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Výpis školení a/nebo kurzů podle klíčového slova: vmware vsphere what s new v8 - pouze v názvu kurzu hledá aspoň jedno klíčové slovo [OR]Hledáno v oborech jednotlivých školení: vmware vsphere what s new v8Další kurzy a školení : VMware
Hledáno ve školících firmách: vmware vsphere what s new v8Hledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: vmware vsphere what s new v8Zobrazit jako:
Počet nalezených kurzů : 50 VMware vsphere: what s new [V5.5 to V6.7] In this three-day practical course you will discover new features and enhancements in vmware vCenter Server® 6.5 and vmware ESXi ™ 6.5 Thanks to realistic scenarios deployment, practical guides and exercise skills you gain experience to effectively set up and configure vmware vsphere® 5.6 This course is recommended to all who want to deploy vsphere 6.5 on their existing vsphere environment. Audience This course is intended for: System architects, system admin ...
VMware vsphere: what s new [V5.5 to V6.7] In this three-day practical course you will discover new features and enhancements in vmware vCenter Server® 6.5 and vmware ESXi ™ 6.5 Thanks to realistic scenarios deployment, practical guides and exercise skills you gain experience to effectively set up and configure vmware vsphere® 5.6 This course is recommended to all who want to deploy vsphere 6.5 on their existing vsphere environment. Audience This course is intended for: System architects, system admin ...
VMware vsphere: what s new (v5.5 to v6.5) In this three-day practical course you will discover new features and enhancements in vmware vCenter Server® 6.5 and vmware ESXi ™ 6.5 Thanks to realistic scenarios deployment, practical guides and exercise skills you gain experience to effectively set up and configure vmware vsphere® 5.6 This course is recommended to all who want to deploy vsphere 6.5 on their existing vsphere environment. Audience This course is intended for: System architects, system admin ...
VMware vsphere: what s new [V8]VMware vsphere: what s new [V8] * V tomto dvoudenním kurzu se seznámíte s novými funkcemi a vylepšeními vmware vCenter Server 8.0 a vmware ESXi 8.0. Scénáře reálného použití, praktická laboratorní cvičení a přednášky Vás naučí dovednostem, které potřebujete k efektivní implementaci a konfiguraci vmware vsphere 8.0. ...
VMware vsphere: Fast Track [V6.7]Noví i pokročilí administrátoři, systémoví inženýři, kteří chtějí za většího úsilí získat co nejvíce znalostí o vsphere prostředí za kratší dobu mimo kancelář. Cíle Nasadit ESXi hosta a vytváření virtuálních strojů Nasadit vCenter server nebo vCenter server appliance Konfigurovat a spravovat vsphere prostředí pomocí vmware vsphere® Cli ...
VMware vsphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.7] vmware vsphere: Install, Configure, Manage features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing vmware vsphere 6, which includes vmware ESXi 6 and vmware vCenter Server 6. This course will give you a solid understanding of how to administer a vsphere infrastructure for an organization of any size. This course meets the prerequisite for advanced vsphere courses. Audience This course is intended for: System administrators ...
VMware vsphere: Optimize and Scale [V6.7] vmware vsphere: Optimize and Scale is designed for experienced vmware vsphere® users. It teaches advanced skills for configuring and maintaining a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure. Through a mix of lecture and hands-on labs, you will configure and optimize the vsphere features that build a foundation for a truly scalable infrastructure and discuss when and where these features have the greatest effect. Anyone who is ready to take their understanding of ...
VMware vsphere: Troubleshooting Workshop [V6.7] This hands-on training workshop provides you with the advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve competence in troubleshooting the vmware vsphere® environment. This workshop also increases your skill and competence in using the command-line interface to analyze problems. The workshop is based on vmware® ESXi™ 5.5 and vmware® vCenter Server™ 5.5. To lea> more about vsphere administration, go to http: - - www.vmware.com - education for other course options. Audience ...
^ VMware vsphere: Fast Track [V6.5]Noví i pokročilí administrátoři, systémoví inženýři, kteří chtějí za většího úsilí získat co nejvíce znalostí o vsphere prostředí za kratší dobu mimo kancelář. Cíle Nasadit ESXi hosta a vytváření virtuálních strojů Nasadit vCenter server nebo vCenter server appliance Konfigurovat a spravovat vsphere prostředí pomocí vmware vsphere® Cli ...
VMware vsphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.7] vmware vsphere: Install, Configure, Manage features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing vmware vsphere 6, which includes vmware ESXi 6 and vmware vCenter Server 6. This course will give you a solid understanding of how to administer a vsphere infrastructure for an organization of any size. This course meets the prerequisite for advanced vsphere courses. Audience This course is intended for: System administrators ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 50
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 50
Nenašli jste kurz? Zkuste zadat jednoduché klíčové slovo, nezadávejte frázi nebo skloňování a zkontrolujte diakritiku
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