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Study points for the exam Red Hat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Access remote systems using SSH Log in and switch users in multi-user targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Operate running systems Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally Boot systems into different targets manually Identify CP * Experienced or novice Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills Students who have attended Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and are on the path to becoming an RHCSA IT professionals who are on the path to becoming a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Study points for the exam Red Hat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Access remote systems using SSH Log in and switch users in multi-user targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Operate running systems Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally Boot systems into different targets manually Identify CPU - memory intensive processes and kill processes Locate and interpret system log files and journals Preserve system journals Start, stop, and check the status of network services Securely transfer files between systems Create and configure file systems Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration Diagnose and correct file permission problems Manually mount and unmount existing filesystem Deploy, configure, and maintain systems Start and stop services and configure services to start automatically at boot Configure systems to boot into a specific target automatically Configure time service clients Install and update software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local file system Work with package module streams Modify the system bootloader Manage basic networking Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses Configure hostname resolution Configure network services to start automatically at boot Manage users and groups Create, delete, and modify local user accounts Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships Configure superuser access As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Prerequisites for this exam Have either taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) or have comparable work experience as a system administrator on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ...
Cena kurzu: ...
170 EUR / Kurz
... včetně DPH: 206 EUR / Kurz
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Popis kurzu PE124 - Preliminary Exam in Red Hat System Administration I
Lektoři kurzu
Lektoři z firmy: DataScript s.r.o.
[Kurz] Program kurzu (obsah přednášky/semináře/rekvalifikace/studia) ...
Experienced or novice Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills
Students who have attended Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and are on the path to becoming an RHCSA
IT professionals who are on the path to becoming a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)
Study points for the exam Red Hat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories.
Understand and use essential tools
Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax
Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.)
Access remote systems using SSH
Log in and switch users in multi-user targets
Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2
Create and edit text files
Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories
Create hard and soft links
List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions
Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in /usr/share/doc
Operate running systems
Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally
Boot systems into different targets manually
Identify CPU/memory intensive processes and kill processes
Locate and interpret system log files and journals
Preserve system journals
Start, stop, and check the status of network services
Securely transfer files between systems
Create and configure file systems
Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration
Diagnose and correct file permission problems
Manually mount and unmount existing filesystem
Deploy, configure, and maintain systems
Start and stop services and configure services to start automatically at boot
Configure systems to boot into a specific target automatically
Configure time service clients
Install and update software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local file system
Work with package module streams
Modify the system bootloader
Manage basic networking
Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
Configure hostname resolution
Configure network services to start automatically at boot
Manage users and groups
Create, delete, and modify local user accounts
Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts
Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships
Configure superuser access
As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Prerequisites for this exam Have either taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) or have comparable work experience as a system administrator on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
[Kurz] Obsah kurzu/školení...
Experienced or novice Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills
Students who have attended Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and are on the path to becoming an RHCSA
IT professionals who are on the path to becoming a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)
Study points for the exam Red Hat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories.
Understand and use essential tools
Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax
Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.)
Access remote systems using SSH
Log in and switch users in multi-user targets
Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2
Create and edit text files
Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories
Create hard and soft links
List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions
Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in /usr/share/doc
Operate running systems
Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally
Boot systems into different targets manually
Identify CPU/memory intensive processes and kill processes
Locate and interpret system log files and journals
Preserve system journals
Start, stop, and check the status of network services
Securely transfer files between systems
Create and configure file systems
Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration
Diagnose and correct file permission problems
Manually mount and unmount existing filesystem
Deploy, configure, and maintain systems
Start and stop services and configure services to start automatically at boot
Configure systems to boot into a specific target automatically
Configure time service clients
Install and update software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local file system
Work with package module streams
Modify the system bootloader
Manage basic networking
Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
Configure hostname resolution
Configure network services to start automatically at boot
Manage users and groups
Create, delete, and modify local user accounts
Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts
Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships
Configure superuser access
As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention. Prerequisites for this exam Have either taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) or have comparable work experience as a system administrator on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
[Kurz] Cíl školení / poznámka ke kurzu...
Study points for the exam Red Hat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories.
Understand and use essential tools
Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax
Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.)
Access remote systems using SSH
Log in and switch users in multi-user targets
Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2
Create and edit text files
Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories
Create hard and soft links
List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions
Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in /usr/share/doc
Operate running systems
Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally
Boot systems into different targets manually
Identify CPU/memory intensive processes and kill processes
Locate and interpret system log files and journals
Preserve system journals
Start, stop, and check the status of network services
Securely transfer files between systems
Create and configure file systems
Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration
Diagnose and correct file permission problems
Manually mount and unmount existing filesystem
Deploy, configure, and maintain systems
Start and stop services and configure services to start automatically at boot
Configure systems to boot into a specific target automatically
Configure time service clients
Install and update software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local file system
Work with package module streams
Modify the system bootloader
Manage basic networking
Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
Configure hostname resolution
Configure network services to start automatically at boot
Manage users and groups
Create, delete, and modify local user accounts
Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts
Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships
Configure superuser access
As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention.
[Školení] Další popis kurzu (úroveň, minimální znalosti, informace o cenách kurzu) ...
Prerequisites for this exam Have either taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) or have comparable work experience as a system administrator on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
[dotaz na školení/kurz] Formulář pro komentáře, dotazy a odpovědi
DataScript je autorizovaným poskytovatelem IT kurzů a certifikací. V našich školících prostorách poskytujeme řadu vysoce odborných a respektovaných IT kurzů, specializovaných technologických školení i certifikací IT specialistů, systémových administrátorů a techniků. V nabídce naší činnosti nechybí ani speciální tréninky určené ke zvýšení profesionálních dovedností a schopností odborných pracovníků. DataScript klade důraz nejen na dokonalou teoretickou přípravu a odborné znalosti, ale rovněž na jejich praktické využití a řešení konkrétních situací. DataScript je součástí koncernu Servodata. Společnost Servodata je významným Value Added Distributorem komponent a infrastruktury podnikových ICT řešení. Dlouhodobě se specializuje na distribuci ...
Platební podmínky pro účast na kurzu
Objednavateli bude zaslána závazná přihláška k podpisu. Poté bude účastník na školení registrován. Objednavatel uhradí částku kurzovného za výše uvedeného posluchače na základě faktury vystavené poskytovatelem.
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Akreditace kurzu Autorizace Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí ČR pro pořádání zkoušek profesní kvalifikace Pracovník - pracovnice v administrativě (kód: 63-033-H). Číslo autorizace 63-033-H .
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Administrativní pracovníci při našem interním průzkumu ve velké většině odpověděli, že by opravdu uvítali jazykové školení. Často píšou e-maily, zprávy, dopisy, reporty a další texty, a často se při tom cítí nejistě - nevědí přesně, jaká pravidla českého pravopisu dnes pla
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Kurz-školení Oracle Database 19c: Novinky pro administrátory představuje administrátorům databázového systému novinky verze Oracle 19c na úrovni bezpečnosti, obnovování, výkonnosti, monitorování
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Kurz Oracle databáze - Optimalizace SQL dotazů je určen pro databázové administrátory, vývojáře a analytiky, kteří chtějí rozšířit své znalosti nad standardní úroveň. Je směřován ke schopnosti optimalizovat kód a data takovým způsobem, aby dokázali maximálně využít možnost
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Certified Kubernetes Administrator * Kurz seznámí účastníky s pokročilými možnostmi administrace Kubernetes. Naučíte se konfigurovat aplikace v prostředí K8s clusteru odolném proti výpadkům.
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : SharePoint for Administrators: Introduction to platform administration * Cílem kurzu je připravit účastníky na efektivní správu SharePointu - nástroje pro organizaci informací, týmovou spolupráci a automatizaci rutinních úkolů ve vaší organizaci. Práce s daty, řízení o
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Cíle kurzu : V tomto kurzu se naučíte vše, co potřebujete pro práci v oboru administrativa. Naučíte se organizovat chod kanceláře, třídit a evidovat dokumenty, psát pracovní dokumenty.
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Kurz se věnuje kritickým oblastem pravidel českého pravopisu a jejich uplatňování v pracovní praxi. Připomíná základní pravidla a některá z nich vykládá důkladněji a praktičtěji, než je v našem vzdělávacím systému obvyklé.
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Objednavateli bude zaslána závazná přihláška k podpisu. Poté bude účastník na školení registrován. Objednavatel uhradí částku kurzovného za výše uvedeného posluchače na základě faktury vystavené poskytovatelem.