Kurzy # studi-und/js/scripty.js Náhodný kurz/školeníBoho svatební kytice # pro začátečníci - Flower Academy s.r.o.
Popis produktu Florista Představte si, že jste florista s vášní pro tvorbu svatebních kytic, ale cítíte, že vám něco chybí. Možná máte pocit, že vaše kytice nejsou dostatečně originální nebo inovativní, což může vést k ztrátě zákazníků, kteří hledají něco jedinečného a nezapomenutelného pro svůj ^ Viz také následující kurzy :
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RSS - nové termíny školení: STUDI UND JS SCRIPTY JS
Program kurzu: studi und js scripty js  In this course, you will lea> the fundamentals of building IT infrastructure on the AWS platform. You will lea> how to optimize the AWS Cloud by understanding AWS services and how they fit into cloud-based solutions. ... Audience This course is intended for: Solutions architects Solution design engineers ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Make architectural decisions based on AWS architectural principles and best practices Leverage AWS services to make your infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available Leverage AWS Managed Services to enable greater flexibility and res ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Make architectural decisions based on AWS architectural principles and best practices Leverage AWS services to make your infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available Leverage AWS Managed Services to enable greater flexibility and res ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2025-03-25 Praha 7 While primarily aimed at subsidiaries of American companies, the seminar is also helpful for European companies that have established, or plan to establish, a US subsidiary. Because the US does not have an accounting directive similar to the EU, businesses do not generally need to deal with GAAP un ... The seminar is intended for those already familiar with US GAAP who would like to expand their knowledge. Primarily, it focuses on those who have joined the finance department of a subsidiary of an American company as advancement in such a department requires not only a good working knowledge of GA ... While primarily aimed at subsidiaries of American companies, the seminar is also helpful for European companies that have established, or plan to establish, a US subsidiary. Because the US does not have an accounting directive similar to the EU, businesses do not generally need to deal with GAAP un ... • introduction to US GAAP, • recognition, measurement, disclosure, • fair value, • cash and short-term investments (basics), • receivables: contract assets, revenue recognition (amount), examples, • Inventory: recognition, measurement, examples, revenue recognition (timing), • accruals, ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2025-04-08 online Amazon EKS makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. In this course, you will lea> container management and orchestration for Kubernetes using Amazon EKS. ... Audience This course is intended for: Cloud developers IT operations staff DevOps engineers Technical decision makers ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Explain the challenges of scaling microservice architectures at the enterprise level Describe the basic concepts and terminology of Kubernetes Configure EKS to manage the Kubernetes management infrastructure Differentiate between AWS Fargate ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Explain the challenges of scaling microservice architectures at the enterprise level Describe the basic concepts and terminology of Kubernetes Configure EKS to manage the Kubernetes management infrastructure Differentiate between AWS Fargate ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2025-05-26 Praha 7
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Kurz |
Termíny školení |
Místo konání kurzu |
Podobné kurzy |
Popis kurzu |
Témata kurzu |
Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) |
Praha 7 |
Podobné kurzy  |
Amazon EKS makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. In this course, you will lea> container management and orchestration for Kubernetes using Amazon EKS.
Audience This course is intended for: Cloud developers IT operations staff DevOps engineers Technical decision makers
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