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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: team building - hledá všechna klíčová slova [AND]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: team buildingDalší kurzy a školení : Budování zpětných odkazů (seo-link-building)
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| Komunikace, efektivni komunikace, asertivita, vedeni obchodniho jednani, vedeni teamu, komunikace -
| Outdoor teambuilding
| Teambuilding
| Teamspirit a fun akce
Hledáno ve školících firmách: team buildingHledáno v popisu kurzu/školení: team buildingZobrazit jako:
Počet nalezených kurzů : 14 Uznatelné a neuznatelné výdaje (náklady) u právnických osobOdborný program semináře: * Náklady vynaložené zaměstnavatelem na zaměstnance - příspěvek na stravování zaměstnanců - zaměstnanecké benefity, rozšíření zaměstnaneckých benefitů na rodinné příslušníky - použití zdravotnických zařízení, nepeněžité dary od zaměstnavatele, sportovní a kulturní akce - li ...
Security Operations on AWS Security Operations on AWS demonstrates how to efficiently use AWS security services to stay secure and compliant in the AWS cloud. The course focuses on the AWS-recommended security best practices that you can implement to enhance the security of your data and systems in the cloud. The course highlights the security features of AWS key services including compute, storage, networking, and database services. This course also refers to the common security control objectives ...
Building a Serverless Data Lake Building a Serverless Data Lake is a one-day, advanced-level bootcamp designed to teach you how to design, build, and operate a serverless data lake solution with AWS services. The bootcamp will include topics such as ingesting data from any data source at large scale, storing the data securely and durably, enabling the capability to use the right tool to process large volumes of data, and understanding the options available for analyzing the data in near-real time. ...
Secrets to Successful Cloud Transformations Secrets to Successful Cloud Transformations teaches you how to select the right strategy, people, migration plan, and financial management methodology needed when moving your workloads to the cloud. This course provides guidance on how to build a holistic cloud adoption plan and how to hire people who will execute that plan. You will lea> best practices for choosing workloads to migrate from your on-premises environment to AWS. In addition, you will also lea> best prac ...
Practical Data Science with Amazon SageMaker In this course, lea> how to solve a real-world use case with machine learning and produce actionable results using Amazon SageMaker. This course teaches you how to use Amazon SageMaker to cover the different stages of the typical data science process, from analyzing and visualizing a data set, to preparing the data and feature engineering, down to the practical aspects of model building, training, tuning and deployment. ...
SAFe® Advanced Scrum MasterAdvancing Scrum Master servant leadership with SAFe With SAFe®5 Advanced Scrum Master Certification Summary Prepare to step into a SAFe® leadership role— and lea> how to facilitate Agile team, program, and enterprise success—by becoming a SAFe® 5 Advanced Scrum Master (SASM). This two-day course prepares current Scrum Masters for their leadership ...
SAFe® Agile Software EngineeringEnabling technical agility for the Lean enterprise With SAFe®5 Agile Software Engineer Certification Summary The introduction of Lean-Agile and DevOps principles and practices into software engineering has sparked new skills and approaches that help organizations deliver higher-quality, software centric solutions faster and more predictably. This ...
SAFe® for TeamsEstablishing team agility for Agile Release Trains With SAFe®5 Practitioner Certification Summary Build the skills needed to become a high-performing team member of an Agile Release Train (ART)—and lea> how to collaborate effectively with other teams—by becoming a SAFe® 5 Practitioner (SP). During this two-day course, you will gain an in-depth un ...
Planning and Designing Databases on AWS In this course, you will lea> about the process of planning and designing both relational and nonrelational AWS databases. It will teach you how to use workload requirements to define database design considerations and also explore the features and capabilities of the eight AWS database services. By the end of the course, you will be able to determine which AWS database service is right for your workloads, and design the database to meet your requirements. Audience This course is i ...
DO328 - Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service MeshControl, manage, trace, monitor, and test your microservices with Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh (DO328) teaches students installation, service monitoring, service management, and service resilience of Red Hat OpenShift® Service Mesh. Openshift created an enterprise-ready, multi-tenant platform that made deploying and scaling microservice applications efficient and easily repeatable. But as these architectures become ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 14
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 14
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