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Počet nalezených kurzů : 77 Jak úspěšně řídit projekty pomocí PRINCE2Seznámení se s projektovou metodikou PRINCE2 formou intenzivního školení spojeného s výkladem. Celý kurz je prokládán příklady z praxe se zvláštním důrazem na specifika českého trhu. Součástí je příkladová studie, na které si účastníci prakticky procvičují získané vědomosti. V průběhu kurzu jsou účastníci upozorňování na vhodný „tailoring“, neboli přizpůsobení metodiky na různé velikosti projektů. ...
PRINCE2 Foundation s certifikacíThe PRINCE2 qualification is now established as an external competence measure by leading organisations around the world. Following the standard syllabus issued by the PRINCE2 Examinations Board, it focuses on the PRINCE2 framework, components, processes and techniques.You’ll find apparently dry theory brought to life in a course where you can sit the Foundation exam and also leave with a sound grasp of this best practice project management method. ...
3ds Max 2021 - základní kurz # pro firmy, školy, studenty, soukromé osobyVytvářejte úžasné 3D modely rychleji – s aplikací Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2010. Toto plně vybavené řešení pro 3D modelování, animace a renderování je používáno k tvorbě těch nejprodávanějších her či oceňovaných filmů a klipů. Jde o ideální nástroj pro rychlou tvorbu realistických postav, bezchybných vizuálních efektů, ohromujících her nebo špičkové filmové a televizní grafiky. Jeho pokročilá sada nástrojů vám umožní vytvářet 3D prostředí způsobem jakým chcete, spravovat komplexní scény a využívat zdokonalené funkce pro spolupráci napříč softwarovými aplikacemi a produkčními řetězci. ...
EX300 - Zkouška Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)Study points for the exam RHCE exam candidates should consult the RHCSA exam objectives and be capable of RHCSA-level tasks, as some of these skills may be required in order to meet RHCE exam objectives. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. RHCE exam candidates should be able to accomplish the following without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. System configuration and management Use network teaming or bonding to configure aggregated network links between two Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems Configure IPv6 addresses and perform basic IPv6 troubleshooting Route IP traffic and create static routes Use firewalld and associated mechanisms such as rich rules, zones and custom rules, to implement packet filtering and configure network address translation (NAT) Use - proc - sys and sysctl to modify and set kernel runtime para * Experienced Linux IT professionals who currently have RHCSA certification and are interested in earning an RHCE certification Experienced Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills Students who have attended the Red Hat System Administration I, II, and III courses or the RHCE Certification lab Experienced Linux system administrators who require a certification either by their organization or based on a mandate (DOD 8570 directive) An RHCE who is noncurrent and has passed the RHCSA exam Study points for the exam RHCE exam candidates should consult the RHCSA exam objectives and be capable of RHCSA-level tasks, as some of these skills may be required in order to meet RHCE exam objectives. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. RHCE exam candidates should be able to accomplish the following without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. System configuration and management Use network teaming or bonding to configure aggregated network links between two Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems Configure IPv6 addresses and perform basic IPv6 troubleshooting Route IP traffic and create static routes Use firewalld and associated mechanisms such as rich rules, zones and custom rules, to implement packet filtering and configure network address translation (NAT) Use - proc - sys and sysctl to modify and set kernel runtime parameters Configure a system to authenticate using Kerberos Configure a system as either an iSCSI target or initiator that persistently mounts an iSCSI target Produce and deliver reports on system utilization (processor, memory, disk, and network) Use shell scripting to automate system maintenance tasks Network services Network services are an important subset of the exam objectives. RHCE candidates should be capable of meeting the following objectives for each of the network services listed below: Install the packages needed to provide the service Configure SELinux to support the service Use SELinux port labeling to allow services to use non-standard ports Configure the service to start when the system is booted Configure the service for basic operation Configure host-based and user-based security for the service HTTP - HTTPS Configure a virtual host Configure private directories Deploy a basic CGI application Configure group-managed content Configure TLS security DNS Configure a caching-only name server Troubleshoot DNS client issues NFS Provide network shares to specific clients Provide network shares suitable for group collaboration Use Kerberos to control access to NFS network shares SMB Provid ...
3ds Max - pro pokročiléTermín dohodou [3-denní kurz] po odeslání přihlášky. Kurz je určen pro: designéry, architekty, projektanty, konstruktéry, reklamní agentury, producenty videofilmů, animační studia, postprodukční studia, průmyslové filmaře, filmová studia, televizní studia, DTP studia, tvůrce počítačových her. =gt; => => Získáte mezinárodně uznávaný certifikát firmy Autodesk. Kurz je akreditovaný. Více informací naleznete níže na stránce. ...
^ 3ds Max - základní kurzKurz 3ds Max BRNO je zaměřen na praktickou práci s aplikací Autodesk 3ds Max. Kurz 3ds Max, je určen pro designéry, architekty, projektanty, konstruktéry, reklamní agentury, producenty videofilmů, animační studia, postprodukční studia, průmyslové filmaře, filmová studia, televizní studia,DTP studia,firmy zabývající se vývojem her. Účastníci obdrží učebnici 3ds Max. V průběhu kurzu si mohou účastníci vyzkoušet práci s 3d myší. Na kurz 3ds Max základní navazuje 3ds max pro pokročilé ...
Inventor Professional - pro středně pokročilé PRO STUDENTYStředně pokročilý kurz by měl rozšířit znalosti účastníků o další, nebo sofistikovanější postupy modelování. Překročte hranice parametrického navrhování Je načase dát sbohem kvalifikovaným odhadům a překombinované konstrukci. Představujeme vám generátor tvarů [Shape Generator] – nový přístup k tvorbě optimálních konstrukčních návrhů na základě zadaných reálných podmínek. Je součástí vašeho předplatného k sadě aplikací Product Design Suite. ...
JB463 - Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB463) teaches rule developers and Java™ enterprise application developers how to create, test, debug, and control business rules, how to generate rules packages, and how the Red Hat JBoss BRMS [business rules management system] runtime environment executes rules. Students will use Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 7 and Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6 to perform detailed, hands-on exercises that enable them to create and manage bu ...
JB465 - Implementing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS Implementing with Red Hat® JBoss® BRMS combines content from both Authoring Rules with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB461) and Developing Rules Applications with Red Hat JBoss BRMS (JB463). It teaches business analysts, rule developers, and Java™ enterprise application developers how to create, test, debug, and control business rules. Students are given detailed, hands-on exercises using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat JBoss BRMS that are designed to let students create ...
EX225 - Red Hat JBoss Certified Developer examStudy points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, you should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Configure and create enterprise-ready web projects Configure database connection and persistence details Include existing components and entities Generate views and view beans from entities Choose between war and ear applications Generate the application scaffold Handle web and enterprise application project structures, including possible configuration file locations Generate and deploy the application using maven or JBoss Tools Work with contexts (CDI) Use the best context lifecycle for a given use case Make good use of Conversation by understanding: Context order used by the container to resolve components and contex * Java™ EE application developers Study points for the exam Using Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, you should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. The tasks have been grouped into categories to assist your preparation. Configure and create enterprise-ready web projects Configure database connection and persistence details Include existing components and entities Generate views and view beans from entities Choose between war and ear applications Generate the application scaffold Handle web and enterprise application project structures, including possible configuration file locations Generate and deploy the application using maven or JBoss Tools Work with contexts (CDI) Use the best context lifecycle for a given use case Make good use of Conversation by understanding: Context order used by the container to resolve components and context variables Temporary versus long running Conversation promotion Conversation demarcation and propagation Relation between conversations, transactions, and persistence context flushmode Debugging a CDI application (potentially with Arquillian) Manage context content Work with POJO - JEE components Differences between EJB3-based components and POJO-based components Component definition Apply @Named Configure beans.xml Component lifecycle Component - contexts interaction Use of @Inject Understand interceptors Understand events Use @Alternative Use @Decorator Apply qualifier Apply producer Apply dispose Setting component and context variable in particular context using CDI APIs Implement the observer or observed patte> using CDI Implement a transactional conversation having in mind the relation between conversations, transactions, and persistence context flushmode JAAS security-related features, including (list not exhaustive) authentication restriction security events bind authentication methods Access and manage identity information through API Work with web - JSF components and web navigation Understand Postback lifecycle Use exhaustive navigation capabilities using faces-config Handling of RESTFul approach with JSF2 (viewparam) Use common Richfaces components Configure navigation based on application state Set up JSF input validation Set up JSF input conversion Use Expression Language (EL) Understand message bundle and locales Choose and configure JSF components Efficiently handle exceptions Implement success and error messages ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 77
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 77
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