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Počet nalezených kurzů : 237

Kurzy : << | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9| >>

EX210 - Red Hat Certified System Administrator in Red Hat openStack Exam

Study points for the exam Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. Candidates for the RHCSA in Red Hat openStack should be able to perform the following tasks: Install and configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux openStack Platform Manage users Manage projects Manage flavors Manage roles Set quotas Manage images Configure images at instantiation Add additional compute nodes Manage Swift storage Manage networking Manage Cinder storage * System administrators who want to demonstrate their use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux openStack Platform skills. Red Hat Certified Engineers (RHcE) who wish to pursue Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA). Study points for the exam Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. Candidates for the RHCSA in Red Hat openStack should be able to perform the following tasks: Install and configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux openStack Platform Manage users Manage projects Manage flavors Manage roles Set quotas Manage images Configure images at instantiation Add additional compute nodes Manage Swift storage Manage networking Manage Cinder storage Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Be RHCSA or have comparable work experience and skills (RHcE would be even better). Have taken the Red Hat openStack Administration (CL210) course or have comparable work experience using Red Hat Enterprise Linux openStack Platform. Review the RHCSA in Red Hat openStack exam (EX210) objectives. Recommended courses CL210 - Red Hat openStack Administration II: Infrastructure Configuration for Cloud Administrators ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Red Hat

IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Red Hat Red Hat Learning Subscription (RHLS) Red Hat Single Sign-On Administrace operačního systému (RHCSA) Pokročilá administrace (RHCE) RHEL pro systémové architekty (RHCA) openShift Ansible DevOps Cloud computing, Virtualization and Storage Security EAP - Enterprise Application Platform FUSE ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

RH254 - Red Hat System Administration III

U účastníků tohoto kurzu se předpokládají již pokročilé znalosti, a to nejlépe na úrovni stanovené obsahem kurzů RH134 - 135 či RH199 - 200. Cílem tréninku je rozvinout jejich znalosti a povýšit je až na úroveň Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE). Kurz se podrobněji se věnuje procesu instalace, konfigurace, řízení a zabezpečení zejména síťových služeb včetně DNS, Apache, SMTP a různých typů sdílení dat na síti - od NFS až po CIFS. Zahrnuje také obecnou problematiku bezpečnosti ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

RH442 – Red Hat Enterprise Performance Tuning

Performance tuning and capacity planning for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Red Hat Performance Tuning: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud (RH422) teaches senior Linux® system administrators the methodology of performance tuning. This course discusses system architecture with an emphasis on understanding its implications on system performance, performance adjustments, open source benchmarking utilities, networking performance, and tuning configurations for specific server u ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.


22nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM BRIDGES 2017 held in the accompanying programme of the 22nd International Building Fair IBF SYMPOSIUM MOTTO Bridges– Constructions– Connecting Nations and Generations MAIN TOPICS 1. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Construction, Administration and Maintenance, Standards Planning and Financing of Bridges Significant Realization of Bridges Current Legislation, Regulations and their Relation to European Standards Condition of Road and Railway Bridges in the CR, their Administration and Maintenance 2. A Bridges Abroad Information on Specialised Events Abroad Examples of Realised Significant New and Reconstructed Bridge Structures Innovation of Technologies, Materials, Products for Bridge Objects Bridge Failures - Examples 3. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Research and Development New Scientific Knowledge in the Field of Bridge Structures, Research Tasks Service Life of Bridges – Influence of Selected Materials and Construction Systems Innovation of Technologies, Materials, Products for Bridge Objects 4. Bridges in the Czech Republic – Projects and Realisations Projects of New Constructions, Re-Constructions and Repairs of Bridges Realisation of New Constructions, Re-Constructions and Repairs of Bridges Bridge Accessories Causes of Faults and Failures of Bridge Objects and their Consequences In the course of the symposium there will be granted the diplomas Bridge Work 2015 in the category I. New Construction and in category II. Repair or Re-Construction and honorary mentions for all-life-long work in the field of bridges. Professional guarantor Chairman of the Preparatory Committee doc. Ing. Tomáš Rotter, CSc. Ing. Jiří Chládek, CSc. email: rotter fsv.cvut.cz email: inprekin volny.cz Tel.: +420 602 811 401 Tel.: +420 602 237 180 Mandatory application form is available here. For Company presentation click here. If you want to participate with your paper, contact the coordinator of symposium. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME 26. 4. 2017 - Wednesday 14.00 - Accompanying programme for international guests, members of Preparatory Committee, Honorary representatives, General and Main partners 27. 4. 2017 - Thursday 08.00 Registration of Participants 09.00 opening Ceremony, Greeting guests * Bridge Works of 2015 * Honorable Mentions 10.00 - 13.00 Presentations and discussion - Session I. and II. 13.00 - 14.00 Lunch break 14.00 - 17.30 Presentations and discussion - Session I. and II. 15.30 - 17.30 Presentations and discussion - Session III. 18.00 Conclusion of the first day of the Symposium 19.30 Social evening at Brewery Restaurant Starobrno 28. 4. 2017 - Friday 08.00 opening of the 2. symposium day 08.05 - 14.00 Presentations and discussion – Session IV. 14.00 Conclusions of Symposium – Resolutions Lunch Accommodati ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - SEKURKON s.r.o.

CL010 - Red Hat openstack Technical Overview

Through online, on-demand videos you will lea> about cloud computing, Red Hat openStack Platform, compute, storage, and network in relation to Red Hat openStack Platform, high availability with Red Hat openStack Platform, deploying Red Hat openStack Platform. Note: You can view all videos or only the ones that interest you. There are no hands-on labs or course completion recognition associated with this course. To attend the course, click here . Audience IT leaders, admini ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

DO080 - Deploying Containerized Applications Technical Overview

An introduction to containerization concepts Deploying Containerized Applications Technical Overview (DO080) is a series of on-demand, online videos that introduces you to Linux® containers and container orchestration technology using Docker, Kubernetes, and Red Hat® openShift Container Platform. This course is based on Red Hat openShift Container Platform 4.1. In this series of short lectures and in-depth demonstrations, you will lea> about the concepts of containerization—and see it in actio ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

RH024 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Technical Overview

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Technical Overview (RH024) is a series of no-cost, on-demand, online videos that provide a technical introduction to Linux ® for IT professionals. The videos will demonstrate basic practical techniques of Linux use and system administration tasks for professionals new to the operating system who are interested in preparing for further study. You will be introduced to why Linux and the open source development model is so important in today s computing environment. Y ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Kurz XML v Microsoft SQL Server

Kurz XML v Microsoft SQL Server určen všem, kterých se problematika XML nějakým způsobem týká a chtějí přijít na kloub všem možným technikám práce s XML - od jeho ukládání v databáze, přes indexaci, jeho získávání z relačního zdroje až po použití Xquery a řídkých sloupců. ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - David Solnař

Kurz SQL Server Analysis Services - jazyk MDX

Kurz SQL Server Analysis Services - jazyk MDX seznamuje účastníky se všemi možnostmi jazyka MDX pro dotazování se na OLAP kostky. Účastníci se dozvědí, jak fungují MDX dotazy, jaká je jejich logika, jak se naviguje v N-rozměrném prostoru, a jak na tom celém založit pokročilé analýzy. Projdeme si nejčastěji používané funkce, konstrukty a techniky. Zvláště se budeme věnovat i srovnávací analýze dat v časových obdobích, zda pokročilé agregaci a vylepšování kostek. Na konci kurzu budou účastníci schopni plně využít analytickou sílu OLAP kostek. Výuka bude probíhat na Analysis Services. ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - David Solnař

CEPH125 - Red Hat® Ceph Storage Architecture and Administration

Red Hat Ceph Storage Architecture and Administration (CEPH125) provides an in-depth overview of the Red Hat Ceph Storage architecture and instructions on deploying Red Hat Ceph Storage, including the Ceph Storage Cluster (RADOS), the Ceph Object Gateway (RADOSGW), and the Ceph Block Device (RBD). The course also focuses on the day-to-day operation of a Ceph Storage cluster, including common troubleshooting and tuning techniques, integration of Ceph with openStack Glance ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Počet nalezených kurzů : 237

Kurzy : << | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9| >>
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Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 237

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    Školení: PowerPoint pokročilý v červenci 2024 - Kolín