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Deep Learning on AWS - Následující kurzy: DEEP LEARNING ON AWSViz také následující kurzy :
- LearnIS LMS (E-learningový systém - webová aplikace)
- Architecting on AWS
- Advanced Architecting on AWS
- Migrating to AWS
- Cloud Operations on AWS (formerly Systems Operations)
Kurz - Deep Learning on AWS
Tento vzdělávací kurz/seminář již proběhl - Původní program vzdělávacího kurzu
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Tento kurz pořádala firma: © Alef NULA, a.s. -
Praha 10
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Popis kurzu Deep Learning on AWS
Lektoři kurzuLektoři z firmy: Alef NULA, a.s.
[Kurz] Program kurzu (obsah přednášky/semináře/rekvalifikace/studia) ...Cíle kurzu In this course, you will lea> how to:- Define machine learning (ML) and deep learning- Identify the concepts in a deep learning ecosystem- Leverage Amazon SageMaker and MXNet programming frameworks for deep learning workloads- Fit AWS solutions for deep learning deploymentsObsah kurzu In this one-day course, you will lea> cloud-based deep learning (DL) solutions on the AWS platform. You will lea> how to run your models on the cloud using Amazon EC2 - based deep learning Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and Apache MXNet on AWS frameworks. In addition, you will lea> how to use Amazon SageMaker and deploy your deep learning models using AWS services like AWS Lambda and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)—all while designing intelligent systems on AWS.PředpokladyThis course is intended for:- Developers who are responsible for developing deep learning applications- Developers who want to understand concepts behind deep learning and how to implement a deep learning solution on AWSWe recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:- Basic understanding of machine learning processes- Basic understanding of AWS core services like Amazon EC2 and knowledge of AWS SDKs- Basic knowledge of a scripting language, such as Python
[Kurz] Obsah kurzu/školení...Cíle kurzu In this course, you will lea> how to:- Define machine learning (ML) and deep learning- Identify the concepts in a deep learning ecosystem- Leverage Amazon SageMaker and MXNet programming frameworks for deep learning workloads- Fit AWS solutions for deep learning deploymentsObsah kurzu In this one-day course, you will lea> cloud-based deep learning (DL) solutions on the AWS platform. You will lea> how to run your models on the cloud using Amazon EC2 - based deep learning Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and Apache MXNet on AWS frameworks. In addition, you will lea> how to use Amazon SageMaker and deploy your deep learning models using AWS services like AWS Lambda and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)—all while designing intelligent systems on AWS.PředpokladyThis course is intended for:- Developers who are responsible for developing deep learning applications- Developers who want to understand concepts behind deep learning and how to implement a deep learning solution on AWSWe recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:- Basic understanding of machine learning processes- Basic understanding of AWS core services like Amazon EC2 and knowledge of AWS SDKs- Basic knowledge of a scripting language, such as Python |
Další kurzy a školení: Deep Learning on AWS Odkaz na podobný kurz a/nebo kurz od jiné firmy a v jiné ceně:
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Popis kurzu |
Další kurzy a školení |
LearnIS LMS (E-learningový systém - webová aplikace)
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Aplikace LearnIS LMS je profesionální český řídící systém výuky probíhající formou e-learningu, umožňující vytvořit ucelené prostředí pro přípravu, průběh, realizaci a vyhodnocení studia. Systém obsahuje nástroje pro vytváření databáze otázek, testů kurzů a lekcí.
Další podobné školení nebo kurzy
= Podobný kurz nebo školení
Poslední aktualizace: 2021-02-05 21:44:51
Alef NULA, a.s. |