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Náhodný kurz/školení

Blender – sculpting a tvorba komplexních modelů - NICOM, a.s.
Cíl kurzu Vytvářet organické i mechanické modely s vysokou úrovní detailu a realismu. Zaměření kurzu Kurz je navržený pro všechny, kteří chtějí prohloubit své dovednosti v oblasti 3D modelování, je vhodný pro ty, kteří se chtějí specializovat na vytváření detailn





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Další zlevněné kurzy

SLEVA 10 % na kurz Naprogramujte si svůj web s pomocí PHP - LastMinute' - Brno - - využít slevu lze pouze do 26.11.2024

Czech Beginners + 2x2 (A1.2)

Course type: traditional courses running 2 x 2 teaching hours a week the course is designed to take you from level 0 to an elementary level A1.2 of the CEFR the course is based on the communicative approach (students communicate in the target language) highly interactive classes, students work in pairs or small groups the emphasis is placed on the development of all language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) grammar is taught in context (students themselves elicit grammar rules) students acquire new vocabulary from context (pictures or authentic materials) the emphasis is given to controlled conversation maximum number of students per group is 12 Level A1 accordingto the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages What I know: I know personal pronouns, genders, the present (dělám, rozumím, pracuju, čtu), past (Pracoval jsem.) and future (Budu odpočívat.) tense and other basic grammatical features I am able to have simple conversation about myself, my family and my hobbies I am able to make an order in a restaurant and communicate in everyday situations such as shopping or booking a ticket I am able to write a simple informal letter and read and understand a simple text (e.g. a paper ad) What I will learn: I will lea> new grammatical features such as imperfective - perfective verbs (dělat - udělat), the genitive (5 rohlíků), verbs of motion (chodit-jít, jezdit-jet) or conditional clauses (Kdybych neutrácel peníze, jel bych na krásnou dovolenou.) I will be able to have simple conversation about my life experience, travelling or cooking I will be able to communicate in everyday situations such as shopping, giving directions or housework I will be able to write a simple informal letter and read and understand a simple text (e.g. a paper ad). I will be able to form and react to simple questions and understand a native Czech speaker when talking slowly and clearly about familiar topics Please complete the following Czech placement test. You should reach level Beginner +. Teachers: the course is taught by an experienced teacher (a Czech native)

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Potoční 8, 617 00 Brno, CZ
Email: info[at]skoleni-kurzy.eu
Telefon:(+420) 775 193 488



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Školení: Marketing, reklama a komunikace online kurz (možnost získání profesní kvalifikace s garancí MPO) v prosinci 2024 - on-line