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skoleni-kurzy.eu[skoleni-kurzy.eu] Zde najdete různé kurzy, školení, semináře a rekvalifikační kurzy z různých oborů.Nenašli jste kurz, školení a/nebo seminář?Pošlete nám nezávaznou poptávku po kurzu a my se ho pokusíme najít a pošleme Vám kontakt na vzdělávací firmu a/nebo Vaši poptávku kurzu zveřejníme v seznamu poptávek.Registrace školící firmyJste školící firma, vzdělávací instituce a/nebo pořádáte školení, kurzy, rekvalifikační semináře? Zaregistrujte svoji firmu na serveru a zvyšte počet svých klientů.Náhodný kurz/školeníVýživový poradce [akreditovaný MŠMT online kurz] - Welko Team s.r.o. Náš kurz je první a zatím jediný online kurz výživy v České republice, akreditovaný Ministerstvem školství mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR. Není to kurz jednoho člověka - náš kurz obsahuje 150 hodin vysoce odborných přednášek, které zpracovalo a ozvučilo celkem 11 lektorů - specialistů, z nichž řada j ^
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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: studi holdi - hledá všechna klíčová slova [AND]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: studi holdiDalší kurzy a školení : Alias Studio
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Hledáno ve školících firmách: studi holdiEveresta, s.r.o (odkaz na termíny kurzů) Hledáno v popisu kurzu/školení: studi holdiZobrazit jako:
Tabulka termínů kurzů (studi holdi) Počet nalezených kurzů : 12 REKVALIFIKAČNÍ KURZ KRUPIÉR - KOMPLETNÍCo Vás čeká během kurzu a krátce po něm: - během 6-ti týdnů Vás vyškolíme na profesionálního krupiéra - po kurzu Vás nasměrujeme do zaměstnání v casinu dle Vašeho výběru v ČR. Všechny naše kurzy probíhají v přátelské atmosféře a jsou vedeny zkušenými lektory, kteří Vám rádi pomohou překonat případné problémy se studiem. Povolání krupiér je ve většině zemí světa velice dobře ohodnoceno. Účastníkům tohoto kurzu se tak otevírají zcela nové možnosti uplatnění na trhu práce. Záleží jen na každém jednotlivci, jak je dokáže využít. Někteří najdou zalíbení v kasinech u nás a po čase se propracují na manažery kasina. Jiní se shlédnou v cestování a dají přednost práci v kasinech na luxusních zaoceánských lodích, nebo kdekoliv jinde ve světě. Ať už budete pracovat u nás nebo v zahraničí, budete poznávat zajímavé lidi .... ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
CGS Praha
Řízení rizik – případová studie Pro všechny úrovně. Určeno pro Risk manažery, interní auditory, analytiky rizik a další vedoucí pracovníky zabývající se problematikou implementace a fungování systému řízení rizik ve společnosti. Cíl semináře Seznámit posluchače s praktickými zkušenostmi z implementace Risk Managementu ve společnostech nebankovního sektoru. Obsah semináře Poskytnout informativní přehled o integrovaném systému řízení rizik ve Skupině ČD. Prezentovat praktické zkušenosti z implementace Risk Managementu ve společnostech nebankovního sektoru. Základní východiska (legislativa) a harmonogram implementace (projekt Corporate Governance). Základní dokumentace systému řízení rizik (politika, statut VŘR, manuál). Hlavní dokumenty – karta rizika, katalog rizik. IS - IT podpora v systému řízení rizik. Ukázat praktické zkušenosti a základní metody oceňování rizik, (Earnings@Risk, Cash Flow@Risk). Monitoring, reporting aktuální rizikové pozice vedení – zdůraznění významu řízení rizik pro společnost. Diskuse – problémové okruhy. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
Český institut interních auditorů, z.s.
MOC20342 - Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Kurz přináší pokročilá témata správy, sledování, optimalizace a plánování složitější infrastruktury s Exchange 2013 a jeho koexistence se staršími verzemi tohoto emailového řešení. Cílová skupina Kurz je určen pro zkušenější správce technologií Exchange Server 2013, kteří již byli na předchozím kurzu a mají odpovídající znalosti k tomu, aby se mohli zaměřit na pokročilejší a specializovanější témata. ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX405 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Configuration ManagementStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks: Install and configure Puppet. Install Puppet servers. Install Puppet nodes. Register Puppet nodes to a Puppet server. Create and maintain Puppet manifests. Create new Puppet manifests. Debug existing Puppet manifests. Create Puppet modules. Create reusable modules. Create modules with classes, name spaces, variables, and conditionals. Create modules that install software on target nodes and deploy configuration files. Use facter to obtain system information. Create custom facts. Use facts to change Puppet behavior. Create Git repositorie * These audiences may be interested in earning the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Configuration Management with Puppet: Experienced Linux system administrators responsible for the planning, deployment, and management of multiple physical or virtualized servers Experienced Linux systems administrators responsible for implementing DevOps practices An RHCE interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise or Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks: Install and configure Puppet. Install Puppet servers. Install Puppet nodes. Register Puppet nodes to a Puppet server. Create and maintain Puppet manifests. Create new Puppet manifests. Debug existing Puppet manifests. Create Puppet modules. Create reusable modules. Create modules with classes, name spaces, variables, and conditionals. Create modules that install software on target nodes and deploy configuration files. Use facter to obtain system information. Create custom facts. Use facts to change Puppet behavior. Create Git repositories. Create and perform simple management of a Git repository. Add files to a Git repository. Apply changes and commit changed files to a Git repository. Implement Puppet in a Red Hat Satellite 6 environment. Create a Puppet repository on Red Hat Satellite. Install, configure, and deploy Puppet modules using Red Hat Satellite. Register Puppet clients to a Red Hat Satellite server. As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after restart without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as total scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Exam candidates should: Hold a current RHCE certification at exam time Have Red Hat Configuration Management with Puppet (DO405) or equivalent experience Understand that actual system administration experience is also an important aspect of preparation for the exam Review exam objectives for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Configuration Management with Puppet exam Recommended courses DO405 - Configuration Management with Puppet ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX436 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Clustering and Storage Management ExamStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Configure a high-availability cluster, using either physical or virtual systems, that: Provides a service fail-over between the nodes Provides a preferred node for the service Selectively fails over based on node characteristics Manage logical volumes in a clustered environment such as: Create volumes and volume groups that are available to all members of a highly-available cluster Create snapshots of logical volumes Configure a GFS file system to: Meet specified size, layout, and performance objectives Support file system quotas Configure iSCSI targe * Experienced Linux ® system administrators responsible for the planning, deployment, and management of more than 1 physical or virtualized server An RHCE interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise or RHCA credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Configure a high-availability cluster, using either physical or virtual systems, that: Provides a service fail-over between the nodes Provides a preferred node for the service Selectively fails over based on node characteristics Manage logical volumes in a clustered environment such as: Create volumes and volume groups that are available to all members of a highly-available cluster Create snapshots of logical volumes Configure a GFS file system to: Meet specified size, layout, and performance objectives Support file system quotas Configure iSCSI targets and initiators Manage device configuration using udev Create and manage Red Hat Storage based clusters including: Creating distributed clusters Creating replicated clusters Implementing and utilizing appropriate file systems As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Holding a current RHCE certification is recommended. Have Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management (RH436) or equivalent experience. Understand that real-world system administration experience is also an important aspect of preparation for the exam. Review exam objectives for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Clustering and Storage Management Exam. Recommended courses RH436 - Red Hat High Availability Clustering ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX405 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Configuration ManagementStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks: Install and configure Puppet. Install Puppet servers. Install Puppet nodes. Register Puppet nodes to a Puppet server. Create and maintain Puppet manifests. Create new Puppet manifests. Debug existing Puppet manifests. Create Puppet modules. Create reusable modules. Create modules with classes, name spaces, variables, and conditionals. Create modules that install software on target nodes and deploy configuration files. Use facter to obtain system information. Create custom facts. Use facts to change Puppet behavior. [ - ul * These audiences may be interested in earning the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Configuration Management with Puppet: Experienced Linux system administrators responsible for the planning, deployment, and management of multiple physical or virtualized servers Experienced Linux systems administrators responsible for implementing DevOps practices An RHCE interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise or Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks: Install and configure Puppet. Install Puppet servers. Install Puppet nodes. Register Puppet nodes to a Puppet server. Create and maintain Puppet manifests. Create new Puppet manifests. Debug existing Puppet manifests. Create Puppet modules. Create reusable modules. Create modules with classes, name spaces, variables, and conditionals. Create modules that install software on target nodes and deploy configuration files. Use facter to obtain system information. Create custom facts. Use facts to change Puppet behavior. Create Git repositories. Create and perform simple management of a Git repository. Add files to a Git repository. Apply changes and commit changed files to a Git repository. Implement Puppet in a Red Hat Satellite 6 environment. Create a Puppet repository on Red Hat Satellite. Install, configure, and deploy Puppet modules using Red Hat Satellite. Register Puppet clients to a Red Hat Satellite server. As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after restart without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as total scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Exam candidates should: Hold a current RHCE certification at exam time Have Red Hat Configuration Management with Puppet (DO405) or equivalent experience Understand that actual system administration experience is also an important aspect of preparation for the exam Review exam objectives for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Configuration Management with Puppet exam Recommende ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX436 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Clustering and Storage Management ExamStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Configure a high-availability cluster, using either physical or virtual systems, that: Provides a service fail-over between the nodes Provides a preferred node for the service Selectively fails over based on node characteristics Manage logical volumes in a clustered environment such as: Create volumes and volume groups that are available to all members of a highly-available cluster Create snapshots of logical volumes Configure a GFS file system to: Meet specified size, layout, and performance objectives Support file system quotas * Experienced Linux® system administrators responsible for the planning, deployment, and management of more than 1 physical or virtualized server An RHCE interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise or RHCA credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Configure a high-availability cluster, using either physical or virtual systems, that: Provides a service fail-over between the nodes Provides a preferred node for the service Selectively fails over based on node characteristics Manage logical volumes in a clustered environment such as: Create volumes and volume groups that are available to all members of a highly-available cluster Create snapshots of logical volumes Configure a GFS file system to: Meet specified size, layout, and performance objectives Support file system quotas Configure iSCSI targets and initiators Manage device configuration using udev Create and manage Red Hat Storage based clusters including: Creating distributed clusters Creating replicated clusters Implementing and utilizing appropriate file systems As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Holding a current RHCE certification is recommended. Have Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management (RH436) or equivalent experience. Understand that real-world system administration experience is also an important aspect of preparation for the exam. Review exam objectives for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Clustering and Storage Management Exam. Recommended courses RH436 - Red Hat High Availability Clustering ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Logistika distribuce a skladování[LOGISTIKA] Jak efektivně řídit cesty zboží od dokončení výroby po předání zákazníkům? Jaké činnosti sem patří a jak je naplánovat a optimalizovat? Umíte odhadnout potřebu, velikost a rozmístění skladů? Které faktory ovlivňující strategii distribuce a skladování? Kdo, kdy a v jaké míře nese riziko a náklady spojené s přepravou zboží od předávajícího ke kupujícímu? Přihlaste se na náš kurz, kde se seznámíte s moderně pojatým řízením a uskutečňováním materiálového toku v dodavatelském řetězci i uv ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
ICV - Institut certifikovaného vzdělávání s.r.o.
EX405 - Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Configuration Management with PuppetStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks: Install and configure Puppet. Install Puppet servers. Install Puppet nodes. Register Puppet nodes to a Puppet server. Create and maintain Puppet manifests. Create new Puppet manifests. Debug existing Puppet manifests. Create Puppet modules. Create reusable modules. Create modules with classes, name spaces, variables, and conditionals. Create modules that install software on target nodes and deploy configuration files. Use facter to obtain system information. Create custom facts. Use facts to change Puppet behavior. [ - ul * These audiences may be interested in earning the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Configuration Management with Puppet: Experienced Linux system administrators responsible for the planning, deployment, and management of multiple physical or virtualized servers Experienced Linux systems administrators responsible for implementing DevOps practices An RHCE interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise or Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks: Install and configure Puppet. Install Puppet servers. Install Puppet nodes. Register Puppet nodes to a Puppet server. Create and maintain Puppet manifests. Create new Puppet manifests. Debug existing Puppet manifests. Create Puppet modules. Create reusable modules. Create modules with classes, name spaces, variables, and conditionals. Create modules that install software on target nodes and deploy configuration files. Use facter to obtain system information. Create custom facts. Use facts to change Puppet behavior. Create Git repositories. Create and perform simple management of a Git repository. Add files to a Git repository. Apply changes and commit changed files to a Git repository. Implement Puppet in a Red Hat Satellite 6 environment. Create a Puppet repository on Red Hat Satellite. Install, configure, and deploy Puppet modules using Red Hat Satellite. Register Puppet clients to a Red Hat Satellite server. As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after restart without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as total scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Exam candidates should: Hold a current RHCE certification at exam time Have Red Hat Configuration Management with Puppet (DO405) or equivalent experience Understand that actual system administration experience is also an important aspect of preparation for the exam Review exam objectives for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Configuration Management with Puppet exam Recommende ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
EX436 - Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in High Availability Clustering examStudy points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Configure a high-availability cluster, using either physical or virtual systems, that: Provides a service fail-over between the nodes Provides a preferred node for the service Selectively fails over based on node characteristics Manage logical volumes in a clustered environment such as: Create volumes and volume groups that are available to all members of a highly-available cluster Create snapshots of logical volumes Configure a GFS file system to: Meet specified size, layout, and performance objectives Support file system quotas * Experienced Linux® system administrators responsible for the planning, deployment, and management of more than 1 physical or virtualized server An RHCE interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise or RHCA credential Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives which highlights the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform the tasks listed below: Configure a high-availability cluster, using either physical or virtual systems, that: Provides a service fail-over between the nodes Provides a preferred node for the service Selectively fails over based on node characteristics Manage logical volumes in a clustered environment such as: Create volumes and volume groups that are available to all members of a highly-available cluster Create snapshots of logical volumes Configure a GFS file system to: Meet specified size, layout, and performance objectives Support file system quotas Configure iSCSI targets and initiators Manage device configuration using udev Create and manage Red Hat Storage based clusters including: Creating distributed clusters Creating replicated clusters Implementing and utilizing appropriate file systems As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Holding a current RHCE certification is recommended. Have Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management (RH436) or equivalent experience. Understand that real-world system administration experience is also an important aspect of preparation for the exam. Review exam objectives for the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Clustering and Storage Management Exam. Recommended courses RH436 - Red Hat High Availability Clustering ...
Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení -
DataScript s.r.o.
Počet nalezených kurzů : 12
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 12
Nenašli jste kurz? Zkuste zadat jednoduché klíčové slovo, nezadávejte frázi nebo skloňování a zkontrolujte diakritiku Hledat kurzy po jednotlivých klíčových slovech:
| stud| hold Nenašli jste kurz, školení, studium a/nebo seminář?Pošlete nám nezávaznou poptávku po školení a nebo kurzu a my ji zveřejníme na stránkách serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu. Možnost odpovědět na danou poptávku mají pouze
registrované školící firmy na serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu .
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