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Počet nalezených kurzů : 10 EX200 - Zkouška Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)Study points for the exam RHCSA exam candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Use grep and regular expressions to analyze text Access remote systems using ssh Log in and switch users in multiuser targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Note: Red Hat may use applications during the exam that are not included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux for the purpose of evaluating candidate s abilities to meet thi * Experienced Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills Students who have attended Red Hat System Administration I and II and are on the path to ea> RHCSA certification Experienced Linux system administrators who require a certification either by their organization or based on a mandate (DOD 8570 directive) IT professionals who are on the path to ea> RHCE certification An RHCE who is noncurrent or who is about to become noncurrent and wants to recertify as an RHCE Study points for the exam RHCSA exam candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Use grep and regular expressions to analyze text Access remote systems using ssh Log in and switch users in multiuser targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Note: Red Hat may use applications during the exam that are not included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux for the purpose of evaluating candidate s abilities to meet this objective. Operate running systems Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally Boot systems into different targets manually Interrupt the boot process in order to gain access to a system Identify CPU - memory intensive processes, adjust process priority with renice, and kill processes Locate and interpret system log files and journals Access a virtual machine s console Start and stop virtual machines Start, stop, and check the status of network services Securely transfer files between systems Configure local storage List, create, delete partitions on MBR and GPT disks Create and remove physical volumes, assign physical volumes to volume groups, and create and delete logical volumes Configure systems to mount file systems at boot by Universally Unique ID (UUID) or label Add new partitions and logical volumes, and swap to a system non-destructively Create and configure file systems Create, mount, unmount, and use vfat, ext4, and xfs file systems Mount and unmount CIFS and NFS network file systems Extend existing logical volumes Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration Create and manage Access Control Lists (ACLs) Diagnose and correct file permission problems Deploy, configure, and maintain systems Configure networking and hostname resolutio ...
PE124 - Preliminary Exam in Red Hat System Administration IStudy points for the exam Red Hat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Access remote systems using SSH Log in and switch users in multi-user targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Operate running systems Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally Boot systems into different targets manually Identify CP * Experienced or novice Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills Students who have attended Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and are on the path to becoming an RHCSA IT professionals who are on the path to becoming a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Study points for the exam Red Hat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Access remote systems using SSH Log in and switch users in multi-user targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Operate running systems Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally Boot systems into different targets manually Identify CPU - memory intensive processes and kill processes Locate and interpret system log files and journals Preserve system journals Start, stop, and check the status of network services Securely transfer files between systems Create and configure file systems Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration Diagnose and correct file permission problems Manually mount and unmount existing filesystem Deploy, configure, and maintain systems Start and stop services and configure services to start automatically at boot Configure systems to boot into a specific target automatically Configure time service clients Install and update software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local file system Work with package module streams Modify the system bootloader Manage basic networking Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses Configure hostname resolution Configure network services to start automatically at boot Manage users and groups Create, delete, and modify local user accounts Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships Configure superuser access As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Prerequisites for this exam Have either taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) or have comparable work experience as a system administrator on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ...
Internetový marketing – online kurzCíle kurzu : V tomto online kurzu se naučíte postupy, jak díky webovým stránkám a chytrému online marketingu získat zákazníky. Dozvíte se, jak připravit webovou prezentaci (tvorba obsahu), jak ji lze propagovat (SEO, sociální sítě, SEM, PPC) a jak to vše měřit a vyhodnotit návratnost investice (Google Analytics). Kurz se věnuje také umělé inteligenci v oblasti marketingu. Popis : Pro koho je kurz určen Všem, kteří se chtějí naučit orientovat v oboru, především pochopit důležité p ...
PE124K - Preliminary Exam in Red Hat System Administration IStudy points for the exam Red Hat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Access remote systems using SSH Log in and switch users in multi-user targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Operate running systems Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally Boot systems into different targets manually Identify CP * Experienced or novice Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills Students who have attended Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and are on the path to becoming an RHCSA IT professionals who are on the path to becoming a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Study points for the exam Red Hat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Access remote systems using SSH Log in and switch users in multi-user targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Operate running systems Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally Boot systems into different targets manually Identify CPU - memory intensive processes and kill processes Locate and interpret system log files and journals Preserve system journals Start, stop, and check the status of network services Securely transfer files between systems Create and configure file systems Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration Diagnose and correct file permission problems Manually mount and unmount existing filesystem Deploy, configure, and maintain systems Start and stop services and configure services to start automatically at boot Configure systems to boot into a specific target automatically Configure time service clients Install and update software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local file system Work with package module streams Modify the system bootloader Manage basic networking Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses Configure hostname resolution Configure network services to start automatically at boot Manage users and groups Create, delete, and modify local user accounts Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships Configure superuser access As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Prerequisites for this exam Have either taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) or have comparable work experience as a system administrator on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ...
Gen AI v Google ClouduDélka tohoto kurzu je 4 hodiny . Generativní umělá inteligence je jednou z nejtransformačnějších technologií současnosti, která má potenciál způsobit revoluci v mnoha odvětvích. Je však důležité porozumět současnému stavu této technologie, jejím omezením a tomu, jak ji zodpovědně používat. Google Cloud je jeden z nejdůležitějších hráčů v této oblasti, o čemž vypovídá množství vědeckých článků na kterých jsou postavené state-of-the-art technologie. Cílová skupina IT specialisté ...
Začínáme s AI: Jak využít umělou inteligenci v práci a v životěUmělá inteligence (AI) je dnes jedním z klíčových nástrojů, které mohou výrazně zlepšit efektivitu a kreativitu jak v pracovním, tak v osobním životě. Tento jednodenní seminář vám poskytne základní znalosti o tom, jak AI funguje a jak ji můžete využít pro svůj prospěch. Komu je seminář určen Seminář je určen všem, kteří chtějí začít vy ...
Workshop: Ovládnutí GitHub CopilotTento dvoudenní workshop je navržen tak, aby programátorům poskytl praktické dovednosti a znalosti o používání GitHub Copilot. Účastníci se naučí, jak efektivně využívat GitHub Copilot pro zlepšení produktivity, psaní komentářů, inženýrství promptů, generování kódu a zlepšení kvality kódu. Možnosti financování Cena za účastníka 4.030 Kč vč. DPH s podporou v programu JSEM V KURZU v rámci Národního plánu obnovy (registrace zde ). Cena za účastníka 22.385 Kč vč. DPH bez podpory (tj. ...
Generativní AI pro finanční poradce: Finanční poradci: kteří chtějí zlepšit své schopnosti a strategie pro efektivní řízení své praxe a poskytování vynikajících služeb klientům. Cíle semináře: Cílem tohoto workshopu je vybavit finanční poradce praktickými nástroji a technikami pro budování online přítomnosti, zapojení klientů, tvorbu obsahu, digitální marketing, finanční plá ...
OBJEVTE SÍLU SLOV aneb jak vědomě komunikovat a zlepšit své pracovní i osobní vztahySlova, která používáme, formují náš každodenní život. Stejně jako programujeme počítač, tak slovy programujeme naši mysl. Stejně jako kvalita formulace promptu pro umělou inteligenci rozhoduje o kvalitě výstupu, zrovna tak slovy programujeme mysl nás i druhých. Vědomě i nevědomě – slova mají moc stále. Většina lidí ani neví, že používá formy myšl ...
Generativní AI pro veřejnou správuTento dvoudenní workshop je navržen tak, aby úředníkům a pracovníkům veřejné správy poskytl pokročilé znalosti a praktické dovednosti v oblasti využití generativní AI. Účastníci se naučí, jak zefektivnit legislativní a právní procesy, řídit veřejné zakázky a projekty, analyzovat data pro podporu rozhodování a zlepšit komunikaci s občany. Kurz přináší inovativní přístupy k modernizaci veřejné správy s využitím nejnovějších technologií. Cílová skupina: Úředníci, manažeři a pracovníci veřejné s ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 10
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 10
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