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completion # 14 kurzů/školení

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COMPLETION - výpis kurzů

Třídit podle : obsahu kurzu | termínu školení | názvu kurzu
Název kurzu Termín kurzu Místo konání Popis kurzu & program kurzu

Completion -Kdekoliv-
Akreditovaný kurz
Rekvalifikační kurz
Školení a nebo seminář
Kurz pořádá vzdělávací firma Téma kurzu nebo školení
Kurzy pro Energetické specialisty - Praha, Brno
  • Zpracování průkazu energetické náročnosti budov [PENB]
  • Energetický audit a energetický posudek
  • Kontrola klimatizačních systémů dle vyhl. 193/2013 Sb.
  • Kontrola kotlů a rozvodů tepelné energie dle vyhl. 194/2013 Sb.
  • Projektování technických systémů a energetické hodnocení budov
PENB, příprava na zkoušky TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o. Další kurzy a školení
NSE6 Secure Wireless
19.09.2024 Praha 7 KURZ - In this course, you will lea> how to deploy, configure, and troubleshoot secure wireless LAN using an integrated wireless solution ... ... Using interactive labs, you will enforce your knowledge of deploying a secure wireless LAN centrally managed from the FortiGate wireless controller ... Audience This course is intended for networking and security professionals involved in the management, configuration, administration, and monitoring of the Fortinet integrated and - or cloud wireless solution. ... 1.400 EUR / Kurz # DataScript s.r.o. Školení DataScript s.r.o. Praha 7

Veritas InfoScale Availability 8 for UNIX - Linux: Administration
23.09.2024 Praha 7 KURZ - The Veritas InfoScale Availability for Unix - Linux: Administration course is designed for the IT professional tasked with installing, configuring, and maintaining Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) cluste ... ... This class discusses how to use InfoScale Availability to manage applications in a high availability environment ... Audience This course is for UNIX - Linux system administrators, system engineers, technical support personnel, network - SAN administrators, and systems integration - development staff, who will be installing, operating, or integrating InfoScale Availability. ... 2.500 EUR / Kurz # DataScript s.r.o. Kurz DataScript s.r.o. Praha 7

NSE6 FortiMail
23.09.2024 Praha 7 KURZ - In this 2-day instructor-led classroom or online class, you will lea> how to deploy, use, & troubleshoot Fortinet s secure messaging gateway: FortiMail ... ... The course begins by analyzing email security challenges that organizations face ... Audience Anyone who is responsible for day-to-day management of a FortiMail appliance. ... 2.100 EUR / Kurz # DataScript s.r.o. Školení DataScript s.r.o. Praha 7

NSE5 FortiManager Administrator
23.09.2024 Praha 7 KURZ - In this 2-days instructor-led classroom or online class, you will lea> the fundamentals of using FortiManager for centralized network administration of many FortiGate devices ... ... This course focuses on these areas of the FortiManager GUI: Device Manager Policy & Objects FortiGuard System Settings By its nature, this FortiManager course targets enterprise or ... Audience Anyone who is responsible for day-to-day management of many FortiGate devices via the FortiManager platform. ... 1.400 EUR / Kurz # DataScript s.r.o. Školení DataScript s.r.o. Praha 7

Veritas InfoScale Storage 8 for UNIX - Linux: Administration
14.10.2024 Praha 7 KURZ - The Veritas InfoScale Storage for UNIX: Administration course is designed for the IT professional tasked with installing, configuring, and maintaining the Veritas InfoScale Storage environments, inclu ... ... This five day, instructor-led, hands-on virtual class covers how to use InfoScale Storage to manage disks, disk groups, and volumes by using a variety of InfoScale Storage user interfaces including t ... Audience This course is for UNIX - Linux system administrators, system engineers, technical support personnel, network - SAN administrators, and systems integration - development staff, who will be installing, operating, or integrating InfoScale Storage. ... 2.500 EUR / Kurz # DataScript s.r.o. Kurz DataScript s.r.o. Praha 7

Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS
08.10.2024 Praha 7 KURZ - This course gives developers exposure to and practice with best practices for building serverless applications using AWS Lambda and other services in the AWS serverless platform ... ... You’ll use AWS frameworks to deploy a serverless application in hands-on labs that progress from simpler to more complex topics ... Audience Developers who have some familiarity with serverless architecture and experience with development in the AWS Cloud. ... 990 EUR / Kurz # DataScript s.r.o. Školení DataScript s.r.o. Praha 7

Veritas Data Insight 6.5: Administration
07.10.2024 Praha 7 KURZ - The Veritas Data Insight 6.1: Administration course is designed for the storage administration, IT security, and systems administration professional tasked with architecting, implementing, administeri ... ... 1: Administration course is designed for the storage administration, IT security, and systems administration professional tasked with architecting, implementing, administering and using Veritas Data I ... Audience This course is for storage administrators, systems administrators, IT security administrators, systems professionals, and consultants who are charged with the installation, configuration, and day-to-day management of Veritas Data Insight in a variety of system environments. It is also ta ... 2.500 EUR / Kurz # DataScript s.r.o. Kurz DataScript s.r.o. Praha 7

Advanced Developing on AWS
08.10.2024 Praha 7 KURZ - The Advanced Developing on AWS course uses the real-world scenario of taking a legacy, on-premises monolithic application and refactoring it into a serverless microservices architecture ... ... This three-day advanced course covers advanced development topics such as architecting for a cloud-native environment; deconstructing on-premises, legacy applications and repackaging them into cloud- ... Audience This course is intended for: Experienced software developers who are already familiar with AWS services Course Objectives In this course, you will lea> how to: Analyze a monolithic application architecture to determine logical or programmatic break points where the applicat ... 990 EUR / Kurz # DataScript s.r.o. Školení DataScript s.r.o. Praha 7

Veritas NetBackup Appliances 5: Configuration and Management
04.11.2024 Praha 7 KURZ - The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances ... ... The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances ... Audience This course is for customers and partners new to appliances and front-line technical support personnel who are responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operating and managing the appliance and troubleshooting the appliance. ... 2.000 EUR / Kurz # DataScript s.r.o. Školení DataScript s.r.o. Praha 7

IFRS in English
08.10.2024 online KURZ - Most companies apply IFRS because they are subsidiaries in a group whose securities trade on a regulated, EU market ... ... In addition, many EU member states require legal entities to apply national standards, a ... The seminar is intended for those already familiar with IFRS who would like to expand their knowledge. As such, it focuses on the needs of those who have joined the finance department of a subsidiary of a European company. ... 6.290 CZK / Kurz # 1. VOX a.s. Kurz 1. VOX a.s. online

Představení konkrétního auditu zaměřeného na IT
31.10.2024 Praha 2 KURZ - ... ... ... ... 3.900 / Kurz # Český institut interních auditorů, z.s. Kurz Český institut interních auditorů, z.s. Praha 2

US GAAP in English
05.11.2024 online KURZ - While primarily aimed at subsidiaries of American companies, the seminar is also helpful for European companies that have established, or plan to establish, a US subsidiary ... ... Because the US does not have an accounting directive similar to the EU, businesses do not generally need to deal with GAAP until their turnover exceeds set limits or they list securities on a US exch ... The seminar is intended for those already familiar with US GAAP who would like to expand their knowledge. Primarily, it focuses on those who have joined the finance department of a subsidiary of an American company as advancement in such a department requires not only a good working knowledge of GA ... 6.290 CZK / Kurz # 1. VOX a.s. Kurz 1. VOX a.s. online

Praktické dovednosti pro výkon interního auditu
13.11.2024 Praha 2 KURZ - ... ... ... ... 8.200 / Kurz # Český institut interních auditorů, z.s. Kurz Český institut interních auditorů, z.s. Praha 2

Audit vnitřního kontrolního systému
11.12.2024 Praha 2 KURZ - ... ... ... ... 3.900 / Kurz # Český institut interních auditorů, z.s. Kurz Český institut interních auditorů, z.s. Praha 2

completion # 14 kurzů/školení

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Zobrazeno celkem: 14 z 14 kurzů, školení a/nebo seminářů pro: completion
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completion hledat v | -Kdekoliv- | Praha | Mladá Boleslav, Kolín, Kladno | České Budějovice | Plzeň | Karlovy Vary | Ústí nad Labem | Liberec | Hradec Králové | Pardubice | Jihlava | Brno | Olomouc | Ostrava | Zlín | SLOVENSKO | MIMO ČR/SK | eLearning, Webináře | ČR -- místo bude upřesněno --

>> Hledat pouze akreditované vzdělávací kurzy: completion, tj. rekvalifikační vzdělávací kurzy / semináře
>> Hledat pouze v názvu firmy: completion, tj. školu nebo vzdělávací agenturu
>> Hledat text completion i v kurzech bez termínu

Další školení ve vašem městě : Praha 7 - online - Praha 2

completion :
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