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Účetnictví, daň z příjmů, DPH pro společenství vlastníků jednotek – aktuálně a novinky pro rok 2025 - 1. VOX s.r.o.
Na semináři budete seznámeni s daňovými a účetními souvislostmi fungování SVJ a se souvisejícími povinnostmi ve vztahu ke správci daně. Přínosem je komplexní pohled na daňovou a účetní problematiku jak z pohledu samotného SVJ (jeho statutárních orgánů), tak z pohledu jednotlivých vlastníků, prakti




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[Školení] Advanced Developing on AWS

Advanced Developing on AWSThe Advanced Developing on AWS course uses the real-world scenario of taking a legacy, on-premises monolithic application and refactoring it into a serverless microservices architecture. This three-day advanced course covers advanced development topics such as architecting for a cloud-native enviro ... Audience This course is intended for: Experienced software developers who are already familiar with AWS services Course Objectives In this course, you will lea> how to: Analyze a monolithic application architecture to determine logical or programmatic break points where the applicat ... ... This course is intended for: Experienced software developers who are already familiar with AWS services Course Objectives In this course, you will lea> how to: Analyze a monolithic application architecture to determine logical or programmatic break points where the application can b ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-12-03 Praha 7

[Školení] Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS

Developing Serverless Solutions on AWSThis course gives developers exposure to and practice with best practices for building serverless applications using AWS Lambda and other services in the AWS serverless platform. You’ll use AWS frameworks to deploy a serverless application in hands-on labs that progress from simpler to more complex ... Audience Developers who have some familiarity with serverless architecture and experience with development in the AWS Cloud. ... Goals Apply event-driven best practices to a serverless application design using appropriate AWS services Identify the challenges and trade-offs of transitioning to serverless development, and make recommendations that suit your development organization and environment Build serverless a ... Goals Apply event-driven best practices to a serverless application design using appropriate AWS services Identify the challenges and trade-offs of transitioning to serverless development, and make recommendations that suit your development organization and environment Build serverless a ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-12-03 Praha 7

[Školení] Developing on AWS

Developing on AWSIT konference Kurzy a certifikace Amazon Web Services Developer Recenze - Developing on AWS Zpět Josef Brzák 4. 11. ... ... ... IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Amazon Web Services Developer Recenze - Developing on AWS Zpět Josef Brzák 4. 11. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-12-03 Praha 7

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Kurz Termíny školení Místo konání kurzu Podobné kurzy Popis kurzu Témata kurzu
Developing on AWS 03.12.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Amazon Web Services Developer Recenze - Developing on AWS Zpět Josef Brzák 4. 11. 3. 12. – 5. 12. 2024* Počet dní: 3* Cena: 990 EUR Cena (bez DPH)
Advanced Developing on AWS 03.12.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy The Advanced Developing on AWS course uses the real-world scenario of taking a legacy, on-premises monolithic application and refactoring it into a serverless microservices architecture. This three-day advanced course covers advanced development topics such as architecting for a cloud-native enviro Audience This course is intended for: Experienced software developers who are already familiar with AWS services Course Objectives In this course, you will lea> how to: Analyze a monolithic application architecture to determine logical or programmatic break points where the applicat
MOCAZ-500 - Microsoft Azure - zabezpečení 09.12.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy Čtyřdenní kurz připravuje k certifikaci AZ-500 a seznamuje studenty s bezpečnostními technologiemi určenými pro ochranu Azure cloudových i onprem systémů. Kurz je složen z obsahu kurzu AZ-500T00. Goals Describe specialized data classifications on Azure Identify Azure data protection mechanisms Implement Azure data encryption methods Secure Internet protocols and how to implement them on Azure Describe Azure security services and features * Describe specialized dat
Veritas Enterprise Vault 14.1: Administration 09.12.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy The Veritas Enterprise Vault Administration I course is designed for system administrators tasked with operating, integrating, and monitoring the day-to-day performance of Enterprise Vault within a Microsoft Exchange environment. This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class covers Enterprise Vault Audience This course is for system administrators, system engineers, technical support personnel, and system integration - development staff who are responsible for installing, operating, or integrating Enterprise Vault within their Exchange environment.

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