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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: or ex183 or certi or enterp - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: or ex183 or certi or enterpDalší kurzy a školení : Administrátor počítače - certifikovaný rekvalifika
| Certifikované kurzy Adobe
| Certifikované kurzy Corel
| Certifikované kurzy MZ ČR - celoživotní vzdělávání
| Certifikovaný kurz Adobe Photoshop
| Individuální výuka tradičního feng shui s certifik
| Kurzy s certifikací a metodikou FN Brno, které Vám
| Manažer - pracovník obchodu a služeb - certifikova
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| Programátor CNC strojů - certifikovaný rekvalifika
| Programátor internetových aplikací - certifikovaný
| Projektový manažer - certifikovaný rekvalifikační
| Red Hat Certified Engineer Exam
| Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RH
| Správce sítí pro malé a střední organizace - certi
| Webdesigner / tvorba stránek - certifikovaný rekv
| Zkouška Red Hat Certified System Administrator
| Základy obsluhy osobního počítače - certifikovaný
| Základy podnikání - certifikovaný rekvalifikační k
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Symantec Enterprise Vault 8.x for Exchange: Admini Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Solaris Administrators Symantec Enterprise Vault 8.x for Exchange: Administration Red Hat Enterprise Deployment, Virtualization and Systems Management Hledáno ve školících firmách: or ex183 or certi or enterpHledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: or ex183 or certi or enterpZobrazit jako:
Tabulka termínů kurzů (or ex183 or certi or enterp) Počet nalezených kurzů : 2510 EX183-Red Hat Certified Enterprise Application Developer This course is designed for experienced JSE developers who want to extend and test their knowledge and skills in mode> enterprise Java development. Preparation Red Hat encourages you to consider taking Red Hat Application Development I: Programming in Java EE (JB183) to help prepare for EX183. Attendance in these classes is not required; students can choose to take just the exam. While attending Red Hat classes can be an important part of your preparation, attending class does not guarantee success on the exam. Previous experience, practice, and native aptitude are also important determinants of success. Many books and other resources on system administration for Red Hat products are available. Red Hat does not endorse any of these materials as preparation guides for exams. Nevertheless, you may find additional reading helpful to deepen your understanding. Exam format The EX183 exam is a hands-on, practical exam that requires you to undertake real-world development tasks. Internet access is not provided during the exam, and you will not be permitted to bring any hard copy or electronic documentation into the exam. This prohibition includes notes, books, or any other materials. Documentation that ships with JBoss EAP is available during the exam. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as total scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Be familiar with using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux environment. Have a solid background with JSE, including a knowledge and understanding of the core Java concepts and APIs. For example, Exceptions, Annotations, and the Collections API are all required during the exam. Review the Red Hat Certified Enterprise Application Developer exam objectives and ensure that you are comfortable with all of the topics mentioned. Recommended courses . - en - courses - jboss-by-red-hat - ex183-red-hat-certified-enterprise-application-developer - ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX183 - Red Hat Certified Enterprise Application DeveloperThis course is designed for experienced JSE developers who want to extend and test their knowledge and skills in mode> enterprise Java development. Preparation Red Hat encourages you to consider taking Red Hat Application Development I: Programming in Java EE (JB183) to help prepare for EX183. Attendance in these classes is not required; stu ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX180 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Containers and Kubernetes exam: Administrators, architects, software developers, and anyone responsible for creating, managing, or using containers, including those who want to demonstrate their understanding of the key concepts and processes underlying the use of containers in mode> software. Developers who wish to containerize software applications. Administrators who ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX342 - Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and TroubleshootingStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting should be able to: Understand and employ general methods for troubleshooting Collect system information to aid in troubleshooting Consult documentation resources to aid in troubleshooting Monitor systems for vital characteristics Configure systems to send log messages to a centralized host Diagnose and troubleshoot system start up issues Identify and resolve service failures affecting boot Regain root control of a system Troubleshoot boot issues Identify hardware and hardware problems Manage kernel modules and their parameters [l * The following audiences may be interested in earning the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting: System administrators who manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems System administrators who wish to demonstrate problem solving and analysis skills A Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise or RHCA credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting should be able to: Understand and employ general methods for troubleshooting Collect system information to aid in troubleshooting Consult documentation resources to aid in troubleshooting Monitor systems for vital characteristics Configure systems to send log messages to a centralized host Diagnose and troubleshoot system start up issues Identify and resolve service failures affecting boot Regain root control of a system Troubleshoot boot issues Identify hardware and hardware problems Manage kernel modules and their parameters Diagnose and troubleshoot file system issues Recover corrupted file systems Recover mis-configured or broken LVM configurations Recover data from encrypted file systems Identify and fix iSCSI issues Resolve package management issues Resolve package management dependency issues Recover a corrupted RPM database Identify and restore changed files Troubleshoot and fix network connectivity issues Use standard tools to verify network connectivity Identify and fix network connectivity issues Inspect network traffic to aid troubleshooting Diagnose application issues Identify library dependencies for third-party software Identify if an application suffers from memory leaks Use standard tools to debug an application Identify and fix issues related to SELinux Identify and fix authentication issues Identify and fix pluggable authentication module (PAM) issues Identify and fix LDAP and Kerberos identity management issues Gather information to aid third party investigation of issues Create kernel crashdumps Compile and execute SystemTap modules Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX401 - Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Enterprise Deployment and Systems Management examStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Enterprise Deployment and Systems Management should be able to perform the following tasks: Configure Red Hat Network (RHN) Satellite server Create child channels of a base channel Create different types of RHN users Create groups and add group administrators Create configuration channels Create a custom RPM spec file and build a binary RPM from provided source code Upload custom RPMS to an RHN Satellite server Create activation keys Assign groups, software channels, and configuration channels to an activation key Configure errata Provision RHN Satellite Server clients using kickstart Set up an SVN version co * System administrators responsible for managing large enterprise environments RHCEs interested in pursuing Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Enterprise Deployment and Systems Management should be able to perform the following tasks: Configure Red Hat Network (RHN) Satellite server Create child channels of a base channel Create different types of RHN users Create groups and add group administrators Create configuration channels Create a custom RPM spec file and build a binary RPM from provided source code Upload custom RPMS to an RHN Satellite server Create activation keys Assign groups, software channels, and configuration channels to an activation key Configure errata Provision RHN Satellite Server clients using kickstart Set up an SVN version control repository Kickstart a machine using Cobbler Manage virtual systems using RHN Satellite server Clone channels and use a cloned channel As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Red Hat recommends that candidates ea> Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) or Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) before attempting this exam but neither is required. Be Red Hat Certified System Administrators or have comparable work experience and skills (Red Hat Certified Engineer would be even better) Have taken the Red Hat Enterprise Deployment and Systems Management (RH401) course or have extensive work experience working with Red Hat Satellite Server Review the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Enterprise Deployment and Systems Management exam (EX401) objectives Recommended courses RH401 - Red Hat Enterprise Deployment and Systems Management ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX294 - Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8Study points for the exam As an RHCE exam candidate, you should be able to handle all responsibilities expected of a Red Hat Certified System Administrator, including these tasks: Be able to perform all tasks expected of a Red Hat Certified System Administrator Understand and use essential tools Operate running systems Configure local storage Create and configure file systems Deploy, configure, and maintain systems Manage users and groups Manage security Understand core components of Ansible Inventories Modules Variables Facts Plays Playbooks Configuration files Install and configure an Ansible control node Install required packages Create a static host inventory file Create a configuration file Configure Ansible managed nodes Create and distribute SSH keys to managed nodes Configure privilege escalatio * Experienced Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills or require a certification either by their organization or based on a mandate (DoD 8570 directive) Students who have taken Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation (RH294) and are on the path to becoming a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Students who are on the path to becoming a Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) Systems administrators who want to demonstrate competency in managing multiple systems IT professionals who work in a DevOps environment and want to demonstrate competency in automating part of their workload Red Hat Certified Engineers who are noncurrent or who are about to become noncurrent and wish to recertify as RHCEs Study points for the exam As an RHCE exam candidate, you should be able to handle all responsibilities expected of a Red Hat Certified System Administrator, including these tasks: Be able to perform all tasks expected of a Red Hat Certified System Administrator Understand and use essential tools Operate running systems Configure local storage Create and configure file systems Deploy, configure, and maintain systems Manage users and groups Manage security Understand core components of Ansible Inventories Modules Variables Facts Plays Playbooks Configuration files Install and configure an Ansible control node Install required packages Create a static host inventory file Create a configuration file Configure Ansible managed nodes Create and distribute SSH keys to managed nodes Configure privilege escalation on managed nodes Validate a working configuration using ad hoc Ansible commands Script administration tasks Create simple shell scripts Create simple shell scripts that run ad hoc Ansible commands Create and use static inventories to define groups of hosts Create Ansible plays and playbooks Know how to work with commonly used Ansible modules Use variables to retrieve the results of running a command Use conditionals to control play execution Configure error handling Create playbooks to configure systems to a specified state Use Ansible modules for system administration tasks that work with: Software packages and repositories Services Firewall rules File systems Storage devices File content Archiving Scheduled tasks Security Users and groups Create and use templates to create customized configuration files Work with Ansible variables and facts Create and work with roles Download roles from an Ansible Galaxy and use them Manage parallelism Use Ansible Vault in playbooks to protect sens ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX283 - Red Hat Certified Enterprise Microservices Developer examJEE developers who wish to demonstrate their skills and abilities using Java to develop advanced, microservices-oriented enterprise applications. Prerequisites Attend Introduction to OpenShift Applications (DO101) or demonstrate equivalent experience Attend Red Hat Application Development II: Implementing Microservice Architectures (DO283) ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Kurz Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g - tvorba repozitářůKurz Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g - tvorba repozitářů se věnuje vytváření a nasazování repozitářů Oracle BI Serveru. Účastníci se naučí, jak vybudovat a otestovat všechny 3 vrstvy repozitáře, jak vytvořit kalkulované metriky, nastavit dimenze a hierarchie, a využít je na pokročilejší analytické výpočty. Naučí se používat proměnné pro vytváření dynamických repozitářů, a zajistit jednotlivé části repozitáře tak, aby každý uživatel mohl pracovat pouze s povolenými částmi. Závěr kurzu se věnuje týmovému vývoji repozitářů, nasazování změn do produkce, a stručnému popisu utilit v BI Administration Tool. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
David Solnař
Kurz Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g - Reporty a dashboardyKurz Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g - Reporty a dashboardy naučí účastníky, jak používat Oracle BI z uživatelského hlediska. Naučí se, jak vytvářet interaktivní manažerské tabule, provádět ad-hoc analýzy dat, vytvářet automatické upozornění a vytvářet reporty. Účastníci se naučí vytvářet tabulky, grafy, kontingenční tabulky, a jak profesionálně vizualizovat a analyzovat všechna svá data. Závěr kurzu se věnuje sledování výkonnosti organizace a jeho integraci s ostatními technologiemi Oracle BI. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
David Solnař
Kurz-školení Pokročilá analýza a dolování dat pomocí Oracle Data Miner a R Enterprise # pro Programátory, analytikyKurz-školení Pokročilá analýza a dolování dat pomocí Oracle Data Miner a R Enterprise je zaměřen na posluchače, kteří již mají zkušenosti s dotazováním a analyzováním dat v jazyce SQL v prostředí databází Oracle. Navíc jim ukáže možnosti na dolování dat a vytváření prediktivních modelů pomocí Oracle Data Miner a R Enterprise. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
David Solnař
Počet nalezených kurzů : 2510
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 2510
Nenašli jste kurz? Zkuste zadat jednoduché klíčové slovo, nezadávejte frázi nebo skloňování a zkontrolujte diakritiku Hledat kurzy po jednotlivých klíčových slovech:
| ex18| cert| enter Nenašli jste kurz, školení, studium a/nebo seminář?Pošlete nám nezávaznou poptávku po školení a nebo kurzu a my ji zveřejníme na stránkách serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu. Možnost odpovědět na danou poptávku mají pouze
registrované školící firmy na serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu .
[Rekvalifikační kurzy, školení] Novinky z oblasti vzdělávacích kurzů a školení
Novinky z oblasti vzdělávacích kurzů a školení [NEWS]
Nové rekvalifikační vzdělávací kurzy a školení [FIRST MINUTE] Poslední hledané kurzy a/nebo školeníčtení výkresové dokumentace , hlavni vedouci , Školení hlavních vedoucích , Školení hlavních vedoucích , Školení hlavních vedoucích , cvičné-testy-adr , pedagogiky or asistent pedagoga opava , Refundace DPH zaplacené ve státech EU , pedagogiky-or-asistent-pedagoga-opava , Progecad , rekvalifikační-kurz-pečovatelka , kurz-plynové-injekce , kurz plynové injekce , Garantované studium DESIGNÉR , Garantované studium DESIGNÉR, , Design úprava , Design úprava , Design úprava , ošetřovatel jihlava vysočina , ošetřovatel jihlava vysočina , ošetřovatel jihlava vysočina , ošetřovatel jihlava vysočina , ošetřovatel jihlava vysočina , ošetřovatel jihlava vysočina , online kurz asistent OR pedagoga , ošetřovatel jihlava vysočina , wx-lt-redirect-php-url-mgclub-org-ua-showthread-php-t-62p-1242viewfull-1 , rekvalifikační-kurz-zubní-instrumentářka , zubní-instrumentářka-zlín , zubní instrumentářka zlín , zubní instrumentářka zlín , wx-lt-redirect-php-url-mgclub-org-ua-showthread-php-t-62p-1242viewfull-1 , archicad základní , vrátný , byt-or-správa-or-společenství-or-vlastníků-or-bytový-or-bytová-or-družstvo-or-družstva-or-správce-or , dále viz: statistika | Náhodně hledané školení ^ |