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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: studium cl310 - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: studium cl310Hledáno ve školících firmách: studium cl310Hledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: studium cl310Zobrazit jako:
Počet nalezených kurzů : 34 CL310 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III The Red Hat OpenStack Administration III (CL310) course provides extensive hands-on training for experienced system administrators in how to use the distributed storage features of Red Hat® Ceph Storage and the networking capabilities of OpenStack® Neutron. Students will set up a Ceph environment and its configuration as a back end for OpenStack, and configure and use the advanced features of OpenStack Neutron. Audience Experienced Linux® system administrators res ...
CL311 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III with exam The Red Hat OpenStack Administration III with exam (CL311) bundle is a combination of the following: Red Hat OpenStack Administration III (CL310) course Red Hat Certified Engineer in Red Hat OpenStack exam (EX310) The Red Hat OpenStack Administration III (CL310) course provides extensive hands-on training for experienced system administrators in how to use the distributed storage features of Red Hat® Ceph Storage and the networking capabi ...
CL310 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking and NFV The Red Hat OpenStack Administration III (CL310) course provides extensive hands-on training for experienced system administrators in how to use the distributed storage features of Red Hat® Ceph Storage and the networking capabilities of OpenStack® Neutron. Students will set up a Ceph environment and its configuration as a back end for OpenStack, and configure and use the advanced features of OpenStack Neutron. Audience Experienced Linux® system administrators res ...
CL311 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking and NFV with examThe Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking and NFV with exam (CL311) bundle is a combination of the following: CL310 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking & Foundations of NFV Red Hat Certified Engineer in Red Hat OpenStack Platform Exam (EX310) The Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking and NFV (CL310) course provides extensive hands-on training for experienced system administrators in how to use the distributed storage features of Red H ...
CL310 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking & Foundations of NFVManage Red Hat OpenStack networking for performance tuning Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Networking & Foundations of NFV (CL310) teaches network engineers, network operators, cloud operators, and cloud administrators how to manage and tune Red Hat ® OpenStack Platform for network performance. This course can also help you prepare for the Red Hat® Certified Engineer (RHCE®) in Red Hat OpenStack exam (EX310). This offering is based on Red Hat OpenStack version 10.0 and Red Hat Enterprise ...
CL310 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Distributed Architecture and Scaling For Edge ComputingManage Red Hat OpenStack networking for performance tuning Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Distributed Architecture and Scaling For Edge Computing (CL310) teaches network engineers, network operators, cloud operators, and cloud administrators how to manage and tune Red Hat ® OpenStack Platform for network performance. This course can also help you prepare for the EX310 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Edge Computing and Networking exam This offering is based on Red Hat OpenStack versio ...
CL311 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Distributed Architecture and Scaling For Edge Computing with ExamThe Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Distributed Architecture and Scaling For Edge Computing with Exam (CL311) bundle is a combination of the following: CL310 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Distributed Architecture and Scaling For Edge Computing EX310 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Edge Computing and Networking exam The CL310 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Distributed Architecture and Scaling For Edge Computing ourse provides extensive ...
CL310 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Distributed Networking and Scaling for Edge ComputingManage Red Hat OpenStack networking for performance tuning Red Hat OpenStack Administration III: Distributed Networking and Scaling for Edge Computing (CL310) teaches network engineers, network operators, cloud operators, and cloud administrators how to manage and tune Red Hat ® OpenStack Platform for network performance. This course can also help you prepare for the EX310 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Edge Computing and Networking exam This offering is based on Red Hat OpenStack version ...
Garantované studium - DESIGNÉR, DESIGNÉRKA INTERIÉRU - dlouhodobý kurzstudium zakončeno testem a obhajobou závěrečného projektu s udělením certfikátu [ celkem 264 hodin]. Výuka probíhá v perfektně vybavené učebně aktualními vzorky používaných v interierech,podlahové krytiny,dveře a zárubně,stínící technika,tapety,sedací nábytek,osvětlení, dekorace. Kapacita kurzu : 10 studentů max. Vstupní předpoklady : kreativita, zájem o design. ...
Školení Windows Presentation Foundation WPF v Microsoft Visual StudiuKurz Windows Presentation Foundation WPF v Microsoft Visual Studiu je určen pro zkušené vývojáře, kteří znají základy tvorby Windows Forms aplikací a chtějí se naučit pokročilejší techniky programování WinForms a Windows Presentation Foundation [WPF] aplikací pomocí Visual Studia 2015 a .NET Frameworku 4.5. ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 34
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 34
Nenašli jste kurz? Zkuste zadat jednoduché klíčové slovo, nezadávejte frázi nebo skloňování a zkontrolujte diakritiku
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registrované školící firmy na serveru skoleni-kurzy.eu .
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