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Školení EX300 - Zkouška Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) |
Study points for the exam RHCE exam candidates should consult the RHCSA exam objectives and be capable of RHCSA-level tasks, as some of these skills may be required in order to meet RHCE exam objectives. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives....
Audience Experienced Linux IT professionals who currently have RHCSA certification and are interested in earning an RHCE certification Experienced Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills Students who have attended the Red Hat System Administrati... Experienced Linux IT professionals who currently have RHCSA certification and are interested in earning an RHCE certification Experienced Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills Students who have attended the Red Hat System Administration I, II, and II... Prerequisites RHCE Rapid Track Course, System Administration I, II, or III or equivalent experience Real-world system administration experience Not sure if you have the correct skill-set knowledge? Find out by passing the online skills assessment. Recommended courses Training courses for Windows system administrators (with minimal Linux experience) Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) Red Hat System Administration II with RHCSA exam (RH135) Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) Red Hat System Administration III with RHCSA and RHCE exams (RH255) Red Hat System Administration III (RH254) Training courses for Linux or UNIX administrators with 1-3 years of experience RHCSA Rapid Track Course with exam (RH200) RHCSA Rapid Track Course (RH199) Zpět ke kurzu