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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: verit netbac applian - hledá všechna klíčová slova [AND]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: verit netbac applianDalší kurzy a školení : Insolvenční řízení z pohledu věřitele
Hledáno ve školících firmách: verit netbac applianHledáno v popisu kurzu/školení: verit netbac applianZobrazit jako:
VeritasIT konference Kurzy a certifikace Veritas Backup & Recovery InfoScale Information Governance Backup & Recovery Název Počet dní Cena (bez DPH) Termín Místo Jazyk Veritas Backup Exec 20: Administration Počet dní 5 Cena (bez DPH) 2.500 EUR Veritas NetBackup 10: Administration Počet dní 5 Cena (bez DPH) ...
Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operating and managing the appliance and troubleshooting the appliance. This course covers how to configure the appliances and add storage to the appliances. You lea> how the appliances easily integrate into the NetBackup environment ...
Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operating and managing the appliance and troubleshooting the appliance. This course covers how to configure the appliances and add storage to the appliances. You lea> how the appliances easily integrate into the NetBackup environment and how to run bac ...
Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.2: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operating and managing the appliance and troubleshooting the appliance. This course covers how to configure the appliances and add storage to the appliances. You lea> how the appliances easily integrate into the NetBackup environment and how to run back ...
Veritas NetBackup Appliances 4.0: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operating and managing the appliance and troubleshooting the appliance. This course covers how to configure the appliances and add storage to the appliances. You lea> how the appliances easily integrate into the NetBackup environment and how to run back ...
Veritas NetBackup Appliances 5: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operating and managing the appliance and troubleshooting the appliance. This course covers how to configure the appliances and add storage to the appliances. You lea> how the appliances easily integrate into the NetBackup environment and how to run back ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 6
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 6
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