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Počet nalezených kurzů : 11 JB461 - Authoring Rules with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Authoring Rules with Red Hat® JBoss® BRMS (JB461) introduces the student to the Red Hat JBoss BRMS rules engine and repository. In this course, students lea> how to author and test rules using the graphical user interface of Business Central. Audience Business analysts and enterprise SOA architects who are responsible for creating and adapting business policies Rule authors responsible for authoring and testing rules Java™ EE application dev ...
JB463 - Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB463) teaches rule developers and Java™ enterprise application developers how to create, test, debug, and control business rules, how to generate rules packages, and how the Red Hat JBoss BRMS [business rules management system] runtime environment executes rules. Students will use Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 7 and Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6 to perform detailed, hands-on exercises that enable them to create and manage bu ...
JB465 - Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Implementing with Red Hat® JBoss® BRMS combines content from both Authoring Rules with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB461) and Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB463). It teaches business analysts, rule developers, and Java™ enterprise application developers how to create, test, debug, and control business rules. Students are given detailed, hands-on exercises using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat JBoss BRMS that are designed to let students create ...
JB466 - Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS with examThe Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS with exam (JB466) bundle is a combination of the following: Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB465) course Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Business Rules exam (EX465) ...
AD465 - Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Implementing with Red Hat ® JBoss ® BRMS combines content from both Authoring Rules with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (AD461) and Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (AD463). It teaches business analysts, rule developers, and Java ™ enterprise application developers how to create, test, debug, and control business rules. Students are given detailed, hands-on exercises using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat JBoss BRMS that are designed to let students create and manage busi ...
AD466 - Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS with examThe Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS with exam (JB466) bundle is a combination of the following: Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB465) course Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Business Rules exam (EX465) ...
Power Systems for AIX I: LPAR Configuration and PlanningPower Systems for AIX I: LPAR Configuration and Planning * This course is appropriate for system administrators, technical support individuals, and IBM business partners who implement LPARs on IBM Power Systems. Lea> how to perform system administration in a Power Systems environment. Lea> about the features of PowerVM Editions and how to configure and manage LPARs running AIX V7.1 using the Hardware Management Console (HMC). ...
DB2 Family FundamentalsDB2 Family Fundamentals * This course provides you with information about the functions of IBM s DB2, a relational database manager which may be installed under a variety of operating systems on many hardware platforms. DB2 runs under the z - OS, VM, Linux, UNIX, and Windows operating systems, to name a few. The course includes discussion of how the DB2 products provide services. The focus is on the services DB2 provides and how we work with DB2, not on its internal workings. ...
^ IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation WorkshopIBM Storwize V7000 Implementation Workshop * Leverage SAN storage connectivity by integrating a layer of intelligence - the IBM Storwize V7000 - to facilitate storage application data access independence from storage management functions and requirements. Focus on planning and implementation tasks associated with integrating the IBM Storwize V7000 into the storage area network. Exploit both internal storage of the IBM Storwize V7000 as well as SAN attached external heterogeneous storage to centr ...
^ IBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development IIBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development I * This course teaches you how to use IBM Integration Bus to develop, deploy, and support message flow applications. These applications use various messaging topologies to transport messages between service requesters and service providers, and also allow the messages to be routed, transformed, and enriched during processing. In this course, you lea> how to construct applications to transport and transform data. The course also explores how to ...
^ Počet nalezených kurzů : 11
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 11
Nenašli jste kurz? Zkuste zadat jednoduché klíčové slovo, nezadávejte frázi nebo skloňování a zkontrolujte diakritiku
| ibm Nenašli jste kurz, školení, studium a/nebo seminář?Pošlete nám nezávaznou poptávku po školení a nebo kurzu a my ji zveřejníme na stránkách serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu. Možnost odpovědět na danou poptávku mají pouze
registrované školící firmy na serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu .
[Rekvalifikační kurzy, školení] Novinky z oblasti vzdělávacích kurzů a školení
Novinky z oblasti vzdělávacích kurzů a školení [NEWS]
Nové rekvalifikační vzdělávací kurzy a školení [FIRST MINUTE] Poslední hledané kurzy a/nebo školenílešenářské zkoušky , wx-lt-redirect-php-url-mgclub-org-ua-showthread-php-t-62p-1242viewfull-1 , kurz oční optik optometrista , Školení hlavních vedoucích , Školení hlavních vedoucích , pedagogické-minimum-žatec , Pedagogické minimum žatec , Pedagogické minimum žatec , kurz stříhání psů or olomouc , kurz stříhání psů or olomouc , krizová intervence , automechanik liberec , kurz plavčík olomouc , kurz plavčík olomouc , kurz plavčík olomouc , kurz plavčík olomouc , kurz plavčík olomouc , rekvalifikace-laborant , rekvalifikace zdravotniho laborant , kurzy pro lidi se zakladnim vzdelanim , zkušební testy otázky a odpovědi sanitář , strojní průkaz na kolové nakladače , pedagogické minimum zlín , šumperk , projektant , Šumperk , projektant , Kurz KOSMETIK, KOSMETIČKA Havířov, Karviná, Frýdek Místek, Ostrava, Orlová , Prodavačka , cévkování muži , cévkování mužů pro OR zdravotní OR sestry , rekvalifikace autoelektrikář , rekvalifikace autoelektrikář , mobility , mobility , dále viz: statistika | Náhodně hledané školení ^ |