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Program kurzu: activit

[Školení] AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders

AWS Cloud Essentials for Business LeadersIn this course, you will lea> the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help companies meet business objectives. It explores the advantages and possibilities of cloud computing. ... ... Goals In this course, you will lea> to: Explain the role of information technology (IT) in an organization for business transformation Explain the customer value proposition for using the cloud across industries Define key characteristics of cloud computing Explain the cloud business ... Goals In this course, you will lea> to: Explain the role of information technology (IT) in an organization for business transformation Explain the customer value proposition for using the cloud across industries Define key characteristics of cloud computing Explain the cloud business ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-10-21 Praha 7

[Školení] AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders – Financial Services

AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders – Financial ServicesIn this course, you will lea> the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help companies in the financial services industries (FSI) meet business objectives. It explores the advantages and possibilities of cloud computing in banking, insurance, capital markets, payments ... Audience This course is intended for: Line of business (LOB) owners Information technology (IT) leaders IT executives ... Goals In this course, you will lea> to: Explain the role of information technology (IT) in an organization for business transformation Explain the customer value proposition for using the cloud in the financial services industry (FSI) Define key characteristics of cloud computing Expl ... Goals In this course, you will lea> to: Explain the role of information technology (IT) in an organization for business transformation Explain the customer value proposition for using the cloud in the financial services industry (FSI) Define key characteristics of cloud computing Expl ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-10-21 Praha 7

[Školení] AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials

AWS Cloud Practitioner EssentialsThis course is for individuals who seek an overall understanding of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. You will lea> about AWS Cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support to build your AWS Cloud knowledge. ... Audience This course is intended for: Sales Legal Marketing Business analysts Project managers AWS Academy students Other IT-related professionals ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Summarize the working definition of AWS Differentiate between on-premises, hybrid-cloud, and all-in cloud Describe the basic global infrastructure of the AWS Cloud Explain the six benefits of the AWS Cloud Describe and provide an example ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Summarize the working definition of AWS Differentiate between on-premises, hybrid-cloud, and all-in cloud Describe the basic global infrastructure of the AWS Cloud Explain the six benefits of the AWS Cloud Describe and provide an example ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-10-21 Praha 7

[Školení] Umělá inteligence pro volnočasové aktivity

Umělá inteligence pro volnočasové aktivityArtificial intelligence for leisure activities * Kurz je zaměřen na rozvoj kreativních a praktických dovedností při využívání umělé inteligence (AI) v různých oblastech volnočasových aktivit. Naučíme vás, jak efektivně používat nástroje AI k automatizaci, tvorbě obsahu, analýze a zlepšení osobních ... ... ... Seznamte se s AI Proč se věnovat AI? Co AI dokáže a na co (zatím) nestačí? ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-11-11 Praha

[Školení] Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)Amazon EKS makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. In this course, you will lea> container management and orchestration for Kubernetes using Amazon EKS. ... Audience This course is intended for: Cloud developers IT operations staff DevOps engineers Technical decision makers ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Explain the challenges of scaling microservice architectures at the enterprise level Describe the basic concepts and terminology of Kubernetes Configure EKS to manage the Kubernetes management infrastructure Differentiate between AWS Fargate ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Explain the challenges of scaling microservice architectures at the enterprise level Describe the basic concepts and terminology of Kubernetes Configure EKS to manage the Kubernetes management infrastructure Differentiate between AWS Fargate ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-11-12 Praha 7

[Školení] Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) - for APN partners

Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) -  for APN partnersAmazon EKS makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. In this course, you will lea> container management and orchestration for Kubernetes using Amazon EKS. ... Audience This course is intended for: Those who will provide container orchestration management in the AWS Cloud including: DevOps engineers Systems administrators ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Review and examine containers, Kubernetes and Amazon EKS fundamentals and the impact of containers on workflows. Build an Amazon EKS cluster by selecting the correct compute resources to support worker nodes. ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Review and examine containers, Kubernetes and Amazon EKS fundamentals and the impact of containers on workflows. Build an Amazon EKS cluster by selecting the correct compute resources to support worker nodes. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-11-12 Praha 7

Doporučené související školení/kurzy : activit

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[Rekvalifikační kurzy, školení] Novinky z oblasti vzdělávacích kurzů a školení

Kurzy | ABRA Flexi
kurzy | 2022-06-09 
Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Kurzy a akce - kurzy
Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Summit Academy RAZU sport kurzy - Pustevny - kurzy
Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Kurzy | IES - kurzy
Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Kurzy - Curatio - kurzy
Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Kurzy - sniper.cz - kurzy
Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Kurzy - skoleniproucetniskoleniproucetni - kurzy
Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Kurzy Online + E-learning - kurzy
Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Kurzy - kurzy
Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Online kurzy - kurzy

Nalezeno celkem : 34 zpráv | aktualizace každou hodinu



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Email: info[at]skoleni-kurzy.eu
Telefon:(+420) 775 193 488



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Školení: Chůva pro děti v dětské skupině – rekvalifikační kurz Hradec Králové v říjnu 2024 - Hradec Králové