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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: ex240 - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: ex240Nenalezeno # ex240Hledáno ve školících firmách: ex240Hledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: ex240Zobrazit jako:
EX248 - Red Hat Certified JBoss Administration (RHCJA) examStudy points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss EAP, RHCJA exam candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Install and manage JBoss EAP Install JBoss EAP to a specific location on a system Install additional, operating system specific native libraries to enhance JBoss EAP performance Configure minimal security requirements for accessing and managing JBoss EAP Access and manage JBoss EAP using the provided tools Configure and start a multi-node, multi-server JBoss EAP domain spanning at least two hosts with multiple servers per host Configure JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Create and remove JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Start, monitor and stop individual JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Configure Java ™ memory usage at the host, server group and server level Configure JBoss EAP to suppor * IT professionals who want to ea> a credential that shows they have the skills and knowledge needed to install, configure, monitor, manage, and deploy applications to Red Hat JBoss EAP: Application server systems administrators Application administrators Application developers Deployment managers System architects Quality assurance engineers Study points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss EAP, RHCJA exam candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Install and manage JBoss EAP Install JBoss EAP to a specific location on a system Install additional, operating system specific native libraries to enhance JBoss EAP performance Configure minimal security requirements for accessing and managing JBoss EAP Access and manage JBoss EAP using the provided tools Configure and start a multi-node, multi-server JBoss EAP domain spanning at least two hosts with multiple servers per host Configure JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Create and remove JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Start, monitor and stop individual JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Configure Java ™ memory usage at the host, server group and server level Configure JBoss EAP to support clustered and HA operation Configure persistent network bindings for JBoss EAP services (both addresses and ports) Configure high-availability clustering using either TCP unicast or UDP multicast networking Secure the communications channels between clustered nodes Configure an Apache based load balancer for handling HTTP session fail over in a HA environment Monitoring and managing JBoss EAP Create and restore configuration snapshots Configure JBoss EAP logging Configure and secure JBoss EAP JMX interface for external monitoring Configuring Java Messaging Service Create and configure JMS topics and queues Secure access to JMS destinations Manage applications Select appropriate JBoss EAP server profiles based on application requirements Configure DataSources (both XA and non-XA compliant) Deploy and undeploy applications Deploy and undeploy additional libraries and drivers Deploy a web application to the root context Configure JBoss Web Connectors Tune and configure JBoss EAP web connector properties as requested Configure Apache integration with JBoss EAP Configure an SSL encrypted connection Configure JBoss EAP security Create, modify, and use security domains Connect JBoss EAP to specified external security sources such as LDAP and DBMS Secure access to JBoss EAP services Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central ...
JB249 - Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Administration I (including EX248)The Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Development I with exam (JB226) bundle is a combination of the following: Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I (JB248) Red Hat JBoss Certified Administration (RHCJA) exam (EX248) Below you will find a description of each component of the bundle. ...
AD249 - Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Administration I (including EX248)The Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Development I with exam (AD249) bundle is a combination of the following: Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I (AD248) Red Hat JBoss Certified Administration (RHCJA) exam (EX248) Below you will find a description of each component of the bundle. ...
EX240 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in API Management examStudy points for the exam: You should be able to accomplish these tasks without assistance: Access control Create and maintain application plans Configure limits and pricing rules Accounts Create and update user accounts Configure user credentials Send user invitations Maintain group memberships Configure usage rules and information gathered from users Maintain application states and plans Analytics Monitor usage, averages, and top applications Analyze alerts, traffic, and integration errors API authentication Maintain API credentials Configure access tokens Provide access control using OpenID Connect, API key, and - or App_ID, App_Key Pair Configure SSO integration API documentation Configure ActiveDocs using OpenAPI standards Billing Configure payment gateway Config * : Application developers in a DevOps role who are responsible for managing enterprise APIs using 3scale by Red Hat Administrators or architects in a DevOps role who are responsible for managing enterprise APIs using 3scale by Red Hat Study points for the exam: You should be able to accomplish these tasks without assistance: Access control Create and maintain application plans Configure limits and pricing rules Accounts Create and update user accounts Configure user credentials Send user invitations Maintain group memberships Configure usage rules and information gathered from users Maintain application states and plans Analytics Monitor usage, averages, and top applications Analyze alerts, traffic, and integration errors API authentication Maintain API credentials Configure access tokens Provide access control using OpenID Connect, API key, and - or App_ID, App_Key Pair Configure SSO integration API documentation Configure ActiveDocs using OpenAPI standards Billing Configure payment gateway Configure credit card policies Configure billing periods Update users billing state Configure billing details and invoice items Issue, charge, and cancel invoices Developer portal Customize developer portal Configure legal terms Configure portal settings Service discovery Add services from an underlying OpenShift cluster Service definition Configure methods and metrics Service integration Configure API gateway to point to private API Promote API gateway to staging and production Customize service authentication settings and service response Create and maintain custom service policies As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Prerequisites: Possess hands-on experience with the Red Hat 3scale API Management platform Recommended next exam or course: DO240 - Cloud-Native API Administration with Red Hat 3scale API Management ...
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[Rekvalifikační kurzy, školení] Novinky z oblasti vzdělávacích kurzů a školení
Novinky z oblasti vzdělávacích kurzů a školení [NEWS]
Nové rekvalifikační vzdělávací kurzy a školení [FIRST MINUTE] Poslední hledané kurzy a/nebo školeníchůva české budějovice , or pedagogiky online kurz or asistent or pedagoga , chůva české budějovice , realtimesystems-com-media-js-netsoltrademark-php-d-fightingirish-com-media-js-netsoltrademark-php-d , automechanik rekvalifikace ostrava , školení kotle atmos , Školení hlavních vedoucích , Školení hlavních vedoucích , Školení hlavních vedoucích , Školení hlavních vedoucích , nakládání s nebezpečnými odpady , víkendový kurz , víkendový kurz , pedagogické minimum hradec králové , dobrovolná sestra ččk , dobrovolná sestra ččk , Dobrovolná zdravotní sestra , kotle atmos , kotle atmos , školení kotle atmos , Online Rekvalifikační kurz , Online Rekvalifikační kurz , pedagogické minimum pro mateřské školy , cestovní ruch , odpady , Vychovatel , dálkové studium zdravotní OR sestra , plavčík-plzeň , plavčík plzeň , plavčík plzeň , plavčík plzeň , autoelektrikar , Autoelektrikar , Elektroauta , jihlava , dále viz: statistika | Náhodně hledané školení ^ |