bridge Objects and their Consequences In the course of the symposium there will be granted the diplomas Bridge Work 2015 in the category I. New Construction and in category II. Repair or Re-Construction and honorary mentions for all-life-long work in the field of bridges. Professional guarantor Chairman of the Preparatory Committee doc. Ing. Tomáš Rotter, CSc. Ing. Jiří Chládek, CSc. email: rotter fsv.cvut.cz email: inprekin volny.cz Tel.: +420 602 811 401 Tel.: +420 602 237 180 Mandatory application form is available here. For Company presentation click here. If you want to participate with your paper, contact the coordinator of symposium. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME 26. 4. 2017 - Wednesday 14.00 - Accompanying programme for international guests, members of Preparatory Committee, Honorary representatives, General and Main partners 27. 4. 2017 - Thursday 08.00 Registration of Participants 09.00 Opening Ceremony, Greeting guests * Bridge Works of 2015 * Honorable Mentions 10.00 - 13.00 Presentations and discussion - Session I. and II. 13.00 - 14.00 Lunch break 14.00 - 17.30 Presentations and discussion - Session I. and II. 15.30 - 17.30 Presentations and discussion - Session III. 18.00 Conclusion of the first day of the Symposium 19.30 Social evening at Brewery Restaurant Starobrno 28. 4. 2017 - Friday 08.00 Opening of the 2. symposium day 08.05 - 14.00 Presentations and discussion – Session IV. 14.00 Conclusions of Symposium – Resolutions Lunch Accommodati ...
DO409 - Automation with Ansible II: Ansible Tower Automation with Ansible II: Ansible Tower (DO409) is designed for IT professionals who use Ansible by Red Hat® and need to centrally manage their Ansible projects in a way that scales to large teams and complex enterprise installations using Ansible Tower by Red Hat. This Ansible training is based on Ansible Tower 3, Ansible 2, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux® 7. Audience Linux system administrators, cloud administrators, and network administrators intereste ...
Oracle Database: Program with PL/SQL Ed2 This Oracle Database: Program with PL - SQL training starts with an introduction to PL - SQL and then explores the benefits of this powerful programming language. Through hands-on instruction from expert Oracle instructors, you ll lea> to develop stored procedures, functions, packages and more. Audience Application Developers Database Administrators Developer Forms Developer PL - SQL Developer Portal Developer System Analyst ...
RH362 - Red Hat Security: Identity Management and Active Directory IntegrationThis course teaches you skills on the most requested Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) capabilities, including Active Directory trusts, multi-product federation, configuration management with Ansible, integrated certificate management, single sign-on, one-time passwords, and cybersecurity policy conformance. Audience Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) who wants to lea> how to provision and configure IdM technologies across both Linux and Windows applications Identi ...
BRIDGES 2019 22nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM BRIDGES 2019 SYMPOSIUM MOTTO Bridges– Constructions– Connecting Nations and Generations MAIN TOPICS 1. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Construction, Administration and Maintenance, Standards Planning and Financing of Bridges Significant Realization of Bridges Current Legislation, Regulations and their Relati ...
Oracle WebLogic Server 11g: Administration Essentials This Oracle WebLogic Server 11g: Administration Essentials training teaches Web administrators techniques for installing and configuring Oracle WebLogic Server 11g. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to deploy Java EE applications to Oracle WebLogic Server 11g using Administration Console and command-line and scripting tools like WLST. Audience J2EE Developer Java EE Developer Sales Consultants Web Administrator [ - ...
METODIKA PRO FINANČNÍ NÁROKY – Vyčíslování claimůVyčíslování nároků na peníze a čas (claimů) při výstavbě s důrazem na kompenzace v následku pandemie onemocnění COVID-19 Seminář bude zařazen v akreditovaných vzdělávacích programech pro členy ČKAI a ČKA Školení se bude věnovat i aktuálnímu tématu usnesení vlády ze dne 20. dubna 2020 č. 438, které obsahuje Závazný pokyn k řešení následku pandemie o ...
METODIKA PRO FINANČNÍ NÁROKY se zohledněním kompenzací za COVID 19Vyčíslování nároků na peníze a čas (claimů) při výstavbě s důrazem na kompenzace v následku pandemie onemocnění COVID-19 Seminář bude zařazen v akreditovaných vzdělávacích programech pro členy ČKAIT - 1 bod a ČKA 2 body. Školení se bude věnovat i aktuálnímu tématu usnesení vlády ze dne 20. dubna 2020 č. 438, které obsahuje Závazný pokyn k řešení ná ...
RH362SP - Red Hat Security: Identity Management and Active Directory IntegrationThis course teaches you skills on the most requested Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) capabilities, including Active Directory trusts, multi-product federation, configuration management with Ansible, integrated certificate management, single sign-on, one-time passwords, and cybersecurity policy conformance. Audience Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) who wants to lea> how to provision and configure IdM technologies across both Linux and Windows applications Identi ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 10
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 10
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