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Školení SAFe® Scrum Master

Školení : SAFe® Scrum Master

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Cena bez DPH: 24.990 Kč / Kurz
Cena včetně DPH: 30.238 Kč / Kurz

Zpět ke kurzu: SAFe® Scrum Master


SAFe® Scrum Master

Organizace, osoba

adresa, PSČ, město
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Způsob platby: zatím žádný není, toto není závazná přihláška

Kurz   SAFe® Scrum Master
Termín   Od:termín školení bude upřesněn  
Poznámka ke kurzu  
Změny vyhrazeny - místo konání a termín školení bude upřesněn, cena a/nebo obsah kurzu může být změněn

Prerequisites All are welcome to attend the course, regardless of experience. However, the following prerequisites are highly recommended for those who intend to take the SAFe® Scrum Master (SSM) certification exam:
  • Familiarity with Agile concepts and principles
  • Awareness of Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Working knowledge of software and hardware development processes

What you’ll lea> To perform the role of a SAFe® Scrum Master, attendees should be able to:
  • Describe Scrum in a SAFe enterprise
  • Facilitate Scrum events
  • Facilitate effective Iteration execution
  • Support effective Program Increment execution
  • Support relentless improvement
  • Coach Agile teams for maximum business results
  • Support DevOps implementation

What You Get Class registration includes:
  • Printed workbook
  • Preparation and eligibility to take the SAFe® 5 Scrum Master (SSM) exam
  • One-year membership to the SAFe Community Platform
  • Certification of completion
Attendees must attend both days of the course in order to qualify for the exam.
Annual Renewal Certifications expire one year from the date of certification is earned.
Renewal fee: $100/year
Professional Development Units (PDUs) and Scrum Education Units (SEUs)
  • Attendees may be eligible to apply for 15 PDUs toward their continuing education requirements with the Project Management Institute (PMI) for PMP, PgMP, and PMI-ACP certifications
  • Attendees may be eligible to apply for SEUs under category C, toward earning or renewing their CSP through Scrum Alliance
Kurz pořádá vzdělávací firma   DataScript s.r.o.
170 00 Praha 7, Jankovcova 1037/49  

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Kliknutím na tlačítko Odeslat se zaregistruje Vaše -Nezávazná přihláška- a na zadaný email přijde potvrzení o odeslání této přihlášky. Jakmile bude znám termín konání tohoto a/nebo podobného kurzu, budete informováni emailem a poté se můžete a/nebo nemusíte závazně přihlásit. Zasílání zpráv lze kdykoliv zrušit pro-kliknutím na odkaz ke stornování přihlášky. V případě poskytnutí osobních údajů, souhlasí tímto příslušný zadavatel přihlášky s archivací těchto údajů v souladu s podmínkami zákona č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů. Server skoleni-kurzy.eu zprostředkovává objednávky kurzů & kontakt na jejich pořadatele. Před odesláním přihlášky je nutno souhlasit s obchodními podmínkami účasti na kurzu daného pořadatele kurzu. Neodpovídáme za správnost uvedených údajů. © OBEC.net, sro.
Applying the Scrum Master role within a SAFe® enterprise With SAFe®5 Scrum Master Certification Summary Build your skills as a high-performing team member of an Agile Release Train (ART)—and prepare to support the facilitation of team and program events— when you become a SAFe® 5 Scrum Master (SSM)...


Applying the Scrum Master role within a SAFe® enterprise With SAFe®5 Scrum Master Certification Summary Build your skills as a high-performing team member of an Agile Release Train (ART)—and prepare to support the facilitation of team and program events— when you become a SAFe® 5 Scrum Master (SSM)...

Prerequisites All are welcome to attend the course, regardless of experience. However, the following prerequisites  are highly recommended for those who intend to take the SAFe® Scrum Master (SSM) certification  exam: Familiarity with Agile concepts and principles Awareness of Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP) Working knowledge of software and hardware development processes What you’ll lea> To perform the role of a SAFe® Scrum Master, attendees should be able to: Describe Scrum in a SAFe enterprise Facilitate Scrum events Facilitate effective Iteration execution Support effective Program Increment execution Support relentless improvement Coach Agile teams for maximum business results Support DevOps implementation What You Get Class registration includes: Printed workbook Preparation and eligibility to take the SAFe® 5 Scrum Master (SSM) exam One-year membership to the SAFe Community Platform Certification of completion Attendees must attend both days of the course in order to qualify for the exam. Annual Renewal Certifications expire one year from the date of certification is earned. Renewal fee: $100 - year Professional Development Units (PDUs) and Scrum Education Units (SEUs) Attendees may be eligible to apply for 15 PDUs toward their continuing education requirements with the Project Management Institute (PMI) for PMP, PgMP, and PMI-ACP certifications Attendees may be eligible to apply for SEUs under category C, toward earning or renewing their CSP through Scrum Alliance

Zpět ke kurzu






2007 - 2025 © OBEC.net, sro
Potoční 8, 617 00 Brno, CZ
Email: info[at]skoleni-kurzy.eu
Telefon:(+420) 775 193 488



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Školení: Změny ve mzdové účtárně a personální oblasti od 1. 1. 2025 v únoru 2025 - online