Výpis kurzů # do101 introduction openshift
do101 introduction openshift # 0 kurzů/školení
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Do101 introduction openshift -Kdekoliv- |
Akreditovaný kurz Rekvalifikační kurz Školení a nebo seminář |
Kurz pořádá vzdělávací firma |
Téma kurzu nebo školení |
Kurzy pro Energetické specialisty |
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Praha, Brno |
- Zpracování průkazu energetické náročnosti budov [PENB]
- Energetický audit a energetický posudek
- Kontrola klimatizačních systémů dle vyhl. 193/2013 Sb.
- Kontrola kotlů a rozvodů tepelné energie dle vyhl. 194/2013 Sb.
- Projektování technických systémů a energetické hodnocení budov
PENB, příprava na zkoušky |
TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o. |
Další kurzy a školení |
Další podobné školení nebo kurzy
Následuje seznam kurzů u kterých není aktuální termín školení - je zde možnost poslat nezávaznou přihlášku - v případě, že se vloží nový termín kurzu, dostanete ihned emailem zprávu
- C/Side Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (.) Tento pětidenní instruktorem vedený kurz se zaměřuje na možnosti a vlastnosti vývojového prostředí v Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
- Introduction to Apache Spark Apache Spark se rychle stal jedním z nejpopulárnějších frameworků pro zpracování dat
- MOC10985 - Introduction to SQL Databases This three-day instructor-led course is aimed at people looking to move into a database professional role or whose job role is expanding to encompass database elements
- AD422 - Camel Integration and Development with Red Hat Fuse on OpenShift with exam This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7
- DO296 - Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Development II with exam Accelerated hands-on training to boost developer productivity powered by Red Hat OpenShift Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Development II with exam (DO296) teaches you how to design, build, and deploy containerized software application
- DO286 - Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Administration II with Exam Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Administration I with exam (DO286) helps you build core knowledge in building and managing Linux® containers and Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
- DO286 - Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Administration I with exam Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Administration I with exam (DO286) helps you build core knowledge in building and managing Linux® containers and Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
- DO181 - Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes with exam Lea> to build and manage containers for deployment on a Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift cluster Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes with exam (DO181) helps you build core knowledge in managing containers through hands-on experience with con
- DO289 - Red Hat OpenShift Development II: Containerizing Applications with Exam Software developers interested in adopting containers as a preferred method for deploying applications Software architects interested in adopting containers as a preferred method for deploying applications Prerequisites Have completed the In
- AD421 - Camel Integration and Development with Red Hat Fuse on OpenShift Camel Development with Red Hat ® JBoss ® Fuse (AD421) is a hands-on, lab-based course that gives Java ™ developers and architects an understanding of Apache Camel and the enhancements and tools Red Hat offers in support of Camel development
- DO295 - Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Development II Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Development II (DO295) teaches you how to design, build, and deploy containerized software applications to an OpenShift® cluster
- DO285 - Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Administration II Developers who wish to containerize software applications Administrators who are new to container technology and container orchestration Architects who are considering using container technologies in software architectures System administrators
- DO285 - Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Administration I Developers who wish to containerize software applications Administrators who are new to container technology and container orchestration Architects who are considering using container technologies in software architectures System administrators Syste
- DO288 - Red Hat OpenShift Development II: Containerizing Applications with Kubernetes Design, build, and deploy containerized applications on Red Hat OpenShift Red Hat OpenShift Development II: Containerizing Applications (DO288) teaches you how to design, build, and deploy containerized software applications on an OpenShift cluster W
- DO280 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Configuring a Production Cluster Create, configure, manage, and troubleshoot OpenShift clusters Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster (DO280) prepares OpenShift Cluster Administrators to perform daily administration tasks on clusters that ho
- DO180 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Operating a Production Cluster Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Managing Containers and Kubernetes (DO180) prepares OpenShift cluster administrators to manage Kubernetes workloads and to collaborate with developers, DevOps engineers, system administrators, and SREs to ensure th
- DO180 - Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes Introduction to building and managing containers for deployment on a Kubernetes and OpenShift 4 cluster Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes (DO180) introduces students to building and managing containers for deployment on a Kubernetes cluste
- DO280 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster Create, configure, manage, and troubleshoot OpenShift clusters Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster (DO280) teaches you how to configure, troubleshoot, and manage Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
- DO380 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration III: Scaling Kubernetes Deployments in the Enterprise Red Hat OpenShift Administration III: Scaling Kubernetes Deployments in the Enterprise (DO380) expands upon the skills required to plan, implement, and manage OpenShift® clusters in the enterprise
- DO370 - Enterprise Kubernetes Storage with Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Teaches the essential skills required to design, implement, and manage a Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation cluster and perform day-to-day Kubernetes storage management tasks
- DO180 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Containers & Kubernetes Introduction to building and managing containers for deployment on a Kubernetes and OpenShift 4 cluster Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes (DO180) introduces students to building and managing containers for deployment on a Kubernetes cluste
- DO480 - Multicluster Management with Red Hat OpenShift Platform Plus Enhance container management capabilities with automation, governance, and security across clusters
- DO289 - Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Containerizing Applications with exam Software developers interested in adopting containers as a preferred method for deploying applications Software architects interested in adopting containers as a preferred method for deploying applications Prerequisites Have completed t
- DO426 - Red Hat Security: Securing Containers and OpenShift with exam Red Hat Security: Securing Containers and OpenShift with exam (DO426) is bundle is a combination of the following: DO425 - Red Hat Security: Securing Containers and OpenShift EX425 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Containers and
- DO281 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster with Exam DO281 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration I with exam bundle is a combination of the following: DO280 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster EX280 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Admini
...Školení nenalezeno # do101 introduction openshift # ... :-(
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do101 introduction openshift :
...URL této stránky: https://www.skoleni-kurzy.eu/kurz.php?hledat=do101-introduction-openshift&title=kurzy-školení-do101-introduction-openshift#školení | všechny kurzy/školení
...Termíny školení / kurzy : https://www.skoleni-kurzy.eu/terminy_kurzu_skoleni_do101-introduction-openshift.html | hledá pouze v termínech
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