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Počet nalezených kurzů : 329 PRINCE2 Practitioner s certifikacíBy the end of this course you’ll be able to: Understand the PRINCE2 process model and apply the PRINCE2 processes to business scenarios Design a robust and appropriate project organisation Apply appropriate controls at different levels and at different points in the life cycle of a project Understand and apply the PRINCE2 management process with a Project Board Manage risk, quality control and change control in a PRINCE2 project Take the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination paper. ...
EX200 - Zkouška Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)Study points for the exam RHCSA exam candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Use grep and regular expressions to analyze text Access remote systems using ssh Log in and switch users in multiuser targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Note: Red Hat may use applications during the exam that are not included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux for the purpose of evaluating candidate s abilities to meet thi * Experienced Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills Students who have attended Red Hat System Administration I and II and are on the path to ea> RHCSA certification Experienced Linux system administrators who require a certification either by their organization or based on a mandate (DOD 8570 directive) IT professionals who are on the path to ea> RHCE certification An RHCE who is noncurrent or who is about to become noncurrent and wants to recertify as an RHCE Study points for the exam RHCSA exam candidates should be able to accomplish the tasks below without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. Understand and use essential tools Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.) Use grep and regular expressions to analyze text Access remote systems using ssh Log in and switch users in multiuser targets Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2 Create and edit text files Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories Create hard and soft links List, set, and change standard ugo wx permissions Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in - usr - share - doc Note: Red Hat may use applications during the exam that are not included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux for the purpose of evaluating candidate s abilities to meet this objective. Operate running systems Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally Boot systems into different targets manually Interrupt the boot process in order to gain access to a system Identify CPU - memory intensive processes, adjust process priority with renice, and kill processes Locate and interpret system log files and journals Access a virtual machine s console Start and stop virtual machines Start, stop, and check the status of network services Securely transfer files between systems Configure local storage List, create, delete partitions on MBR and GPT disks Create and remove physical volumes, assign physical volumes to volume groups, and create and delete logical volumes Configure systems to mount file systems at boot by Universally Unique ID (UUID) or label Add new partitions and logical volumes, and swap to a system non-destructively Create and configure file systems Create, mount, unmount, and use vfat, ext4, and xfs file systems Mount and unmount CIFS and NFS network file systems Extend existing logical volumes Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration Create and manage Access Control Lists (ACLs) Diagnose and correct file permission problems Deploy, configure, and maintain systems Configure networking and hostname resolutio ...
EX318 - Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RHCVA) ExamStudy points for the exam Although the objective of this exam is to test the ability to use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to implement Linux virtual systems, it is not a test of system administration skills. Red Hat does recommend prior Linux systems administration experience. You should be able to perform the following tasks: Install Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager and any dependencies Use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to: Create datacenters and clusters Manage hypervisor hosts Configure storage Create Red Hat Enterprise Linux Develop pools and templates Set up Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager users Install and configure a Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor to support guests and attach to a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Import installation media for creating new virtual machines Perform management tasks, such as collecting logs, creating bookmar * System administrators using or planning to use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization RHCEs interested in pursuing Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) Study points for the exam Although the objective of this exam is to test the ability to use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to implement Linux virtual systems, it is not a test of system administration skills. Red Hat does recommend prior Linux systems administration experience. You should be able to perform the following tasks: Install Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager and any dependencies Use Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to: Create datacenters and clusters Manage hypervisor hosts Configure storage Create Red Hat Enterprise Linux Develop pools and templates Set up Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager users Install and configure a Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor to support guests and attach to a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Import installation media for creating new virtual machines Perform management tasks, such as collecting logs, creating bookmarks for specific events, and more As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must be persistent across reboots. Scores and reporting Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days. Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Prerequisites Experience using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Experience using and installing software on Windows Experience using VNC to view remote desktops Read the RHCVA exam objectives for more information on skills requirements. Recommended course RH318 - Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization ...
SymantecIT konference Kurzy a certifikace Symantec Endpoint Protection and Encryption Endpoint Protection and Encryption Název Počet dní Cena (bez DPH) Termín Místo Jazyk Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.x: Configure and Protect Počet dní 3 Cena (bez DPH) 1.320 EUR Termín 28. 3. 2022 20. 6. 2022 Místo virtual virt ...
Kurz krupiérůkurz krupiérů krupiérský kurz škola krupiérů práce v casinu krupiér práce v Anglii práce v kasinu práce na lodích Gaudium Casino Training School zaškolení pro práci krupiéra kurz krupiérů rekvalifikace uplatnění kasina ruleta black jac poker texas hold´em poker karetní hry práce v zahraničí zajímavá práce v zahraničí práci nabízí kasina po celém světě práce v evropské unii hledáte práci nemate uplatnění krupiér atraktivní zaměstnání okamžité uplatnění mezinárodní certifikát uznávaný v zahranič ...
1. ŘEČNICKÁ ŠKOLAZáleží vám na kvalitě vašeho mluveného projevu a prezentace? Chcete zaujmout a přesvědčit svým projevem? Chcete působit na úrovni - profesionálně, srozumitelně a kultivovaně při svém vystoupení? ANO? Pak tedy vám je určen více modulový projekt 1. Řečnická škola. Najděte svůj jedinečný styl, trumfněte svou konkurenci a komunikujte na úrovni. Vyšperkujte svou výslovnost, buďte sebevědomí a přesvědčivě prezentujte a pohotově argumentujte. P r ezentace, storytelling, impro ...
1. ŘEČNICKÁ ŠKOLAZáleží vám na kvalitě vašeho mluveného projevu a prezentace? Chcete zaujmout a přesvědčit svým projevem? Chcete působit na úrovni - profesionálně, srozumitelně a kultivovaně při svém vystoupení? ANO? Pak tedy vám je určen více modulový projekt 1. Řečnická škola. Najděte svůj jedinečný styl, trumfněte svou konkurenci a komunikujte na úrovni. Vyšperkujte svou výslovnost, buďte sebevědomí a přesvědčivě prezentujte a pohotově argumentujte. P r ezentace, storytelling, impro ...
Mng dovednosti 1interaktivní přístup, praktické situace Úroveň : bez omezení * Moderní trendy řízení, Efektivní motivace ...
Mng dovednosti 2interaktivní přístup, praktické situace Úroveň : bez omezení * Vedení porad, výkonová týmová kooperace ...
Mng dovednosti 3interaktivní přístup, praktické situace Úroveň : bez omezení * Situační styly řízení, Efektivní delegování pracovních úkolů ...
Počet nalezených kurzů : 329
Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 329
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