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Tabulka termínů kurzů (or studi or eventd) Počet nalezených kurzů : 10 Politický marketing, PR a organizace kampaně - SPECIAL KURZ - zásady a nástroje účinného politického marketingu a managementu, volební kampaPOL-0414 • • Supervolební rok 2004 - volby do Europarlamantu - volby do senátu - volby do vedení města Prahy - volby do obecních zastupitelství - volební kampaň - volební strategie, veřejnost, PR, marketing, politický marketing, organizace kampaně, osobní prezentace v praxi CÍL Seminář má za cíl seznámit účastníky s pravidly a zásadami politického marketingu a PR, naučit je orientovat se v přípravě, načasování a strategii (volební) kampaně, poznat základní odborné pojmy a jejich nástroje včetně tvorby komunikačního scénáře a vytváření politických a společenských strategií. V praktické části tohoto speciálního školení se bude řešit, jak získávat znalosti a dovednosti, jak oslovit potenciální voliče, ale také jak budovat dobré jméno a udržovat dobrou pověst, jak komunikovat s veřejností a médii a odstranit potenciální chyby a nešvary v (politické) komunikaci. URČENO začínajíc ...
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AHA PR Agency, s.r.o.
EX225 - Red Hat JBoss Certified Developer examStudy points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, you should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Configure and create enterprise-ready web projects Configure database connection and persistence details Include existing components and entities Generate views and view beans from entities Choose between war and ear applications Generate the application scaffold Handle web and enterprise application project structures, including possible configuration file locations Generate and deploy the application using maven or JBoss Tools Work with contexts (CDI) Use the best context lifecycle for a given use case Make good use of Conversation by understanding: Context order used by the container to resolve components and contex * Java™ EE application developers Study points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, you should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Configure and create enterprise-ready web projects Configure database connection and persistence details Include existing components and entities Generate views and view beans from entities Choose between war and ear applications Generate the application scaffold Handle web and enterprise application project structures, including possible configuration file locations Generate and deploy the application using maven or JBoss Tools Work with contexts (CDI) Use the best context lifecycle for a given use case Make good use of Conversation by understanding: Context order used by the container to resolve components and context variables Temporary versus long running Conversation promotion Conversation demarcation and propagation Relation between conversations, transactions, and persistence context flushmode Debugging a CDI application (potentially with Arquillian) Manage context content Work with POJO - JEE components Differences between EJB3-based components and POJO-based components Component definition Apply @Named Configure beans.xml Component lifecycle Component - contexts interaction Use of @Inject Understand interceptors Understand events Use @Alternative Use @Decorator Apply qualifier Apply producer Apply dispose Setting component and context variable in particular context using CDI APIs Implement the observer or observed patte> using CDI Implement a transactional conversation having in mind the relation between conversations, transactions, and persistence context flushmode JAAS security-related features, including (list not exhaustive) authentication restriction security events bind authentication methods Access and manage identity information through API Work with web - JSF components and web navigation Understand Postback lifecycle Use exhaustive navigation capabilities using faces-config Handling of RESTFul approach with JSF2 (viewparam) Use common Richfaces components Configure navigation based on application state Set up JSF input validation Set up JSF input conversion Use Expression Language (EL) Understand message bundle and locales Choose and configure JSF components Efficiently handle exceptions Implement success and error messages ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Kurz SQL SERVER INTEGRATION SERVICES 2016/2019 PRO POKROČILÉKurz SQL SERVER INTEGRATION SERVICES 2016 - 2019 PRO POKROČILÉ vysvětluje do detailů nejen jednotlivé části SSIS, ale zejména použití pokročilých technik zřetězením pokročilých komponent SSIS pro vytvoření netradičních či náročných řešení. Projdeme si i všechny možnosti rozšíření SSIS, od programování vlastních komponent po jejich nasazení do provozu. Součástí kurzu jsou i moderní řešení jako je integrace s Azure cloudem, Data Quality Services, Master Data Services, SharePointu či webovými službami. Jedná se o intenzivní kurz, díky kterému dostanete z SSIS maximum, při datawarehousingu jakož i integrací různých systémů. ...
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David Solnař
EX415 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux examStudy points for the exam Use Red Hat Ansible ® Engine Install Red Hat Ansible Engine on a control node. Configure managed nodes. Configure simple inventories. Perform basic management of systems. Run a provided playbook against specified nodes. Configure intrusion detection Install AIDE. Configure AIDE to monitor critical system files. Configure encrypted storage Encrypt and decrypt block devices using LUKS. Configure encrypted storage persistence using NBDE. Change encrypted storage passphrases. Restrict USB devices Install USBGuard. Write device policy rules with specific criteria to manage devices. Manage administrative policy and daemon configuration. Manage system login security using pluggable authentication modules (PAMs) Configure password quality requirements. Configure failed login polic * for this exam These audiences may be interested in becoming a Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux: System administrators responsible for managing large enterprise environments System administrators responsible for securing their organization s infrastructure Red Hat Certified Engineers interested in pursuing the Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) credential Prerequisites for this exam Be a Red Hat Certified System Administrator or have comparable work experience and skills (Red Hat Certified Engineer would be even better) Review the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux exam objectives or have comparable work experience using Red Hat OpenStack Platform. Study points for the exam Use Red Hat Ansible ® Engine Install Red Hat Ansible Engine on a control node. Configure managed nodes. Configure simple inventories. Perform basic management of systems. Run a provided playbook against specified nodes. Configure intrusion detection Install AIDE. Configure AIDE to monitor critical system files. Configure encrypted storage Encrypt and decrypt block devices using LUKS. Configure encrypted storage persistence using NBDE. Change encrypted storage passphrases. Restrict USB devices Install USBGuard. Write device policy rules with specific criteria to manage devices. Manage administrative policy and daemon configuration. Manage system login security using pluggable authentication modules (PAMs) Configure password quality requirements. Configure failed login policy. Modify PAM configuration files and parameters. Configure system auditing Write rules to log auditable events. Enable prepackaged rules. Produce audit reports. Configure SELinux Enable SELinux on a host running a simple application. Interpret SELinux violations and determine remedial action. Restrict user activity with SELinux user mappings. Analyze and correct existing SELinux configurations. Enforce security compliance Install OpenSCAP and Workbench. Use OpenSCAP and Red Hat Insights to scan hosts for security compliance. Use OpenSCAP Workbench to tailor policy. Use OpenSCAP Workbench to scan an individual host for security compliance. Use Red Hat Satellite server to implement an OpenSCAP policy. Apply OpenSCAP remediation scripts to hosts. As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Prerequisites Be a Red Hat Certified System Administrator or have comparable work experience and skills (Red Hat Certified Engineer would be even better) Review the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux e ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
LEANou [línou] cestou k bezstarostné výroběPopis S LEANem a hledáním příležitostí pro procesní zlepšování je to tak trochu jako s dvěma obrázky v jednom. Většina lidí na první pohled vidí jen jednu verzi. A až na základě přetáčení a případného pošťuchování ze strany dalších lidí s úžasem zjišťuje, že tam je ještě další obrázek a děsně moc se diví, jak je možné, že ho hned na začátku nezar ...
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Controller Institut
MOCAZ-204 - Microsoft Azure - vývoj aplikacíTento kurz učí vývojáře, jak vytvářet komplexní řešení v Microsoft Azure. Studenti se naučí implementovat výpočetní řešení Azure, vytvářet Azure Functions, implementovat a spravovat webové aplikace, vyvíjet řešení využívající Azure storage, implementovat autentizaci a autorizaci a zabezpečit svá řešení pomocí KeyVault a Managed Identities. Studenti se také naučí, jak se připojit a spotřebovat Azure služby a služby třetích stran, a do svých řešení zahrnout modely založené na událostech a zprávách ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
US GAAP in EnglishWhile primarily aimed at subsidiaries of American companies, the seminar is also helpful for European companies that have established, or plan to establish, a US subsidiary. Because the US does not have an accounting directive similar to the EU, businesses do not generally need to deal with GAAP until their turnover exceeds set limits or they list securities on a US exchange (assuming they do not apply the SEC’s foreign private issuer exemption). This seminar is also useful for owners of European companies contemplating a trade sale. Obviously, an EU based company is not required apply GAAP. Nevertheless, as the final price in such a sale is often derived from reported financial results, it is reasonable to present those results not only in a form that a US investor will immediately understand, but also in the best light possible as allowed by GAAP. In addition to key topics such as revenue, leasing or fair value, the seminar also addresses issues such as goodwill, contingent * • introduction to US GAAP, • recognition, measurement, disclosure, • fair value, • cash and short-term investments (basics), • receivables: contract assets, revenue recognition (amount), examples, • Inventory: recognition, measurement, examples, revenue recognition (timing), • accruals, • PP&E: recognition, measurement, useful life and depreciation, • intangible assets: recognition, measurement, goodwill, • leasing, • liabilities, • equity, • income statement, revenue recognition (services and POC), • impairment. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
1. VOX s.r.o.
IFRS in EnglishMost companies apply IFRS because they are subsidiaries in a group whose securities trade on a regulated, EU market. In addition, many EU member states require legal entities to apply national standards, a.k.a. national GAAP, for statutory accounting and - or taxation purposes. Combining the two can be a challenge. For example, while national GAAPs often define chart of accounts, IFRS does not. More importantly, while national GAAPs are often driven by the legal form of transactions, contracts and agreements, IFRS only considers their economic substance. For example, while operating leases have disappeared from IFRS, they are still recognized by many national GAAPs. IFRS can also be changing to interpret. For example, rather than goods and services, IFRS 15 recognizes revenue associated with performance obligations. Also, instead of recognizing revenue when earned and realized, it requires companies to follow its five steps. To help practitioners navigate the guidance, besides a * • introduction to IFRS, • recognition, measurement, disclosure, • fair value, • cash and short-term investments (basics), • receivables: contract assets, revenue recognition (amount), examples, • Inventory: recognition, measurement, examples, revenue recognition (timing), • accruals, • PP&E: recognition, measurement, useful life and depreciation, • intangible assets: recognition, measurement, goodwill, • leasing, • liabilities, • equity, • income statement, revenue recognition (services and POC), • impairment. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
1. VOX s.r.o.
VMware vSphere – Install, Configure, Manage [V8] (EDU-VSICM8) Předpokládané znalosti Zkušenosti se správou operačních systémů Microsoft Windows nebo Linux. Zaměření kurzu Kurz je vhodný pro systémové integrátory a inženýry. Po celou dobu kurzu je pro vás připraveno bohaté občerstvení a kvalitní káva. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
NICOM, a.s.
EX415K - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux examStudy points for the exam Use Red Hat Ansible ® Engine Install Red Hat Ansible Engine on a control node. Configure managed nodes. Configure simple inventories. Perform basic management of systems. Run a provided playbook against specified nodes. Configure intrusion detection Install AIDE. Configure AIDE to monitor critical system files. Configure encrypted storage Encrypt and decrypt block devices using LUKS. Configure encrypted storage persistence using NBDE. Change encrypted storage passphrases. Restrict USB devices Install USBGuard. Write device policy rules with specific criteria to manage devices. Manage administrative policy and daemon configuration. Manage system login security using pluggable authentication modules (PAMs) Configure password quality requirements. Configure failed login polic * for this exam These audiences may be interested in becoming a Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux: System administrators responsible for managing large enterprise environments System administrators responsible for securing their organization s infrastructure Red Hat Certified Engineers interested in pursuing the Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) credential Prerequisites for this exam Be a Red Hat Certified System Administrator or have comparable work experience and skills (Red Hat Certified Engineer would be even better) Review the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux exam objectives or have comparable work experience using Red Hat OpenStack Platform. Study points for the exam Use Red Hat Ansible ® Engine Install Red Hat Ansible Engine on a control node. Configure managed nodes. Configure simple inventories. Perform basic management of systems. Run a provided playbook against specified nodes. Configure intrusion detection Install AIDE. Configure AIDE to monitor critical system files. Configure encrypted storage Encrypt and decrypt block devices using LUKS. Configure encrypted storage persistence using NBDE. Change encrypted storage passphrases. Restrict USB devices Install USBGuard. Write device policy rules with specific criteria to manage devices. Manage administrative policy and daemon configuration. Manage system login security using pluggable authentication modules (PAMs) Configure password quality requirements. Configure failed login policy. Modify PAM configuration files and parameters. Configure system auditing Write rules to log auditable events. Enable prepackaged rules. Produce audit reports. Configure SELinux Enable SELinux on a host running a simple application. Interpret SELinux violations and determine remedial action. Restrict user activity with SELinux user mappings. Analyze and correct existing SELinux configurations. Enforce security compliance Install OpenSCAP and Workbench. Use OpenSCAP and Red Hat Insights to scan hosts for security compliance. Use OpenSCAP Workbench to tailor policy. Use OpenSCAP Workbench to scan an individual host for security compliance. Use Red Hat Satellite server to implement an OpenSCAP policy. Apply OpenSCAP remediation scripts to hosts. As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Prerequisites Be a Red Hat Certified System Administrator or have comparable work experience and skills (Red Hat Certified Engineer would be even better) Review the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux e ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Počet nalezených kurzů : 10
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 10
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