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Počet nalezených kurzů : 19 CL311 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III with exam The Red Hat OpenStack Administration III with exam (CL311) bundle is a combination of the following: Red Hat OpenStack Administration III (CL310) course Red Hat Certified Engineer in Red Hat OpenStack exam (EX310) The Red Hat OpenStack Administration III (CL310) course provides extensive hands-on training for experienced system administrators in how to use the distributed storage features of Red Hat® Ceph Storage and the networking capabi ...
CL311 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking and NFV with examThe Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking and NFV with exam (CL311) bundle is a combination of the following: CL310 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking & Foundations of NFV Red Hat Certified Engineer in Red Hat OpenStack Platform Exam (EX310) The Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking and NFV (CL310) course provides extensive hands-on training for experienced system administrators in how to use the distributed storage features of Red H ...
Advanced Architecting on AWS - for APN partners In this course, you will build on concepts introduced in Architecting on AWS . You will lea> how to build complex solutions that incorporate data services, governance, and security on the AWS platform. You will also lea> about specialized AWS services, including AWS Direct Connect and AWS Storage Gateway, that support hybrid architecture, and you will lea> about best practices for building scalable, elastic, secure, and highly available applications on AWS. Audience This course is inte ...
DO410 - Automation with Ansible and Ansible Tower Automation with Ansible and Ansible Tower (DO410) teaches you how to develop standardized automation of the enterprise IT environment in order to improve operational efficiency. You will lea> how to use Ansible for automation, configuration, provisioning, and management, as well as how to use Red Hat® Ansible Tower to centrally manage Ansible at an enterprise scale. This course combines the content from Automation with Ansible (DO407) and Automation with Ansible II: Ans ...
RH294 - Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation (RH294) is designed for Linux® system administrators and developers who need to automate provisioning, configuration, application deployment, and orchestration. This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 8 and Red Hat® Ansible Engine 2.8. Ways To Train - Test Red Hat offers a method of training that is convenient to you - classroom, online, or at your site. Audience This course is ...
RH295 - Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation with exam Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation with exam (RH295) is designed for Linux® system administrators and developers who need to lea> and validate how to automate provisioning, configuration, application deployment, and orchestration. You will prove your ability to install and configure Ansible® on a management workstation; prepare managed hosts for automation; write Ansible Playbooks to automate tasks; and run playbooks to ensure servers are correctly depl ...
DO101 - Introduction to OpenShift Applications A developer-focused introduction to OpenShift application building, deployment, scaling, and troubleshooting. Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform is a containerized application platform that allows enterprises to accelerate and streamline application development, delivery, and deployment on-premise or in the cloud. As OpenShift and Kubernetes continue to become widely adopted, developers are increasingly required to understand how to develop, build, and deploy applica ...
RH294 - Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation with Ansible Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation (RH294) is designed for Linux® system administrators and developers who need to automate provisioning, configuration, application deployment, and orchestration. This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 8 and Red Hat® Ansible Engine 2.8. Ways To Train - Test Red Hat offers a method of training that is convenient to you - classroom, online, or at your site. Audience This course is ...
RH295 - Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation with Ansible with exam Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation with exam (RH295) is designed for Linux® system administrators and developers who need to lea> and validate how to automate provisioning, configuration, application deployment, and orchestration. You will prove your ability to install and configure Ansible® on a management workstation; prepare managed hosts for automation; write Ansible Playbooks to automate tasks; and run playbooks to ensure servers are correctly depl ...
DO101 - Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift ApplicationsA developer-focused introduction to OpenShift application building, deployment, scaling, and troubleshooting. Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform is a containerized application platform that allows enterprises to accelerate and streamline application development, delivery, and deployment on-premise or in the cloud. As OpenShift and Kubernetes continue to become widely adopted, developers are increasingly required to understand how to develop, build, and deploy applications with a containeriz ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 19
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 19
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