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EX427 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Business Process Design exam - Následující kurzy:




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Kurz - EX427 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Business Process Design exam

DataScript s.r.o.

Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives, which highlight the task areas you can expect to see on the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks: Configure and use Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite activities, including User Task Script Service Custom work item Business rule task Sub process Define and manipulate Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite variables, including Global variables Process variables Task variables Mapping variables to activity parameters Understand and use flow control in Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite business processes, including Understanding the meaning and use of the different start and end events Using gateways to branch process flows Understand the specific benefits and weaknesses of different Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite proc * Business Analysts, non-technical developers, and experienced developers who are responsible for designing and implementing business processes using Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite. The exam does not require any Java programming expertise Students who have attended Developing Workflow Applications with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (AD427) course Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives, which highlight the task areas you can expect to see on the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks: Configure and use Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite activities, including User Task Script Service Custom work item Business rule task Sub process Define and manipulate Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite variables, including Global variables Process variables Task variables Mapping variables to activity parameters Understand and use flow control in Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite business processes, including Understanding the meaning and use of the different start and end events Using gateways to branch process flows Understand the specific benefits and weaknesses of different Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite process elements, including but not limited to Script vs. work item Stop vs. terminate Handle technical exceptions and process errors Using signal Using error code Triggered by event subprocess Integrate with external processes Familiarize yourself with the official Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite documentation for the version used in the exam (BPM Suite 6.3). The exam environment includes a snapshot of the official BPM Suite 6.3 docs, so being familiar with them will significantly help if you need to look up anything during the exam. In addition to the official documentation for the product version being tested, there may also be sample files or additional documentation included with the product itself. We will not strip out anything that is normally included, but you will not be able to use the Internet to search for or use other documentation. It s a good idea to keep these restrictions in mind as you study. Make sure you re familiar with, and only rely on, the official product documentation for the version specified. Due to technical limitations in the exam environment, we strongly recommend that you use the +HTML-SINGLE+ version of the docs as that is the version that is easiest to use and view during the exam. Preparation Red Hat encourages all candidates for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Business Process Design exam (EX427) to consider taking the Developing Workflow Applications with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (AD427) course to help prepare. Attendance in these classes is not required, and you can choose to take just an exam. While attending Red Hat s classes ca ...

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    - ... cena: 2.350 Kč/Kurz

  • Podobný kurz     Brno - Jihomoravský  
    (??)   Úvod do problematiky zákona o pomoci v hmotné nouzi – včetně výkladu a změn v ostatních dávkových předpisech. Chystaná nová jedna dávka (redesigne dávek hmotné nouze a státní sociální podpory) – účinnost navržena od 1. 7. 2025 - Ludmila Novotná, vzdělávací agentura PROFESIM

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  • Podobný kurz     Velké Němčice - eLearning, Webináře  
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    EX427 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Business Process Design exam

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  • Business Analysts, non-technical developers, and experienced developers who are responsible for designing and implementing business processes using Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite. The exam does not require any Java programming expertise
  • Students who have attended Developing Workflow Applications with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (AD427) course
    Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives, which highlight the task areas you can expect to see on the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks:
    Configure and use Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite activities, including
    • User Task
    • Script
    • Service
    • Custom work item
    • Business rule task
    • Sub process

    Define and manipulate Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite variables, including
    • Global variables
    • Process variables
    • Task variables
    • Mapping variables to activity parameters

    Understand and use flow control in Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite business processes, including
    • Understanding the meaning and use of the different start and end events
    • Using gateways to branch process flows

    Understand the specific benefits and weaknesses of different Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite process elements, including but not limited to
  • Script vs. work item
  • Stop vs. terminate Handle technical exceptions and process errors
  • Using signal
  • Using error code
  • Triggered by event subprocess
  • Integrate with external processes Familiarize yourself with the official Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite documentation for the version used in the exam (BPM Suite 6.3). The exam environment includes a snapshot of the official BPM Suite 6.3 docs, so being familiar with them will significantly help

  • Lektoři kurzu

    Lektoři z firmy: DataScript s.r.o.

    [Kurz] Program kurzu (obsah přednášky/semináře/rekvalifikace/studia) ...

  • Business Analysts, non-technical developers, and experienced developers who are responsible for designing and implementing business processes using Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite. The exam does not require any Java programming expertise
  • Students who have attended Developing Workflow Applications with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (AD427) course
    Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives, which highlight the task areas you can expect to see on the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks:
    Configure and use Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite activities, including
    • User Task
    • Script
    • Service
    • Custom work item
    • Business rule task
    • Sub process

    Define and manipulate Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite variables, including
    • Global variables
    • Process variables
    • Task variables
    • Mapping variables to activity parameters

    Understand and use flow control in Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite business processes, including
    • Understanding the meaning and use of the different start and end events
    • Using gateways to branch process flows

    Understand the specific benefits and weaknesses of different Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite process elements, including but not limited to
  • Script vs. work item
  • Stop vs. terminate Handle technical exceptions and process errors
  • Using signal
  • Using error code
  • Triggered by event subprocess
  • Integrate with external processes Familiarize yourself with the official Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite documentation for the version used in the exam (BPM Suite 6.3). The exam environment includes a snapshot of the official BPM Suite 6.3 docs, so being familiar with them will significantly help if you need to look up anything during the exam. In addition to the official documentation for the product version being tested, there may also be sample files or additional documentation included with the product itself. We will not strip out anything that is normally included, but you will not be able to use the Internet to search for or use other documentation. It s a good idea to keep these restrictions in mind as you study. Make sure you re familiar with, and only rely on, the official product documentation for the version specified. Due to technical limitations in the exam environment, we strongly recommend that you use the +HTML-SINGLE+ version of the docs as that is the version that is easiest to use and view during the exam.
    Preparation Red Hat encourages all candidates for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Business Process Design exam (EX427) to consider taking the Developing Workflow Applications with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (AD427) course to help prepare. Attendance in these classes is not required, and you can choose to take just an exam. While attending Red Hat s classes can be an important part of your preparation, attending class does not guarantee success on the exam. Previous experience, practice, and native aptitude are also important determinants of success. Many and other resources on system administration for Red Hat s products are available. Red Hat does not endorse any as preparation guides for any exams. Nevertheless, you may find additional reading helpful to deepen your understanding.
    Exam format The EX427 exam is a hands-on, practical exam that requires candidates to undertake real-world development tasks. Internet access is not provided during the exam. You will not be permitted to bring any hard copy or electronic documentation into the exam. This prohibition includes notes, books, or any other materials. Documentation that ships with Red Hat JBoss Business Process Manager is available during the exam.
    Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as total scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request.
  • Be able to use Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 2.0 modeler plug-in to create and edit business processes.
  • Be able to read and run JUnit-based BPMS unit tests using either the mvn command line or Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio.

  • [Kurz] Obsah kurzu/školení...

  • Business Analysts, non-technical developers, and experienced developers who are responsible for designing and implementing business processes using Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite. The exam does not require any Java programming expertise
  • Students who have attended Developing Workflow Applications with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (AD427) course
    Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives, which highlight the task areas you can expect to see on the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks:
    Configure and use Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite activities, including
    • User Task
    • Script
    • Service
    • Custom work item
    • Business rule task
    • Sub process

    Define and manipulate Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite variables, including
    • Global variables
    • Process variables
    • Task variables
    • Mapping variables to activity parameters

    Understand and use flow control in Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite business processes, including
    • Understanding the meaning and use of the different start and end events
    • Using gateways to branch process flows

    Understand the specific benefits and weaknesses of different Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite process elements, including but not limited to
  • Script vs. work item
  • Stop vs. terminate Handle technical exceptions and process errors
  • Using signal
  • Using error code
  • Triggered by event subprocess
  • Integrate with external processes Familiarize yourself with the official Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite documentation for the version used in the exam (BPM Suite 6.3). The exam environment includes a snapshot of the official BPM Suite 6.3 docs, so being familiar with them will significantly help if you need to look up anything during the exam. In addition to the official documentation for the product version being tested, there may also be sample files or additional documentation included with the product itself. We will not strip out anything that is normally included, but you will not be able to use the Internet to search for or use other documentation. It s a good idea to keep these restrictions in mind as you study. Make sure you re familiar with, and only rely on, the official product documentation for the version specified. Due to technical limitations in the exam environment, we strongly recommend that you use the +HTML-SINGLE+ version of the docs as that is the version that is easiest to use and view during the exam.
    Preparation Red Hat encourages all candidates for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Business Process Design exam (EX427) to consider taking the Developing Workflow Applications with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (AD427) course to help prepare. Attendance in these classes is not required, and you can choose to take just an exam. While attending Red Hat s classes can be an important part of your preparation, attending class does not guarantee success on the exam. Previous experience, practice, and native aptitude are also important determinants of success. Many and other resources on system administration for Red Hat s products are available. Red Hat does not endorse any as preparation guides for any exams. Nevertheless, you may find additional reading helpful to deepen your understanding.
    Exam format The EX427 exam is a hands-on, practical exam that requires candidates to undertake real-world development tasks. Internet access is not provided during the exam. You will not be permitted to bring any hard copy or electronic documentation into the exam. This prohibition includes notes, books, or any other materials. Documentation that ships with Red Hat JBoss Business Process Manager is available during the exam.
    Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as total scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request.
  • Be able to use Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 2.0 modeler plug-in to create and edit business processes.
  • Be able to read and run JUnit-based BPMS unit tests using either the mvn command line or Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio.

  • [Kurz] Cíl školení / poznámka ke kurzu...

    Study points for the exam To help you prepare, review the exam objectives, which highlight the task areas you can expect to see on the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance. Candidates should be able to perform these tasks:
    Configure and use Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite activities, including
    • User Task
    • Script
    • Service
    • Custom work item
    • Business rule task
    • Sub process

    Define and manipulate Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite variables, including
    • Global variables
    • Process variables
    • Task variables
    • Mapping variables to activity parameters

    Understand and use flow control in Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite business processes, including
    • Understanding the meaning and use of the different start and end events
    • Using gateways to branch process flows

    Understand the specific benefits and weaknesses of different Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite process elements, including but not limited to
  • Script vs. work item
  • Stop vs. terminate Handle technical exceptions and process errors
  • Using signal
  • Using error code
  • Triggered by event subprocess
  • Integrate with external processes Familiarize yourself with the official Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite documentation for the version used in the exam (BPM Suite 6.3). The exam environment includes a snapshot of the official BPM Suite 6.3 docs, so being familiar with them will significantly help if you need to look up anything during the exam. In addition to the official documentation for the product version being tested, there may also be sample files or additional documentation included with the product itself. We will not strip out anything that is normally included, but you will not be able to use the Internet to search for or use other documentation. It s a good idea to keep these restrictions in mind as you study. Make sure you re familiar with, and only rely on, the official product documentation for the version specified. Due to technical limitations in the exam environment, we strongly recommend that you use the +HTML-SINGLE+ version of the docs as that is the version that is easiest to use and view during the exam.
    Preparation Red Hat encourages all candidates for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Business Process Design exam (EX427) to consider taking the Developing Workflow Applications with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (AD427) course to help prepare. Attendance in these classes is not required, and you can choose to take just an exam. While attending Red Hat s classes can be an important part of your preparation, attending class does not guarantee success on the exam. Previous experience, practice, and native aptitude are also important determinants of success. Many and other resources on system administration for Red Hat s products are available. Red Hat does not endorse any as preparation guides for any exams. Neverthele

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    DataScript s.r.o.

    :: DataScript je autorizovaným poskytovatelem IT kurzů a certifikací. V našich školících prostorách poskytujeme řadu vysoce odborných a respektovaných IT kurzů, specializovaných technologických školení i certifikací IT specialistů, systémových administrátorů a techniků. V nabídce naší činnosti nechybí ani speciální tréninky určené ke zvýšení profesionálních dovedností a schopností odborných pracovníků. DataScript klade důraz nejen na dokonalou teoretickou přípravu a odborné znalosti, ale rovněž na jejich praktické využití a řešení konkrétních situací. DataScript je součástí koncernu Servodata. Společnost Servodata je významným Value Added Distributorem komponent a infrastruktury podnikových ICT řešení. Dlouhodobě se specializuje na distribuci ...

    Platební podmínky pro účast na kurzu

    Objednavateli bude zaslána závazná přihláška k podpisu. Poté bude účastník na školení registrován. Objednavatel uhradí částku kurzovného za výše uvedeného posluchače na základě faktury vystavené poskytovatelem.

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    Poslední aktualizace: 2025-03-07 02:27:21

    DataScript s.r.o.
    EX427 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Business Process Design exam #

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    © DataScript s.r.o. - Praha 7 :: - DataScript je autorizovaným poskytovatelem IT kurzů a certifikací. V našich školících prostorách poskytujeme řadu vysoce odborných a respektovaných IT kurzů, specializovaných technologických školení i certifikací IT specialistů, systémových administrátorů a techniků. V nabídce naší činnosti nechybí ani speciální tréninky určené ke zvýšení profesionálních dovedností a schopností odborných pracovníků. DataScript klade důraz nejen na dokonalou teoretickou přípravu a odborné znalosti, ale rovněž na jejich praktické využití a řešení konkrétních situací. DataScript je součástí koncernu Servodata. Společnost Servodata je významným Value Added Distributorem komponent a infrastruktury podnikových ICT řešení. Dlouhodobě se specializuje na distribuci ...

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    Objednavateli bude zaslána závazná přihláška k podpisu. Poté bude účastník na školení registrován. Objednavatel uhradí částku kurzovného za výše uvedeného posluchače na základě faktury vystavené poskytovatelem.

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    Podobné kurzy # ex427 + red + hat + certified + specialist + in + business + process + design + exam

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    Potoční 8, 617 00 Brno, CZ
    Email: info[at]skoleni-kurzy.eu
    Telefon:(+420) 775 193 488



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    Školení: Nákladový controlling kalkulace a rozpočty v srpnu 2025 - Praha 8