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Školení RH259 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Solutions |
Deploy and combine the power of SAP applications Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Solutions (RH259) is designed to teach Linux ® administrators how to adapt Red Hat ® Enterprise Linux for the installation and operation of the in-memory database SAP HANA. This course discusses the system architectu...
Audience This course is designed for system administrators who manage SAP environments on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and are interested in learning how to get the storage and network performance required.... Goals You should be able to demonstrate these skills: Build knowledge needed to install and operate SAP HANA successfully on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Review techniques on performance tuning and troubleshooting to get the most out of Red Hat Enterprise Linux when using SAP products.... Prerequisites: Be a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) , or demonstrate equivalent experience Following courses Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration (RH403) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automation with Ansible (RH294) Red Hat Performance Tuning: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud (RH442) Zpět ke kurzu