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Excel pokročilý - AbecedaPC Školení je určené pro uživatele programu Excel, kteří chtějí svoji práci zefektivnit a zrychlit. Posluchači si prohloubí své znalosti, naučí se používat podmíněné formátovaní, zadávat složitější vzorce a funkce (např.
This three-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to provision a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The course covers SQL Server 2016 provision both on-premise and in Azure, and covers installing from new and migrating from an existing install. Audience The primary audience for this course is individuals who administer and maintain SQL Server databases. These individuals perform database administration and maintenance as their prima ...
Cena kurzu: ...
27.900 Kč / Kurz
... včetně DPH: 33.759 Kč / Kurz
Objednat - pro přihlášení na kurz/školení klikněte na zvolený termín školení a místo konání
Audience The primary audience for this course is individuals who administer and maintain SQL Server databases. These individuals perform database administration and maintenance as their primary area of responsibility, or work in environments where databases play a key role in their primary job. The secondary audiences for this course are individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases.
Lektoři kurzu
Lektoři z firmy: DataScript s.r.o.
[Kurz] Program kurzu (obsah přednášky/semináře/rekvalifikace/studia) ...
Goals After completing this course, students will be able to:
Provision a Database Server
Upgrade SQL Server
Configure SQL Server
Manage Databases and Files (shared)
Main instructor
Marek Chmel Microsoft MVP Marek works as SQL Server Technical Specialist and is part of an international team for managing several thousand of database servers. As a consultant and trainer he has great experience not only in SQL Server, but also with other products of Microsoft such as SharePoint Server, Exchange and Lync Server and Business Intelligence solutions. Since 2013, he is awarded the prestigious Microsoft MVP in SQL Server category. In his free time he is devoted to security issues, lecturing and writing articles and last but not least, is very active on the discussion forums. For this activity he received twice awarded Microsoft Community Contributor in 2012. * After completing this course, students will be able to:
Provision a Database Server
Upgrade SQL Server
Configure SQL Server
Manage Databases and Files (shared)
Main instructor
Marek Chmel Microsoft MVP Marek works as SQL Server Technical Specialist and is part of an international team for managing several thousand of database servers. As a consultant and trainer he has great experience not only in SQL Server, but also with other products of Microsoft such as SharePoint Server, Exchange and Lync Server and Business Intelligence solutions. Since 2013, he is awarded the prestigious Microsoft MVP in SQL Server category. In his free time he is devoted to security issues, lecturing and writing articles and last but not least, is very active on the discussion forums. For this activity he received twice awarded Microsoft Community Contributor in 2012. Outline Module 1: SQL Server 2016 Components Describe the SQL Server platform, SQL Server services, and SQL Server configuration options. Lessons
Introduction to the SQL Server Platform Overview of SQL Server Architecture SQL Server Services and Configuration Options
Lab : SQL Server Versions ( Discussion session) After completing this module, you will be able to:
Describe the SQL Server platform and architecture
Describe the SQL Server services and configuration.
Module 2: Installing SQL Server 2016 This modules describes the process to install SQL Server 2016. Lessons
Considerations for installing SQL Server
TempDB Files
Installing SQL Server 2016
Automating Installation
Lab : Installing SQL Server After completing this module, you will be able to:
Describe the considerations when installing SQL Server 2016
Be able to install SQL Server
Be able to automate the installation
Module 3: Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2016 This module describes how you go about upgrading your current SQL Server installation to SQL Server 2016. Lessons
Upgrade Requirements
Upgrade SQL Server Services
Migrating SQL Server Data and Applications
Lab : Upgrading SQL Server After completing this module, you will be able to:
Describe the requirements for upgrading to SQL Server 2016
Describe how to upgrade SQL Server services
Be able to migrate SQL Server Data and Applications
Module 4: Deploying SQL Server on Microsoft Azure This module describes the options available to run SQL Server on Azure. Lessons
SQL Server Virtual Machines in Azure
Deploying an Azure SQL Database
Migrating an On-Premise Database to an Azure SQL Database
Lab : Migrating SQL Server with Azure After completing this module, you will be able to:
Describe how SQL Server Virtual Machines work in Azure
Describe how to deploy and Azure SQL database
Describe how to migrat
[Kurz] Cíl školení / poznámka ke kurzu...
Goals After completing this course, students will be able to:
Provision a Database Server
Upgrade SQL Server
Configure SQL Server
Manage Databases and Files (shared)
Main instructor
Marek Chmel Microsoft MVP Marek works as SQL Server Technical Specialist and is part of an international team for managing several thousand of database servers. As a consultant and trainer he has great experience not only in SQL Server, but also with other products of Microsoft such as SharePoint Server, Exchange and Lync Server and Business Intelligence solutions. Since 2013, he is awarded the prestigious Microsoft MVP in SQL Server category. In his free time he is devoted to security issues, lecturing and writing articles and last but not least, is very active on the discussion forums. For this activity he received twice awarded Microsoft Community Contributor in 2012.
[Školení] Další popis kurzu (úroveň, minimální znalosti, informace o cenách kurzu) ...
Prerequisites This course requires that you meet the following prerequisites:
Basic knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system and its core functionality.
Working knowledge of Transact-SQL.
Working knowledge of relational databases.
Some experience with database design
These prerequisites can be achieved by attending course 20761A – Querying Data with Transact-SQL.
[dotaz na školení/kurz] Formulář pro komentáře, dotazy a odpovědi
DataScript je autorizovaným poskytovatelem IT kurzů a certifikací. V našich školících prostorách poskytujeme řadu vysoce odborných a respektovaných IT kurzů, specializovaných technologických školení i certifikací IT specialistů, systémových administrátorů a techniků. V nabídce naší činnosti nechybí ani speciální tréninky určené ke zvýšení profesionálních dovedností a schopností odborných pracovníků. DataScript klade důraz nejen na dokonalou teoretickou přípravu a odborné znalosti, ale rovněž na jejich praktické využití a řešení konkrétních situací. DataScript je součástí koncernu Servodata. Společnost Servodata je významným Value Added Distributorem komponent a infrastruktury podnikových ICT řešení. Dlouhodobě se specializuje na distribuci ...
Platební podmínky pro účast na kurzu
Objednavateli bude zaslána závazná přihláška k podpisu. Poté bude účastník na školení registrován. Objednavatel uhradí částku kurzovného za výše uvedeného posluchače na základě faktury vystavené poskytovatelem.
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Kurz-školení Oracle Database 19c: Novinky pro administrátory představuje administrátorům databázového systému novinky verze Oracle 19c na úrovni bezpečnosti, obnovování, výkonnosti, monitorování
Jiný kurz v jiné ceně : Introduction to Azure SQL Database * Školení základních znalostí o funkcionálnosti a možnostech Azure SQL Database, cloudovém řešení pro správu relačních databází. Seznámení s cloudovou službou Azure SQL Managed Instance a jejími specifiky.
Rekvalifikační vzdělávací kurzy + Finanční, právní, daňové, mzdové a účetní kurzy a semináře + Management, marketing, prodej a ostatní manažerské kurzy a školení
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Objednavateli bude zaslána závazná přihláška k podpisu. Poté bude účastník na školení registrován. Objednavatel uhradí částku kurzovného za výše uvedeného posluchače na základě faktury vystavené poskytovatelem.