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Občanské průkazy a cestovní doklady zásadní změny se zavedením biometrických údajů do občanského průkazu, novinky na úseku občanských průkazů a cestovních dokladů, zkušenosti a problémy z aplikační praxe, úpravy aplikace C227, připravované legisla - Agentura BOVA - RNDr. Ivana Hexnerová
Odborný program semináře: * Občanské průkazy - biometrické údaje v občanském průkazu – Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2019 - 1157 o posílení zabezpečení průkazů totožnosti občanů Unie a povolení k pobytu vydávaných občanům Unie a jejich rodinným příslušníkům,




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SLEVA 10 % na kurz Microsoft Excel – pro pokročilé - LastMinute' - online - - využít slevu lze pouze do 25.11.2024

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Počet nalezených kurzů : 30

Kurzy : << | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4| >>

Využití Six Sigma nástrojů v IA

Pro všechny úrovně. Určeno pro Seznámit posluchače s využitím nástrojů z metodologie Six Sigma v rámci interního auditu. Cíl semináře Seznámit posluchače s využitím nástrojů z metodologie Six Sigma v rámci interního auditu. Obsah semináře Školení je koncipováno formou workshopu. Jednotlivé kapitoly jsou vždy teoreticky vysvětleny a následně ...

Podobný kurz    = podobný kurz, školení a/nebo seminář


INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - Český institut interních auditorů, z.s.

C/Side Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (MOC80437)

Tento pětidenní kurz provede studenty simulovaným implementačním projektem, jehož cílem je přizpůsobení prostředí Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 tak, aby vyhovovalo požadavkům zákazníka. Vysvětluje standardní aplikační koncepty a poskytuje náhled na nejdůležitější procesy v Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, včetně dokumentace, ladění aplikací a integrace vlastností. * Module 1: Data and Process Model This module explains the standard application functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 and it discusses the importance of following the same standards in all customizations. Lessons Table Types and Characteristics Standard Data Model Standard Process Model Module 2: Master Tables and Pages This module explains what is involved in solution development to meet customer requirements. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Participants Instructors and rooms Seminars Module 3: Documents This module explains the purpose and benefits in using documents to enter transactions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Registrations Reviewing the Table Code Module 4: Posting This module explains the posting routine. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Posting Seminar Registrations Module 5: Feature Integration This module explains the integration of custom features into standard functionality to provide a seamless and familiar experience to the users. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Seminar Feature Integration Navigate Integration Module 6: Reporting This module explains reporting principles. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Reporting Lab Overview Participant List Reporting Invoice Posting Batch Job Module 7: Statistics This module explains the different types of statistics in the standard application. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Seminar Statistics Module 8: Dimensions This module explains the importance of dimensions and their use throughout the standard application and accompany all transactional data and process. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Integrating Seminar Management with Dimensions Module 9: Role Tailoring This module explains the importance of user roles and profiles in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Seminar Manager Role Center MenuSuite Object Type Seminar Management Department Page Module 10: Interfaces This module explains how interfacing with features or applications outside Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a frequent requirement. It also describes the different types of interfacing features that are present in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge E Confirmation Module 11: Web Services This module explains what web services are and how they are used in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Registration Web Service Module 12: Testing and Debugging This module explains testing practices and presents the test-driven development (TDD) approach followed by Microsoft. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Testing Seminar Management Debugging Module 13: Optimizing for SQL Server This module explains the SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Lessons SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamic ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - PC-DIR Real, s.r.o.

Due diligence

title= info > Školení je součástí cyklu Acquisition Manager , lze jej však absolvovat i samostatně. Formu výuky si můžete zvolit – prezenčně nebo online. Zásadním krokem při posuzování akvizice společnosti je proces due diligence. Jedná se o vyčerpávající přezkoumání finanční situace společnosti, jejího majetku, podnikatelských výhledů, rizik a ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - Controller Institut

EX248 - Red Hat Certified JBoss Administration (RHCJA) exam

Study points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss EAP, RHCJA exam candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Install and manage JBoss EAP Install JBoss EAP to a specific location on a system Install additional, operating system specific native libraries to enhance JBoss EAP performance Configure minimal security requirements for accessing and managing JBoss EAP Access and manage JBoss EAP using the provided tools Configure and start a multi-node, multi-server JBoss EAP domain spanning at least two hosts with multiple servers per host Configure JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Create and remove JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Start, monitor and stop individual JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Configure Java ™ memory usage at the host, server group and server level Configure JBoss EAP to suppor * IT professionals who want to ea> a credential that shows they have the skills and knowledge needed to install, configure, monitor, manage, and deploy applications to Red Hat JBoss EAP: Application server systems administrators Application administrators Application developers Deployment managers System architects Quality assurance engineers Study points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss EAP, RHCJA exam candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Install and manage JBoss EAP Install JBoss EAP to a specific location on a system Install additional, operating system specific native libraries to enhance JBoss EAP performance Configure minimal security requirements for accessing and managing JBoss EAP Access and manage JBoss EAP using the provided tools Configure and start a multi-node, multi-server JBoss EAP domain spanning at least two hosts with multiple servers per host Configure JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Create and remove JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Start, monitor and stop individual JBoss EAP domains, hosts and servers Configure Java ™ memory usage at the host, server group and server level Configure JBoss EAP to support clustered and HA operation Configure persistent network bindings for JBoss EAP services (both addresses and ports) Configure high-availability clustering using either TCP unicast or UDP multicast networking Secure the communications channels between clustered nodes Configure an Apache based load balancer for handling HTTP session fail over in a HA environment Monitoring and managing JBoss EAP Create and restore configuration snapshots Configure JBoss EAP logging Configure and secure JBoss EAP JMX interface for external monitoring Configuring Java Messaging Service Create and configure JMS topics and queues Secure access to JMS destinations Manage applications Select appropriate JBoss EAP server profiles based on application requirements Configure DataSources (both XA and non-XA compliant) Deploy and undeploy applications Deploy and undeploy additional libraries and drivers Deploy a web application to the root context Configure JBoss Web Connectors Tune and configure JBoss EAP web connector properties as requested Configure Apache integration with JBoss EAP Configure an SSL encrypted connection Configure JBoss EAP security Create, modify, and use security domains Connect JBoss EAP to specified external security sources such as LDAP and DBMS Secure access to JBoss EAP services Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

NLP Extra Practitioner (English) - Prague

This course is held in English. NLP Extra Practitioner is designed to develop highly skilled NLP Practitioners by blending New Code and Classic Code NLP. Attend this special course and lea> how to use the most powerful tools from NLP to help yourself and others to get more from life. You will get the skills that help you to achieve excellence in your own life and enabling others to absorb those skills for their own use. Moreover you will receive the expertise, confidence and knowledge of practical application to make you a first class NLP Practitioner. You will have the opportunity to take the first NLP Extra Practitioner course in the Czech Republic. The course integrates these two schools of thoughts: Classic Code NLP and New Code NLP which means that you lea> the latest ideas and techniques while understanding the roots of the discipline and remaining faithful to the original ideas of NLP. Successful participants will receive N ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - Centrum systemiky a NLP s.r.o.

Technický workshop - přecházíme na RHEL 7 /CentOS 7

Operační systém Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 , potažmo jeho komunitní klon CentOS 7, je již nějakou dobu k dispozici. Oproti předchozím generacím přinesl spoustu zásadních změn a novinek a proto ve většině IT prostředí je otázka nasazení verze 7 stále aktuální. Workshop provede administrátory a IT architekty všemi novinkami. Účastníci si budou moci sami vyzkoušet jaké změny je v jejich standardní práci čekají a dozví se jaké dopady na jejich IT bude mít přestup na tuto novou verzi. Cí ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Due diligence

Popis U tohoto kurzu si formu školení můžete vybrat – prezenčně nebo online. Zásadním krokem při posuzování akvizice společnosti je proces due diligence. Jedná se o vyčerpávající přezkoumání finanční situace společnosti, jejího majetku, podnikatelských výhledů, rizik a dalších relevantních otázek za účelem získání znalosti o podniku, posouzení ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - Controller Institut

Linux Workshop for DevOps

Každý vývojář aplikací běžících v linuxovém prostředí někdy potřebuje dohlédnout až na úroveň samotného operačního systému. Dvoudenní workshop je zaměřen právě na takové úkony, které vývojáři pomohou s orientací a diagnostikou problémů v operačním systému Linux. Účastníci získají praktické informace ohledně práce se systémem, ladění procesů, spouštění služeb, instalací balíků, atd. Pro každou kapitolu je připraven praktický LAB. Cílová skupina Kurz je určen vývojářům aplikací běžících na Lin ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

EX342 - Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting should be able to: Understand and employ general methods for troubleshooting Collect system information to aid in troubleshooting Consult documentation resources to aid in troubleshooting Monitor systems for vital characteristics Configure systems to send log messages to a centralized host Diagnose and troubleshoot system start up issues Identify and resolve service failures affecting boot Regain root control of a system Troubleshoot boot issues Identify hardware and hardware problems Manage kernel modules and their parameters [l * The following audiences may be interested in earning the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting: System administrators who manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems System administrators who wish to demonstrate problem solving and analysis skills A Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise or RHCA credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting should be able to: Understand and employ general methods for troubleshooting Collect system information to aid in troubleshooting Consult documentation resources to aid in troubleshooting Monitor systems for vital characteristics Configure systems to send log messages to a centralized host Diagnose and troubleshoot system start up issues Identify and resolve service failures affecting boot Regain root control of a system Troubleshoot boot issues Identify hardware and hardware problems Manage kernel modules and their parameters Diagnose and troubleshoot file system issues Recover corrupted file systems Recover mis-configured or broken LVM configurations Recover data from encrypted file systems Identify and fix iSCSI issues Resolve package management issues Resolve package management dependency issues Recover a corrupted RPM database Identify and restore changed files Troubleshoot and fix network connectivity issues Use standard tools to verify network connectivity Identify and fix network connectivity issues Inspect network traffic to aid troubleshooting Diagnose application issues Identify library dependencies for third-party software Identify if an application suffers from memory leaks Use standard tools to debug an application Identify and fix issues related to SELinux Identify and fix authentication issues Identify and fix pluggable authentication module (PAM) issues Identify and fix LDAP and Kerberos identity management issues Gather information to aid third party investigation of issues Create kernel crashdumps Compile and execute SystemTap modules Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6.7]

VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale is designed for experienced VMware vSphere® users. It teaches advanced skills for configuring and maintaining a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure. Through a mix of lecture and hands-on labs, you will configure and optimize the vSphere features that build a foundation for a truly scalable infrastructure and discuss when and where these features have the greatest effect. Anyone who is ready to take their understanding of ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Počet nalezených kurzů : 30

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Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 30

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    Školení: Python a Django – kurz tvorby a nasazení aplikací v prosinci 2024 - Praha