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skoleni-kurzy.eu[skoleni-kurzy.eu] Zde najdete různé kurzy, školení, semináře a rekvalifikační kurzy z různých oborů.Nenašli jste kurz, školení a/nebo seminář?Pošlete nám nezávaznou poptávku po kurzu a my se ho pokusíme najít a pošleme Vám kontakt na vzdělávací firmu a/nebo Vaši poptávku kurzu zveřejníme v seznamu poptávek.Registrace školící firmyJste školící firma, vzdělávací instituce a/nebo pořádáte školení, kurzy, rekvalifikační semináře? Zaregistrujte svoji firmu na serveru a zvyšte počet svých klientů.Náhodný kurz/školeníBuďme na úrovni - AbecedaPC „Buďme na úrovni“ je název kurzu , který nabízí potřebné znalosti a dovednosti pro prvotřídní prezentaci Vaší firmy před obchodními klienty. Znalosti 100% využijí jak manažeři, tak i zaměstnanci a živnostníci. ^
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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: or symant or enterpr or vault or for or exchan or admin - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: or symant or enterpr or vault or for or exchan or adminHledáno ve školících firmách: or symant or enterpr or vault or for or exchan or adminHledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: or symant or enterpr or vault or for or exchan or adminPočet nalezených kurzů : 2724 Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x for Exchange: Administration I The Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x: Administration I course is designed for system administrators tasked with operating, integrating, and monitoring the day-to-day performance of Enterprise Vault within a Microsoft Exchange environment. This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class covers Enterprise Vault’s functionality, operations and features. Additional topics include using reports, basic management, and an overview of Enterprise Vault backup and restore requirements. ...
Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x: Administration I The Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x: Administration I course is designed for system administrators tasked with operating, integrating, and monitoring the day-to-day performance of Enterprise Vault within a Microsoft Exchange environment. This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class covers Enterprise Vault’s functionality, operations and features. Additional topics include using reports, basic management, and an overview of Enterprise Vault backup and restore requirements. After you complete t ...
Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.3: Administration The Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.3: Administration course is designed for system administrators tasked with operating, integrating, and monitoring the day-to-day performance of Enterprise Vault within a Microsoft Exchange environment. This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class covers Enterprise Vault’s functionality, operations and features. Additional topics include using reports, basic management, classification, and an overview of Enterprise Vault backup and restore ...
Veritas Enterprise Vault 14.1: Administration The Veritas Enterprise Vault Administration I course is designed for system administrators tasked with operating, integrating, and monitoring the day-to-day performance of Enterprise Vault within a Microsoft Exchange environment. This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class covers Enterprise Vault’s functionality, operations and features. Additional topics include using reports, basic management, and an overview of Enterprise Vault backup and restore requirements. After you complete this co ...
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.x: Manage and AdministerThis course is for IT and system administration professionals who are charged with managing and monitoring Symantec Endpoint Protection endpoints. Course objectives By the completion of this course, you will be able to: * Describe how the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) communicates with clients and make appropriate changes as necessar ...
MOCMS-203 - Microsoft 365 - nasazení a správa Exchange a Exchange OnlinePětidenní kurz připravuje účastníky ke správě on-prem Exchange Server i cloudového Exchange Online a jejich koexistence ...
SymantecIT konference Kurzy a certifikace Symantec Endpoint Protection and Encryption Endpoint Protection and Encryption Název Počet dní Cena (bez DPH) Termín Místo Jazyk Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.x: Configure and Protect Počet dní 3 Cena (bez DPH) 1.320 EUR Termín 28. 3. 2022 20. 6. 2022 Místo virtual virt ...
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14: DifferencesNetwork, IT security, and systems administration professionals in a Security Operations position who are tasked with configuring optimum security settings for endpoints protected by Symantec Endpoint Protection 14. Course Objectives By the completion of this course, you will be able to: Complete a fresh Install and upgrade from prior versions ...
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.x: Configure and ProtectNetwork, IT security, and systems administration professionals in a Security Operations position who are tasked with configuring optimum security settings for endpoints protected by Symantec Endpoint Protection 14 Course objectives By the completion of this course, you will be able to: * Secure endpoints against network and file-based threats * Co ...
NSE7 FortiGate III - Enterprise FirewallIn this 3-day class, you will lea> how to isolate and fix the most common issues in networks with FortiGate. In interactive labs, you will explore how to configure BGP and OSPF, and to resolve misconfigurations and improve performance. Audience Networking and security professionals involved in the administration and support of a security infrastructure using FortiGate appliances. This course assumes advanced knowledge of networking and FortiGate-specific fundamentals. As a result, if you a ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 2724
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 2724
Nenašli jste kurz? Zkuste zadat jednoduché klíčové slovo, nezadávejte frázi nebo skloňování a zkontrolujte diakritiku
| syman| enterp| vaul| for| excha| admi Nenašli jste kurz, školení, studium a/nebo seminář?Pošlete nám nezávaznou poptávku po školení a nebo kurzu a my ji zveřejníme na stránkách serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu. Možnost odpovědět na danou poptávku mají pouze
registrované školící firmy na serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu .
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