Výpis kurzů # configurin
configurin # 1 kurzů/školení
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CONFIGURIN - výpis kurzů + zobrazí kurzy pouze s termínem 10 dní dopředu
configurin # 1 kurzů/školení
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Zobrazeno celkem: 1 z 1 kurzů, školení a/nebo seminářů pro:
configurinDalší podobné školení nebo kurzy
Následuje seznam kurzů u kterých není aktuální termín školení - je zde možnost poslat nezávaznou přihlášku - v případě, že se vloží nový termín kurzu, dostanete ihned emailem zprávu
- VMware Horizon 7 Install, Configure, Manage [V7.3] This five-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform
- Horizon [V7]: Install, Configure, Manage [V7.0] This five-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform
- VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.7] VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere 6, which includes VMware ESXi 6 and VMware vCenter Server 6
- VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.7] VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere 6, which includes VMware ESXi 6 and VMware vCenter Server 6
- VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.5] VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere 6, which includes VMware ESXi 6 and VMware vCenter Server 6
- MOC20410 - Installing and Configuring Windows Server® 2012 Kurz MOC 20410 je základním kurzem pro vstup do problematiky nasazení, správy, konfigurace, sledování i údržby platformy Windows Server 2012
- MOC20412 - Configuring Advanced Windows Server® 2012 Services Tento pětidenní kurz je třetím po sobě navazujícím kurzem, který seznamuje studenty se správou operačního systému Windows Server 2012 a síťových služeb, které poskytuje
- System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager: Advanced Operations and Troubleshooting Tento unikátní kurz je určen pro specialisty jež mají reálné zkušenosti s používáním System Center Configuration Manager v reálném provozu
- SharePoint 2013 – Installing, Configuring and Administering Tento intenzivní a na českém trhu jedinečný kurz poskytne IT profesionálům znalosti a zkušenosti potřebné pro instalaci a údržbu SharePoint Server 2013 farem
- VMware AirWatch: Configure and Deploy Integrated Solutions This two-day course will provide you with the skills required to configure and provision VMware AirWatch® cloud deployments
- MOC10748 - Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Třídenní kurz seznamuje posluchače s pokročilými principy, nasazením a fungováním SCCM 2012 R2 ve složitých a distribuovaných prostředích s množstvím site a site systémů
- Configuring Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in ACI Mode (DCAC9K) Configuring Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in ACI Mode v1
- Configuring Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches (DCNX7K)) Configuring Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches is a usually 5-day ILT training program that is designed for systems and field engineers who install, manage and implement the Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in ACI mode
- DO280 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Configuring a Production Cluster Create, configure, manage, and troubleshoot OpenShift clusters Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster (DO280) prepares OpenShift Cluster Administrators to perform daily administration tasks on clusters that ho
- Veritas NetBackup Appliances 4.0: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operatin
- Configuring and Monitoring NetApp E-Series and EF-Series Storage Systems (COMNESES) In this course, you lea> how to configure a new E-Series storage system and establish connectivity with a SAN
- CL211 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration II: Infrastructure Configuration for Cloud Administrators with Exam and prerequisites This course is designed for Linux system administrators, cloud administrators, and cloud operators
- DO406 - Configuration Management with Puppet with Exam The Configuration Management with Puppet with exam (DO406) bundle is a combination of the following: Configuration Management with Puppet (DO405) course Red Hat Certified Specialist in Configuration Management (EX405)
- DO405 - Configuration Management with Puppet Configuration Management with Puppet (DO405) is designed for system administrators and cloud administrators who intend to implement Puppet as integrated with Red Hat ® products in an operations environment or a cloud computing environment
- CL210 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration II: Infrastructure Configuration for Cloud Administrators This course teaches system administrators how to implement a cloud-computing environment using Red Hat ® Enterprise Linux ® OpenStack Platform , including installation, configuration, and maintenance
- Veritas NetBackup Appliances 5: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operatin
- NetApp Portfolio: Exploring SAN Architectures and Configurations (SANARCH) In this course, you lea> how to differentiate between the SAN architectures in the NetApp portfolio: FAS and All Flash FAS (AFF) systems with the clustered Data ONTAP operating system E-Series and EF-Series systems with the SANtricity ope
- Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operatin
- Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operatin
- Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.2: Configuration and Management The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operatin
configurin hledat v |
Praha |
Mladá Boleslav, Kolín, Kladno |
České Budějovice |
Plzeň |
Karlovy Vary |
Ústí nad Labem |
Liberec |
Hradec Králové |
Pardubice |
Jihlava |
Brno |
Olomouc |
Ostrava |
Zlín |
eLearning, Webináře |
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pouze akreditované vzdělávací kurzy: configurin, tj. rekvalifikační vzdělávací kurzy / semináře
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pouze v názvu firmy: configurin, tj. školu nebo vzdělávací agenturu
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text configurin i v kurzech bez termínu
[configurin] Nenašli jste kurz, školení, studium a/nebo seminář?
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Další školení ve vašem městě :
configurin :
...URL této stránky: https://www.skoleni-kurzy.eu/kurz.php?hledat=configurin&title=kurzy-školení-configurin#školení | všechny kurzy/školení
...Termíny školení / kurzy : https://www.skoleni-kurzy.eu/terminy_kurzu_skoleni_configurin.html | hledá pouze v termínech
RSS - nové kurzy a školení Nechte si posílat novinky a termíny nových kurzů a školení prostřednictvím našich zdrojů RSS/Feed (Co to je
RSS najdete zde - bez registrace)
- configurin Zdroj RSS pro vyhledání kurzů pouze v názvu (vrací nové termíny kurzů/školení)
- configurin Zdroj RSS pro vyhledání kurzů v názvu a v popisu kurzu (vrací nové termíny kurzů/školení)
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