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Kurz české interpunkce ON LINE - Agentura BOVA - RNDr. Ivana Hexnerová
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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: or 6236 implementing and or maintaining or microso - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]

Hledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: or 6236 implementing and or maintaining or microso

Počet nalezených kurzů : 2467

Kurzy : << | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 75 | 150 | 225| >>

JB437 - Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Development and Deployment

Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Development and Deployment (JB437) is a two-day course that gives Java™ developers and architects an understanding of the key concepts associated with Java Message Service (JMS) and Apache ActiveMQ. Key concepts associated with JMS and Apache ActiveMQ - Fabric—including topologies, protocols, message groups virtual destinations, failover and high-availability. Students will lea> how Apache ActiveMQ - Fuse Message Broker can be used with multiple communicat ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.


SPECIAL CONCRETE and COMPOSITES 2016 13th International Conference held under the auspices of prof. Ing. Petr Konvalinka, CSc., Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic and organised by SEKURKON s.r.o. Selected scientific papers will be published in the scientific international journal Key Engineering Materials indexed in the major academic databases. Special Concrete and Composites 2015, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 677 is indexed in SCOPUS. Special Concrete and Composites 2014, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1054 is indexed in the Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Science and SCOPUS. The conference focused on Special Concrete and Composites will be held in Hotel Skalsky Dvur, Czech Republic during 13-14 October 2016. Conference Topics * Concrete in severe conditions * Additives and admixtures * Advanced binder systems * Sustainable concrete and composites * Experimental methods and measurement * High performance concrete * Other special concrete and composites Scientific Committee Prof. Petr Konvalinka Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic – Conference Chairs Lenka Bodnárová, Ph.D. Brno University od Technology, Czech Republic Petr Huňka, Ph.D. STACHEMA CZ s.r.o. Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Klečka Klokner Institute, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Karel Kolář Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jiří Litoš Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Pavel Reiterman, Ph.D. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Assoc. Prof. Jan Vodička Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Call For Papers Topics of interest for submission: * Concrete in severe conditions * Additives and admixtures * Advanced binder systems * Sustainable concrete and composites * Experimental methods and measurement * High performance concrete * Other special concrete and composites Important dates June 15, 2016 Abstract Submission Deadline subrtova pavel.reiterman fsv.cvut.cz Registration of scientific paper publication (see below) June 20, 2016 Abstract Acceptance Notification June 30, 2016 Full Paper Submission Deadline July 31, 2016 Peer Review Report Notification August 31, 2016 Final Reviewed Paper Submission October 13-14, 2016 Conference Dates Paper Page Limit and Requirement: 1, Regular Papers: minimum lenght is 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. 2, Papers should be written in English. The format should be in accordance with the criteria of template. Ins ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - SEKURKON s.r.o.

SharePoint 2013 – Installing, Configuring and Administering

Tento intenzivní a na českém trhu jedinečný kurz poskytne IT profesionálům znalosti a zkušenosti potřebné pro instalaci a údržbu SharePoint Server 2013 farem. Během pěti informacemi a cvičeními nabitých dnů společně projdeme všemi kroky potřebnými pro vytvoření více serverové SharePoint Server 2013 farmy a založením SharePoint služeb, seznámíme se s možnostmi pro zálohování a obnovu SharePoint farem a dat, s monitorováním běhu služeb a postupy pro řešení problémů. Od ins ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager: Controlling and Managing Enterprise Processes

Zprostředkování IT služeb uživatelům, zpracovávání žádostí, přesně definované a automatizované procesy, správa stanic, licencí, aplikací, release management - to vše je System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager. Na tomto kurzu se dozvíte, jak je komponenta Service Manager důležitá nejen pro uživatelský komfort, ale i pro celou integraci System Center 2012 R2. Právě vzhledem k tak velkým vazbám na celý System Center doporučujeme tento kurz absolvovat až po předchozí znalosti o ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

MOC20410 - Installing and Configuring Windows Server® 2012

Kurz MOC 20410 je základním kurzem pro vstup do problematiky nasazení, správy, konfigurace, sledování i údržby platformy Windows Server 2012. Tento kurz je prvním z rodiny kurzů týkajících se tohoto operačního systému. Je určen začínajícím správcům, kteří nemají předchozí znalosti starších technologií Windows Server 2008. Pro správce, kteří znají dobře předchozí verzi operačního systému Windows Server 2008, je určen doplňující kurz MOC 20417. Cílová skupina Kurz je vhodný pro budoucí ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

MOC20339-1 - Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016

This five-day course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to plan and administer a microsoft SharePoint 2016 environment. The course teaches you how to deploy, administer, and troubleshoot your SharePoint environment. This course also provides guidelines, best practices, and considerations that help you optimize your SharePoint deployment. This is the first in a sequence of two courses for IT professionals and is aligned with the SharePoint 2016 IT Pro certification. ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager: Advanced Operations and Troubleshooting

Tento unikátní kurz je určen pro specialisty jež mají reálné zkušenosti s používáním System Center Configuration Manager v reálném provozu. Kurz se zaměřuje primárně na řešení problémů a správného nasazení jednotlivých částí System Center Configuration Manager v rámci organizace a správu klientů nejen v interních sítích a doméně. Cílem kurzu je naučit specialisty pracovat s aplikací System Center Configuration Manager, vyvarovat se běžných chybám v operativních činnostech ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Basic NetApp Configuration and Administration (NA-BNCA)

This two-day course provides a technical overview of the features and benefits of NetApp ONTAP 9 data-management software. The course enables you to explain the architecture and functionality of an ONTAP cluster. You will also be introduced to basic administration, configuration and management of an ONTAP cluster. Through hands-on exercises, you will lea> how to create a cluster, aggregates, storage virtual machines (SVMs), LIFs, FlexVol volumes and Snapshot copies. [br ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Managing NAS and Performance on Clustered Data ONTAP (NASPAD)

This course combines CIFS, NFS, and performance analysis topics into a single, in-depth one-week course. It provides the knowledge and skills that you need to administer CIFS version 1.x to 2.x and NFS versions 3, 4, and 4.1 in a clustered Data ONTAP® operating system. You also lea> the skills you need to collect and analyze performance data from NetApp® storage systems. Audience Professionals who manage NetApp storage systems and need a deeper understanding of prot ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

NetApp Portfolio: Exploring SAN Architectures and Configurations (SANARCH)

In this course, you lea> how to differentiate between the SAN architectures in the NetApp portfolio: FAS and All Flash FAS (AFF) systems with the clustered Data ONTAP operating system E-Series and EF-Series systems with the SANtricity operating system FlashRay systems with the Mars operating system Audience Professionals who implement SAN solutions that use NetApp storage systems ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

EX342 - Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting should be able to: Understand and employ general methods for troubleshooting Collect system information to aid in troubleshooting Consult documentation resources to aid in troubleshooting Monitor systems for vital characteristics Configure systems to send log messages to a centralized host Diagnose and troubleshoot system start up issues Identify and resolve service failures affecting boot Regain root control of a system Troubleshoot boot issues Identify hardware and hardware problems Manage kernel modules and their parameters [l * The following audiences may be interested in earning the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting: System administrators who manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems System administrators who wish to demonstrate problem solving and analysis skills A Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise or RHCA credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting should be able to: Understand and employ general methods for troubleshooting Collect system information to aid in troubleshooting Consult documentation resources to aid in troubleshooting Monitor systems for vital characteristics Configure systems to send log messages to a centralized host Diagnose and troubleshoot system start up issues Identify and resolve service failures affecting boot Regain root control of a system Troubleshoot boot issues Identify hardware and hardware problems Manage kernel modules and their parameters Diagnose and troubleshoot file system issues Recover corrupted file systems Recover mis-configured or broken LVM configurations Recover data from encrypted file systems Identify and fix iSCSI issues Resolve package management issues Resolve package management dependency issues Recover a corrupted RPM database Identify and restore changed files Troubleshoot and fix network connectivity issues Use standard tools to verify network connectivity Identify and fix network connectivity issues Inspect network traffic to aid troubleshooting Diagnose application issues Identify library dependencies for third-party software Identify if an application suffers from memory leaks Use standard tools to debug an application Identify and fix issues related to SELinux Identify and fix authentication issues Identify and fix pluggable authentication module (PAM) issues Identify and fix LDAP and Kerberos identity management issues Gather information to aid third party investigation of issues Create kernel crashdumps Compile and execute SystemTap modules Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Počet nalezených kurzů : 2467

Kurzy : << | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 75 | 150 | 225| >>
Zobrazit jako: Table Tabulka termínů kurzů (or 6236 implementing and or maintaining or microso)

Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 2467

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