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# 23.09.2024
The Veritas InfoScale Availability for Unix - Linux: Administration course is designed for the IT professional tasked with installing, configuring, and maintaining Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) clusters. This class discusses how to use InfoScale Availability to manage applications in a high availab... Audience This course is for UNIX - Linux system administrators, system engineers, technical support personnel, network - SAN administrators, and systems integration - development staff, who will be installing, operating, or integrating InfoScale Availability.... Goals By the completion of this course, you will be able to: Describe how clustering is used to implement high availability in the data center environment. Describe VCS and cluster communication mechanisms.... Prerequisites Knowledge of and hands-on experience with UNIX - Linux systems administration is required. Study materials Veritas authorized e-book included. Labs access for 6 month. Zpět ke kurzu
Platební podmínky pro účast na kurzuObjednavateli bude zaslána závazná přihláška k podpisu. Poté bude účastník na školení registrován. Objednavatel uhradí částku kurzovného za výše uvedeného posluchače na základě faktury vystavené poskytovatelem. |