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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: or implement or cisco or routin - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: or implement or cisco or routinDalší kurzy a školení : Cisco
Hledáno ve školících firmách: or implement or cisco or routinHledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: or implement or cisco or routinZobrazit jako:
Počet nalezených kurzů : 2361 Deploying Cisco Service Provider Network Routing (SPROUTE) The Deploying Cisco Service Provider Network Routing (SPROUTE) v1.2 course is designed to help students prepare for the Cisco CCNP SP certification. The SPROUTE course is a component of the CCNP SP curriculum. The SPROUTE course is designed to provide service provider professionals with information on the use of advanced routing in implementing scalability for Cisco routers that are connected to LANs and WANs. The goal is to train professionals to dramatically inc ...
Deploying Cisco Service Provider Network Routing (SPROUTE) The Deploying Cisco Service Provider Network Routing (SPROUTE) v1.2 course is designed to help students prepare for the Cisco CCNP SP certification. The SPROUTE course is a component of the CCNP SP curriculum. The SPROUTE course is designed to provide service provider professionals with information on the use of advanced routing in implementing scalability for Cisco routers that are connected to LANs and WANs. The goal is to train professionals to dramatically inc ...
Deploying Cisco Service Provider Advanced Network Routing (SPADVROUTE) Deploying Cisco Service Provider Advanced Network Routing (SPADVROUTE) v1.2 is a course that provides network engineers and technicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement and support a service provider network. The course focuses on using Cisco routers that are typically found in the service provider network and on various technologies that are used to offer different services to customers. Upon completing this course learners will be able to con ...
Implementing Advanced Cisco ASA Security (SASAA) Audience Network engineers Network designers and administrators Network managers Prerequisites Implementing Core Cisco ASA Security v1.0 (SASAC) or equivalent knowledge of the Cisco ASA. ...
Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS) Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS) v1.0 is a newly created five-day instructor-led training (vILT) course that is part of the curriculum path leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP© Security) certification. This course is designed to prepare network security engineers with the knowledge and skills they need to protect data traversing a public or shared infrastructure such as the Internet by implementing and maintaining Cisco V ...
Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS) Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS) v1.0 is a newly created five-day instructor-led training (vILT) course that is part of the curriculum path leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP© Security) certification. This course is designed to prepare network security engineers with the knowledge and skills they need to protect data traversing a public or shared infrastructure such as the Internet by implementing and maintaining Cisco V ...
Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS) Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS) v1.0 is a newly created five-day instructor-led training (vILT) course, which is part of the curriculum path leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP© Security) certification. Additionally, it is designed to prepare security engineers with the knowledge and hands-on experience so that they can deploy Cisco’s Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) as well as Web Security, Email Security and Cloud Web Se ...
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCI)Audience Network Designer Server Administrator Network Engineer Systems Engineer Consulting Systems Engineer Technical Solutions Architect Cisco Integrators and Partners Network Administrator Storage Administrator Network Manager Course Objectives Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to ...
Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions (SISAS) Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions (SISAS) v1.0 is a newly created five-day instructor-led training (vILT) course is part of the curriculum path leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP© Security) certification. Additionally, it is designed to prepare security engineers with the knowledge and hands-on experience so that they can deploy Cisco’s Identity Services Engine and 802.1X secure network access. The goal of the course is to provide ...
Implementing and Configuring the Cisco Identity Services Engine Předpokládané znalosti Požadované: Znalosti v oblasti Internetworkingu, TCP - IP, konfigurace Cisco směrovačů a přepínačů v rozsahu školení ICND1 a ICND2. Doporučené: Cisco CCNP certifikace nebo odpovídající úroveň znalostí. Cisco CCNP Security certifikace nebo odpovídající úroveň znalostí. Po celou dobu kurzu je pro vás připraveno bohaté občerstvení a kvalitní káva. ...
^ Počet nalezených kurzů : 2361
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 2361
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