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Architecting on AWS for APN Partners - Následující kurzy: ARCHITECTING ON AWS FOR APN PARTNERSViz také následující kurzy :
- Automatizovaná správa linuxových serverů pomocí Foreman
- Firemní cíle, vize, strategie a jak je komunikovat - Aneb jak je přetavit do srozumitelné a reálné formy pro vaše zaměstnance
- HR jako respektovaný partner - Nebýt Popelkou… od „děvčat pro všechno“ ke skutečnému HR Business Partnerství
- Plánování a Forecasting
- Kurz ASP.NET Web Forms a serverové ovládací prvky
Kurz - Architecting on AWS for APN Partners
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Tento kurz pořádala firma: © Alef NULA, a.s. -
Praha 10
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Popis kurzu Architecting on AWS for APN Partners
Lektoři kurzuLektoři z firmy: Alef NULA, a.s.
[Kurz] Program kurzu (obsah přednášky/semináře/rekvalifikace/studia) ...Cíle kurzu In this course, you will lea> how to:- Make architectural decisions based on AWS architectural principles and best practices- Leverage AWS services to make your infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available- Leverage AWS Managed Services to enable greater flexibility and resiliency in an infrastructure- Make an AWS-based infrastructure more efficient to increase performance and reduce costs- Use the Well-Architected Framework to improve architectures with AWS solutionsObsah kurzu In this course, you will lea> the fundamentals of building IT infrastructure on the AWS platform. You will lea> how to optimize the AWS Cloud by understanding AWS services and how they fit into cloud-based solutions. You will explore AWS Cloud best practices and design patterns to help you architect optimal IT solutions on AWS. You will also examine case studies that show how AWS customers have designed their infrastructures and the strategies and services they implemented. You will build and explore a variety of infrastructures through a guided, hands-on activity.PředpokladyThis course is intended for:- Solutions architects- Solution design engineersWe recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:- AWS Technical Essentials- Working knowledge of distributed systems- Familiarity with general networking concepts- Working knowledge of multi-tier architectures- Familiarity with cloud computing concepts
[Kurz] Obsah kurzu/školení...Cíle kurzu In this course, you will lea> how to:- Make architectural decisions based on AWS architectural principles and best practices- Leverage AWS services to make your infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available- Leverage AWS Managed Services to enable greater flexibility and resiliency in an infrastructure- Make an AWS-based infrastructure more efficient to increase performance and reduce costs- Use the Well-Architected Framework to improve architectures with AWS solutionsObsah kurzu In this course, you will lea> the fundamentals of building IT infrastructure on the AWS platform. You will lea> how to optimize the AWS Cloud by understanding AWS services and how they fit into cloud-based solutions. You will explore AWS Cloud best practices and design patterns to help you architect optimal IT solutions on AWS. You will also examine case studies that show how AWS customers have designed their infrastructures and the strategies and services they implemented. You will build and explore a variety of infrastructures through a guided, hands-on activity.PředpokladyThis course is intended for:- Solutions architects- Solution design engineersWe recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:- AWS Technical Essentials- Working knowledge of distributed systems- Familiarity with general networking concepts- Working knowledge of multi-tier architectures- Familiarity with cloud computing concepts |
Poslední aktualizace: 2021-02-05 21:44:51
Alef NULA, a.s. |
Architecting on AWS for APN Partners # Počítačové kurzy a semináře - grafika, databáze, programování, web & internet, office, GIS
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