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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: line virtual ucebn - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: line virtual ucebnDalší kurzy a školení : ... pro call centra, hot-line, recepční, asistent
| Kurzy on-line ve virtuální učebně
| Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RH
| Red Hat Deployment, Virtualization and Systems Man
| Red Hat Enterprise Deployment, Virtualization and
| Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
| Virtualizace
| Školení Access - školení pro začínající uživatele Access, školení v učebnách Praze, v Kolíně i kdeko
| Školení Excel mírně pokročilé od AbecedaPC - školení MS Excel, která probíhají v učebnách Praze, v
| Školení MS Word určené pro mírně pokročilé uživatele. Školení MS Word probíhají v učebnách v Praze a
Hledáno ve školících firmách: line virtual ucebnHledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: line virtual ucebnZobrazit jako:
Počet nalezených kurzů : 416 RH415 - Red Hat Security: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and CloudRed Hat Security: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud (RH415) is designed for security administrators and system administrators who need to manage the secure operation of servers running Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, whether deployed on physical hardware, as virtual machines, or as cloud instances. This course is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5, Red Hat Satellite 6.3, Red Hat Ansible® Engine 2.5, Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.2, and Red Hat Insights. Maintaining security of computing systems is ...
RH416 - Red Hat Security: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud with examRed Hat Security: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud with exam (RH416) is designed for security administrators and system administrators who need to manage the secure operation of servers running Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, whether deployed on physical hardware, as virtual machines, or as cloud instances. This course is based on Red Hat Enterpri ...
RH442 – Red Hat Performance Tuning: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and CloudPerformance tuning and capacity planning for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Red Hat Performance Tuning: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud (RH422) teaches senior Linux® system administrators the methodology of performance tuning. This course discusses system architecture with an emphasis on understanding its implications on system performance, performance adjustments, open source benchmarking utilities, networking performance, and tuning configurations for specific server use cases and workloads. ...
RH443 - Red Hat Performance Tuning: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud with ExamThe Red Hat Enterprise Performance Tuning with exam (RH443) bundle is a combination of the following: Red Hat Performance Tuning: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud (RH442) Red Hat Certified Specialist in Performance Tuning Exam (EX442) ...
EX318 - Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RHCVA) ExamStudy points for the exam Although the objective of this exam is to test the ability to use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to implement Linux virtual systems, it is not a test of system administration skills. Red Hat does recommend prior Linux systems administration experience. You should be able to perform the following tasks: Install Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager and any dependencies Use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to: Create datacenters and clusters Manage hypervisor hosts Configure storage Create Red Hat Enterprise Linux Develop pools and templates Set up Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager users Install and configure a Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor to support guests and attach to a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Import installation media for creating new virtual machines Perform management tasks, such as collecting logs, creating bookmar * System administrators using or planning to use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization RHCEs interested in pursuing Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) Study points for the exam Although the objective of this exam is to test the ability to use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to implement Linux virtual systems, it is not a test of system administration skills. Red Hat does recommend prior Linux systems administration experience. You should be able to perform the following tasks: Install Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager and any dependencies Use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to: Create datacenters and clusters Manage hypervisor hosts Configure storage Create Red Hat Enterprise Linux Develop pools and templates Set up Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager users Install and configure a Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor to support guests and attach to a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Import installation media for creating new virtual machines Perform management tasks, such as collecting logs, creating bookmarks for specific events, and more As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must be persistent across reboots. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Experience using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Experience using and installing software on Windows Experience using VNC to view remote desktops Read the RHCVA exam objectives for more information on skills requirements. Recommended course RH318 - Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization ...
Virtualizace na platformě Microsoft Hyper-VVirtualizace na platformě Microsoft Hyper-V Virtualizace (hardwarová vizualizace) patří ve světě IT k nejaktuálnějším tématům. Serverová virtualizace umožňuje více operačním systémům běžet na jednom fyzickém počítači jako tzv. virtuální počítače. Provoz více virtuálních serverů na jediném fyzickém serveru snižuje náklady na hardware, energii a navíc vzniká dynamičtější IT infrastruktura. ...
RH318 - Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Osou kurzu je podrobné seznámení s koncepcí, nasazením a administrací produktu Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV). Kurz volí nejčastěji zkušení Linuxoví administrátoři, ale zevrubné systematické uvedení do problematiky RHEV umožňuje bez obtíží přístup i uchazečům se střední úrovní znalostí a dovedností. RHEV zaujme všechny ty, kteří stojí před problémem centralizované správy a nasazování středního a velkého počtu virtualizovaných systémů (používajících nejen linuxov ...
JB450 - Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Development Red Hat® JBoss® Data Virtualization Development teaches database developers and administrators how to model data sources and virtual entities such as tables, views, and procedures. Through hands-on labs, students will lea> how to deploy these virtual entities for JDBC and web service consumption. This course can also help certification candidates in their preparation for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Data Virtualization Exam (EX450). Audience D ...
EX450 - Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Data Virtualization examStudy points for the exam Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Establish and import data sources Import from Flat File Source locally Import from Flat File Source ftp Import from RDBMS Federate and transform data Use the Teiid Designer wizards to automatically generate data translators Understand and update generated translators Apply simple data transformations such as Type Casting Apply complex transformations inbuilt transformation functions Use the various inbuilt translators VDB Modeling Aggregate different typed data stores to create a federated view including: Files (flat and XML) Multiple, different relational database Implement SQL logic from distinct data stores Understand and implement materialized views Tuning Improve performance by using in mem * Developers and architects who will be responsible for modeling and creating federated views of multiple, different data sources using Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Database administrators who may be involved in a project using Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization to model and create federated views of multiple, different data sources Study points for the exam Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Establish and import data sources Import from Flat File Source locally Import from Flat File Source ftp Import from RDBMS Federate and transform data Use the Teiid Designer wizards to automatically generate data translators Understand and update generated translators Apply simple data transformations such as Type Casting Apply complex transformations inbuilt transformation functions Use the various inbuilt translators VDB Modeling Aggregate different typed data stores to create a federated view including: Files (flat and XML) Multiple, different relational database Implement SQL logic from distinct data stores Understand and implement materialized views Tuning Improve performance by using in memory cache Use techniques to bypass caches as needed Tune caching behavior for specific requirements Reporting - Data export Create READ procedure Expose procedure results as XML or JSON Expose data as RestFul services Understand and anticipate performance issues Runtime Package and deploy virtual databases Understand how to use Teiid Designer to control and mange the Data Virtualization runtime Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites There are no prerequisites to take this exam but it is recommended that an individual take Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Administration (JB450) training course. Recommended courses JB450 - Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Development ...
Disaster Recovery řešení s převodem mezi fyzickými a virtuálními platformami - skutečný plán Disaster Recovery kurz je kurz vytvořený pro IT profesionály, kteří mají alespoň základní zkušenosti a povědomí o zálohovacích produktech a základní ovládání operačních systému Windows či Linux. Kurz je zaměřen přípravu disaster recovery v prostředí Windows a Linux, kontrolu připravenosti, vydefinování si postupů a provádění vlastních úkonů pro docílení DR. Kurz se mimo jiné zaměřuje na postupy, které jsou platné pro většinu zálohovacích systémů, přestože zmiňujeme i řeš ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 416
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 416
Nenašli jste kurz? Zkuste zadat jednoduché klíčové slovo, nezadávejte frázi nebo skloňování a zkontrolujte diakritiku
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