RSS - nové termíny školení: AWS CLOUD ESSENTI JS SCRIPTY JS
Program kurzu: aws cloud essenti js scripty js  ... ... ... IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Amazon Web Services Essentials Recenze - AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Zpět Michal Halas 9. 12. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2025-05-26 Praha 7 Gain the foundational knowledge that you need to manage, optimize and plan your cloud spend, and influence your organization’s builders to be more accountable and cost-conscious from an expert AWS instructor. In this 2-day, classroom training course you will lea> to innovate within your finance org ... ... Goals Define cloud business value Estimate costs associated with current and future cloud workloads Use tools to report, monitor, allocate, optimize, and plan AWS spend Optimize cloud spending and usage through pricing models And much more Audience Enterprise finance stakeho ... Goals Define cloud business value Estimate costs associated with current and future cloud workloads Use tools to report, monitor, allocate, optimize, and plan AWS spend Optimize cloud spending and usage through pricing models And much more Audience Enterprise finance stakeho ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2025-06-05 Praha 7 This course teaches systems operators and anyone performing cloud operations functions how to manage and operate automatable and repeatable deployments of networks and systems on AWS. You will lea> about cloud operations functions, such as installing, configuring, automating, monitoring, securing, ... Audience This course is intended for: Systems administrators Software developers, especially those in a DevOps role ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Use standard AWS infrastructure features such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), and AWS Auto Scaling from the command line Use AWS Cloud • Formation and ot ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Use standard AWS infrastructure features such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), and AWS Auto Scaling from the command line Use AWS Cloud • Formation and ot ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2025-06-23 Praha 7
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Kurz |
Termíny školení |
Místo konání kurzu |
Podobné kurzy |
Popis kurzu |
Témata kurzu |
Cloud Operations on AWS for APN partners (formerly Systems Operations) |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
This course teaches systems operators and anyone performing cloud operations functions how to manage and operate automatable and repeatable deployments of networks and systems on AWS. You will lea> about cloud operations functions, such as installing, configuring, automating, monitoring, securing,
Audience This course is intended for: Systems administrators Software developers, especially those in a DevOps role
Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
This course gives developers exposure to and practice with best practices for building serverless applications using AWS Lambda and other services in the AWS serverless platform. You’ll use AWS frameworks to deploy a serverless application in hands-on labs that progress from simpler to more complex
Audience Developers who have some familiarity with serverless architecture and experience with development in the AWS Cloud.
AWS Cloud for Finance Professionals |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
Gain the foundational knowledge that you need to manage, optimize and plan your cloud spend, and influence your organization’s builders to be more accountable and cost-conscious from an expert AWS instructor. In this 2-day, classroom training course you will lea> to innovate within your finance org
Goals Define cloud business value Estimate costs associated with current and future cloud workloads Use tools to report, monitor, allocate, optimize, and plan AWS spend Optimize cloud spending and usage through pricing models And much more Audience Enterprise finance stakeho
AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Amazon Web Services Essentials Recenze - AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Zpět Michal Halas 9. 12.
Cloud Operations on AWS (formerly Systems Operations) |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Amazon Web Services Operations & DevOps Recenze - Cloud Operations on AWS (formerly Systems Operations) Zpět Jan Friedl 14. 6.
Migrating to AWS |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
Migrating to AWS focuses on planning and migrating existing workloads to the AWS Cloud. The course covers various cloud migration strategies with a detailed discussion on each phase of the migration process, including portfolio discovery, application migration planning and design, migration executi
Audience This course is intended for: Solutions architects Software engineers IT project managers Operation leads Other individuals involved in the planning and running of migration projects
Developing on AWS |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Amazon Web Services Developer Recenze - Developing on AWS Zpět Josef Brzák 4. 11.
Konfigurace systémů založená na šablonách |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
V rámci školení si osvojíme moderní konfigurační nástroje, které používají šablony k popisu spravovaných zdrojů a jejich vztahů. Překvapivě téměř všechny nástroje více nebo méně používají tento přístup.
Cílová skupina DevOps inženýři Architekti IT systémů Administrátoři IT systémů Vývojáři aplikací
Terraform a Packer - jednotná správa vašich cloudů |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Open Source Cloud Recenze - Terraform a Packer - jednotná správa vašich cloudů Zpět Michal Matějka 12. 10.
Saltstack - pro automatizaci a správu systémů |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
SaltStack (zkráceně Salt) je moderní open-source nástroj pro automatizaci a správu konfigurací systémů. Jeho vývoj začal v roce 2011 a v současnosti je to nejrychleji se rozvíjející projekt na poli otevřených nástrojů pro správu konfigurací systémů.
Cílová skupina Kurz je určen všem vývojářům a systémovým administrátorům, co se pohybují v SysOps, CloudOps a DevOps IT prosředích a chtějí se seznámit a naučit pracovat s nástrojem Salt pro automatizaci správy infrastrukturních zdrojů.
Advanced Architecting on AWS |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Amazon Web Services Architect Recenze - Advanced Architecting on AWS Zpět Lukáš Pour 22. 12.
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