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Tabulka termínů kurzů (convert) Počet nalezených kurzů : 14 EX225 - Red Hat JBoss Certified Developer examStudy points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, you should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Configure and create enterprise-ready web projects Configure database connection and persistence details Include existing components and entities Generate views and view beans from entities Choose between war and ear applications Generate the application scaffold Handle web and enterprise application project structures, including possible configuration file locations Generate and deploy the application using maven or JBoss Tools Work with contexts (CDI) Use the best context lifecycle for a given use case Make good use of Conversation by understanding: Context order used by the container to resolve components and contex * Java™ EE application developers Study points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, you should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Configure and create enterprise-ready web projects Configure database connection and persistence details Include existing components and entities Generate views and view beans from entities Choose between war and ear applications Generate the application scaffold Handle web and enterprise application project structures, including possible configuration file locations Generate and deploy the application using maven or JBoss Tools Work with contexts (CDI) Use the best context lifecycle for a given use case Make good use of Conversation by understanding: Context order used by the container to resolve components and context variables Temporary versus long running Conversation promotion Conversation demarcation and propagation Relation between conversations, transactions, and persistence context flushmode Debugging a CDI application (potentially with Arquillian) Manage context content Work with POJO - JEE components Differences between EJB3-based components and POJO-based components Component definition Apply @Named Configure beans.xml Component lifecycle Component - contexts interaction Use of @Inject Understand interceptors Understand events Use @Alternative Use @Decorator Apply qualifier Apply producer Apply dispose Setting component and context variable in particular context using CDI APIs Implement the observer or observed patte> using CDI Implement a transactional conversation having in mind the relation between conversations, transactions, and persistence context flushmode JAAS security-related features, including (list not exhaustive) authentication restriction security events bind authentication methods Access and manage identity information through API Work with web - JSF components and web navigation Understand Postback lifecycle Use exhaustive navigation capabilities using faces-config Handling of RESTFul approach with JSF2 (viewparam) Use common Richfaces components Configure navigation based on application state Set up JSF input validation Set up JSF input conversion Use Expression Language (EL) Understand message bundle and locales Choose and configure JSF components Efficiently handle exceptions Implement success and error messages ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
SEARCH MARKETING[DIGITALNI-MARKETING] Staňte se odborníky na search marketing a zařaďte ho do své marketingové strategie Téměř 90 % českých uživatelů každou minutu hledá ve vyhledávačích informace o zboží a službách. Buďte vidět tam, kde jsou vaši zákazníci. Search marketing neboli marketing ve vyhledávačích se snaží zvýšit zisk prostřednictvím služeb, které poskytují vyhledávače. Jednou z těchto služeb je umístění různých reklamních formátů, které mohou být vzhledem k obrovské návštěv ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
ICV - Institut certifikovaného vzdělávání s.r.o.
System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager: Virtualization Infrastructure Management Centrální správa virtualizační infrastruktury je klíčová nejen pro společnosti s různými provozovanými hypervisory. V tomto kurzu se majoritně budeme zabývat správou Microsoft platformy Hyper-V pomocí komponenty System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager. Projdeme možnosti rychlého nasazení virtuálních strojů, jejich možností mobility, přístupu uživatelů a především konceptu vrstvy privátního cloudu. Cílová skupina Systémoví administrátoři a IT profesion ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Windows Powershell Basics Tento třídenní kurz vás nejdříve seznámí s novým příkazovým rozhraním Windows PowerShell, uvede vás do základní problematiky využití command-letů a následně vás provede jeho využitím na velmi jednoduchých scénářích (správa OS). Kurz je postavený na nejnovějších technologiích Windows Server 2012 R2 a Windows 10 a svým obsahem je vhodný pro úplné začátečníky - administrátory, kteří se chtějí dozvědět, jak s PowerShellem pracovat. Cílová skupina Správci Mic ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Windows Powershell Scripting Tento dvoudenní kurz navazuje na základní znalosti Windows PowerShell v rozsahu kurzu 551 a jeho obsahem jsou témata týkající se pokročilých metod práce s WindowsPowershell a vytváření složitějších skriptů. Kurz je postavený na nejnovějších technologiích Windows Server 2012 R2 a Windows 10 a svým obsahem je vhodný pro pokročilé a to jak pro administrátory, kteří se chtějí dozvědět, jak s PowerShellem pracovat, tak i pro ostřílené profesionály. Cílová skupina Sprá ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Origin - základní školeníJednodenní kurz Origin – základní školení je určen všem, kteří potřebují zpracovávat data a prezentovat je ve vizuálně přívětivé formě. Možnosti a funkce programu budou demonstrovány na praktických ukázkách. Cílová skupina Kurz je vhodný především pro pracovníky v přírodovědných a příbuzných oborech, kteří zpracovávají a prezentují získaná data Předchozí zkušenost s programem Origin není nutná Je vhodná základní znalost práce s tabulkovými editory (např. MS Excel) a zákla ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Horizon [V7]: Install, Configure, Manage [V7.0] This five-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. This course builds your skills in installing, configuring, and managing VMware Horizon® 7 through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You will lea> how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines, how to manage access and security of the machines, and how to provide a customized desktop environment to en ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX288 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development ExamStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development exam should be able to perform these tasks: Troubleshoot application deployment issues Create custom image streams Use OpenShift secrets and ConfigMaps to inject configuration data into applications Customize existing S2I builder images Implement hooks and triggers Work with multi-container templates Implement application health monitoring As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. * These audiences may be interested in becoming a Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development: Application developers in a DevOps role who are responsible for managing a Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform environment Application developers in a DevOps role who are responsible for implementing a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment Application developers who are responsible for creating containerized applications or converting existing applications into containerized applications Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development exam should be able to perform these tasks: Troubleshoot application deployment issues Create custom image streams Use OpenShift secrets and ConfigMaps to inject configuration data into applications Customize existing S2I builder images Implement hooks and triggers Work with multi-container templates Implement application health monitoring As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 US business days. Exam results are reported as total scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Candidates for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development exam (EX288) should have a basic understanding of container technology. Some programming experience is recommended, but not required. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
VMware Horizon 7 Install, Configure, Manage [V7.3] This five-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. This course builds your skills in installing, configuring, and managing VMware Horizon® 7 through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You will lea> how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines, how to manage access and security of the machines, and how to provide a customized desktop environment to en ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX283 - Red Hat Certified Enterprise Microservices Developer examJEE developers who wish to demonstrate their skills and abilities using Java to develop advanced, microservices-oriented enterprise applications. Prerequisites Attend Introduction to OpenShift Applications (DO101) or demonstrate equivalent experience Attend Red Hat Application Development II: Implementing Microservice Architectures (DO283) ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Počet nalezených kurzů : 14
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 14
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